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  1. 10月,Bruce Springsteen的照片同时在《时代》和《新闻周刊》两家杂志上刊出,名气大振。就在这一年,为扩大影响,Bruce Springsteen和他的乐队不失时机地在美国的各地不断地举行巡回演出。 1978年《城镇边缘的黑暗》进入排行榜的第5位。获金唱片奖和白金唱片奖。

  2. Pour le 30ème anniversaire de la fondation caritative Rainforest Fund, Bruce Springsteen participera à un concert de charité organisé le 09 décembre prochain, à New York, à l'initiative de Sting et de sa femme, Trudie Styler. Également à l'affiche de cette soirée, baptisée We'll Be Together, James Taylor, John Mellencamp, Bob Geldof, Shaggy, Ricky Martin, H.E.R., MJ Rodriguez et ...

  3. 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen,1949年9月23日-),昵称 "The Boss",美国摇滚歌手、歌曲创作者与吉他手。代表作有《幸运之镇》、 《人类的接触》 、《内布拉斯加》。 2016年11月22日,被美国总统奥巴马在白宫授予Medal of Freedom奖章。

  4. Baby we were born to run. Wendy let me in, I wanna be your friend. I want to guard your dreams and visions. Just wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims. And strap your hands across my engines. Together we could break this trap. We'll run 'till we drop, baby we'll never go back. Will you walk with me out on the wire.

  5. -Tom Waits- I got no time for the corner boys Down in the street making all that noise Or the girls out on the avenue* 'Cause tonight I wanna be with you Tonight I'm gonna take that ride Across the river to the Jersey side Take my baby to the carnival And I'll take her on all the rides 'Caus...

  6. You end up like a dog that's been beat too much. Till you spend half your life just covering up. Born in The U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Got in a little hometown jam. So they put a rifle in my hands. Sent me off to a foreign land.

  7. (1) Le terme badlands (mauvaises terres) désigne des terres dénudées et érodées par le ruissellement de l'eau, marquées par un réseau de ravins, et impropres à l'agricultu

  8. I hold you in my arms as the band plays What are those words whispered, baby, just as you turn away I saw you last night out on the edge of town I wanna read your mind to know just what I've got in this new thing I've found So tell me what I see when I look in your eyes Is that you, baby, or jus...

  9. At night I go to bed but I just can't sleep I got something runnin' around my head that just won't keep In the silence I hear my heart beatin', time slippin' away I got a time bomb tickin' deep inside of me, girl all I want to say I keep searchin' for you darlin', searchin'...

  10. "L'histoire d' Outlaw Pete provient de nombreuses sources. Les personnages sauvages, pittoresques de mon second album, The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle, tous les westerns (spaghetti ou autres) que j'ai vu depuis ma jeunesse, et probablement jusqu'à l'histoire de Brave Cowboy Bill que ma mère me récitait de mémoire pour m'endormir lorsque j'étais enfant.

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