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  1. Jan 25, 2019 · In Unity 3D, press Edit > Preferences > External Tools and fill in the JDK path (Mine was "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221"). Also, in the same pop-up, edit SDK Path. (Get it from Android Studio > SDK Manager > Android SDK > Android SDK Location .) If needed, restart your computer for changes to take effect.

  2. Jun 12, 2015 · Open your pom.xml in IDEA or Eclipse. Ctrl + Click on the <parent> tag to open pom of parent, and need to click twice recursively to finally get to the pom file with artifactId as spring-boot-dependencies. Once you have opened that pom, search for your dependency, e.g servlet-api, and you can see the default version.

  3. Support for Java 11 is coming with GlassFish 6, expected to be released in June 2020.But this is a release to support JakartaEE only, as it's clearly stated at the previous link to the official Eclipse GlassFish website.

  4. Feb 2, 2016 · From the Javadoc source: JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline. (Full Version String) 7 1.7.0_45. 6 1.6.0_65. 5.0 1.5.0_55. So as you have already found b means the "build" and 1.7.0_45 is the JRE Security baseline which represents JRE Family Version 7. And b18 is the Build 18.

  5. For some context, we are using TomEE as an application server. The 1.7.0 is just released with support for java8. However in case we must upgrade to hibernate 4.3.x, I'm a bit afraid that we can't use Hibernate 4.3.x together with TomEE as I've seen this: "However, Hibernate 4.3+ (JPA 2.1) is not supported by TomEE, because it's Java EE 7.".

  6. 2. System.out.println(" answer is " + (5.0==5L)); This returns true ! It should return a false value because two different types are being compared. Even though the double is compared to a long value! java. equality.

  7. For example, because Oracle's Java 8 releases before 8u261 were shipped with JSSE implementations that support TLS up to version 1.2 only, you need a customized JSSE implementation to use TLSv1.3 on those Java 8 platforms.

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