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  2. A folk instrument is a traditional musical instrument that has remained largely restricted to traditional folk music, and is not usually used in the classical music or other elite and formal musical genres of the culture concerned, though related intruments may be.

  3. What instruments are used in folk music? There are lots of different instruments used in folk music depending on which country the music is from and when it was created. Sometimes the instruments...

    • Accordion. The accordion might be most associated with polka music, but it's a versatile instrument. You'll find accordions used in all kinds of music, including vaudevillian style old-timey folk music, klezmer, and Cajun music.
    • Banjo. What we call a banjo probably evolved from an instrument brought to America by African slaves. They were called banzas, banjars, or banias. Because the slaves weren't permitted to play drums, they started making banzas.
    • Dobro. A dobro is an acoustic guitar with a metal resonator built into its body. This resonator serves as an amplifier, and you might hear it referred to as a resonator guitar.
    • Fiddle. The fiddle is a mainstay in all styles of traditional and rural music, from classic country to bluegrass, folk, and roots rock. Though it's technically the same instrument as a classical violin, the technique used to play it turns a "violin" into a "fiddle."
    • Overview
    • Singing styles
    • The forms of tunes
    • Rhythms and scales
    • Polyphony and accompaniment
    • Instruments

    Although each culture has its distinct style, folk music across Europe has important common features. Vocal and instrumental performance qualities differ considerably from those of Western art music. The sometimes strange, harsh, and tense voice and the elaborate ornamentation in folk song is no more or less natural—or intentional—than the vocal style of formally trained singers. The manner of singing and the tone colour of instrumental music vary by ethnicity and class.

    In his studies of east European folk music, the Hungarian composer and ethnomusicologist Béla Bartók identified two primary singing styles in European folk music, which he named parlando-rubato and tempo giusto. Parlando-rubato, stressing the words, departs frequently from strict metric and rhythmic patterns and is often highly ornamented, while tempo giusto follows metric patterns and maintains an even tempo. Both singing styles can be heard in many parts of Europe and in European-derived folk music. Using different criteria, the American folk music scholar Alan Lomax identified three main singing styles, which he called Eurasian, old European, and modern European. The Eurasian style, which is found mainly in southern Europe and parts of Britain and Ireland, as well as in the Middle East and South Asia, is tense, ornamented, and essentially associated with solo singing. The old European style, characteristic of central, eastern, and parts of northern Europe, is more relaxed; the sound is produced with full voice. The style is often associated with group singing in which the voices blend well. The modern European style, which is mainly of urban and western European provenance, is in effect something of a compromise between the other two.

    Although each culture has its distinct style, folk music across Europe has important common features. Vocal and instrumental performance qualities differ considerably from those of Western art music. The sometimes strange, harsh, and tense voice and the elaborate ornamentation in folk song is no more or less natural—or intentional—than the vocal style of formally trained singers. The manner of singing and the tone colour of instrumental music vary by ethnicity and class.

    In his studies of east European folk music, the Hungarian composer and ethnomusicologist Béla Bartók identified two primary singing styles in European folk music, which he named parlando-rubato and tempo giusto. Parlando-rubato, stressing the words, departs frequently from strict metric and rhythmic patterns and is often highly ornamented, while tempo giusto follows metric patterns and maintains an even tempo. Both singing styles can be heard in many parts of Europe and in European-derived folk music. Using different criteria, the American folk music scholar Alan Lomax identified three main singing styles, which he called Eurasian, old European, and modern European. The Eurasian style, which is found mainly in southern Europe and parts of Britain and Ireland, as well as in the Middle East and South Asia, is tense, ornamented, and essentially associated with solo singing. The old European style, characteristic of central, eastern, and parts of northern Europe, is more relaxed; the sound is produced with full voice. The style is often associated with group singing in which the voices blend well. The modern European style, which is mainly of urban and western European provenance, is in effect something of a compromise between the other two.

    The typical folk song is strophic: the tune is repeated several times with successive stanzas of a poem. Tunes may have from two to eight lines, but most often there are four. The musical interrelationship among the lines is described as the form. Although many form types are used universally, each culture favours certain ones. For example, in English folk music, four lines with different content are common (ABCD), but forms whose endings revert to materials presented at the beginning are also found (e.g., ABBA, AABA, ABCA, ABAB). Similar forms are found in eastern Europe, where the use of a melodic line at successively higher or lower levels is also important (indicated here by a superscript number indicating interval of transposition upward and a subscript number indicating interval of transposition downward). Thus, in Hungarian folk music, the form AA5A5A or AAA4A4 is common. In Czech folk music, AA5BA and AA3A2A are common forms.

    Departures from these norms are most common in eastern Europe. For example, some Romanian Christmas carols illustrate a three-line form, ABA, in which the lines have, successively, 9, 11, and 9 beats, and a song with five lines that are all variations of the first line, AA′A″AA″.

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    Among the exceptions to the strophic form are children’s songs and ditties as well as some epic narratives. Children’s game songs, lullabies, counting-out rhymes, and nursery rhymes use limited scales and rhythms and small melodic range, and they may consist of only one musical line repeated many times. Their simplicity and their similarity throughout the world suggest that they may constitute an archaic layer in the history of music.

    Epic folk singing, once widespread throughout Europe and in western and southern Asia, had three main European traditions that persisted in the 20th century: Russian, Finnish, and Balkan. The Russian and Ukrainian epic traditions include ornamented singing, often improvised, in which refrains were sometimes sung polyphonically by the audience. The Finnish Kalevala stimulated 19th-century interest in epic poetry and was influential in works such as Henry Longfellow’s The Song of Hiawatha. South Slavic epics from the Balkans, accompanied on the one-string fiddle gusla (or gusle), are organized in 10-syllable lines with music that may be endlessly repetitive, or significantly varied and full of contrasts, depending in part on the narrative content of the moment. These epics, based on historical events such as the Battle of Kosovo (1389) between Muslim and Christian forces and often narrated from the Muslim perspective, are improvised in their details and their music; they are typically sung by professionals in coffeehouses.

    In the older traditions of folk music, rhythm and metre largely depend on the metre of the poetry. Thus, in western Europe, where poetry is organized in metric feet, there is a tendency toward even isometric structure based on one type of metre—typically, 4/4, 3/4, or 6/8, although 5/4 also appears. In eastern Europe, generally, the number of syllables per line is the main organizing factor, regardless of the number of stressed syllables. Accordingly, the number of notes but not the number of measures is important, and repeated but complex metric units (e.g., 7/8, 11/8, 13/8) are present, particularly in Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Romanian songs.

    Rhythmic structure is closely related to singing style. Singers in the older, ornamented styles frequently depart from rigid metric presentation for melismata (i.e., a single syllable sung to a series of notes) and other expressive effects. Generally speaking, instrumental music is more rigorously metric than is vocal music. Nonmetric material, some of it consisting of long, melismatic passages, is also found in vocal and instrumental music in the parts of Europe influenced by Middle Eastern music, such as the Balkan and Iberian peninsulas.

    In its 21st-century urban and institutional manifestation, folk music is normally performed by singers accompanied by stringed instruments, by instrumental ensembles, or by choruses. By contrast, in its traditional rural venues, most folk music is monophonic (that is, having only one melodic line). Yet polyphonic folk music, with several simultaneous melodic lines, is part of the old traditions in some parts of the world.

    Polyphonic vocal folk music is more common in eastern and southern Europe than in western Europe. Styles vary; the simplest include two-voiced structures that use drones (i.e., sustained sonorities) and parallel singing of the same tune at different pitch levels; more-sophisticated styles include choral songs in three or four voices. The round, another polyphonic structure, is found throughout Europe. Many polyphonic singing techniques are used on the Balkan peninsula and in the mountainous parts of Italy. Italian rural polyphony derives from ancient folk practices, medieval church music, and modern urban choral sounds. Heterophony—the simultaneous performance of variations of the same tune by two singers or by a singer and his accompanying instruments—is important in Bulgarian, Serbian, and Croatian song. Parallel singing is the most common type of folk polyphony; parallel thirds—that is, singing the same tune at an interval of a third—are found throughout Europe but are particularly characteristic of Spain, Italy, and the German-speaking and western Slavic countries; parallel seconds, fourths, and fifths are sung in the Slavic countries.

    Instrumental polyphony in folk music, sometimes closely parallel to vocal practices and sometimes totally independent, is geographically more widespread than its vocal counterpart. Bagpipes, for example, which use the drone principle, are ubiquitous in Europe. The Croatian oboelike sopila is played in ensembles that practice complex group improvisation; on the double-recorder dvojnice one player can produce two simultaneous melodies. Although Scandinavian vocal music is largely monophonic, complex styles of instrumental polyphony were developed in the repertoires of instruments such as the Swedish nyckelharpa (a type of keyed fiddle) and the Norwegian Hardanger fiddle (which has four melodic strings and four or more sympathetic strings that are not bowed or plucked).

    Though all cultures have unaccompanied solo singing, the instrumental accompaniment of melody is widespread as well. Styles of accompaniment in western Europe appear to have changed over the last thousand years. At one time, it seems, simple, dronelike accompaniments were performed by stringed instruments such as harps, zithers, and psalteries. By the 19th century, simple harmonic sequences closely related to the practices of 18th-century classical music came to be used, with a variety of largely plucked instruments, such as mandolins, guitars, and banjos. The popular folk music of modern cities embodies still more-complex harmonic idioms, but the enormous role of guitars in popular music seems to have been a contribution of the folk traditions.

    Folk music instruments vary in type, design, and origin. Historically and by origin, they can be divided into roughly four classes.

    The first group, which consists of the simplest instruments, includes those that European folk cultures share with many tribal cultures around the world. Among them are the following: rattles; flutes with and without finger holes; the bull-roarer; leaf, grass, and bone whistles; and long wooden trumpets, such as the Swiss alpenhorn. These instruments tend to be associated with children’s games, signaling practices, and remnants of pre-Christian ritual. They evidently became widely distributed many centuries ago.

    A second group consists of instruments that were taken to Europe or the Americas from non-European cultures and often changed. From western Asian predecessors, the folk oboes of the Balkan countries and possibly bagpipes were derived; from Africa came the banjo and the xylophone; and of Central Asian derivation were folk fiddles such as the southern Slavic one-stringed gusla.

    The third group of instruments may be the product of village culture itself. An example of those made from handy materials is the Dolle, a type of fiddle used in northwestern Germany, made from a wooden shoe. A more sophisticated one may be the bowed lyre, once widespread in northern Europe but later confined (as the kantele) mainly to Finland.

  4. Sep 23, 2024 · In the context of popular music, performances of “folk music” may be distinguished by the use of songs with political agendas and the use of traditional instruments and acoustic guitars.

  5. Jan 2, 2020 · Characteristics of Folk Music. There are underlying characteristics, embedded in folk music from which we can draw a subtle commonality. One of the more obvious features of folk music is the range of instruments used and that they very often define the sound that is typical for that kind of music.

  6. English folk music has produced or contributed to several cultural phenomena, including sea shanties, jigs, hornpipes and the music for Morris dancing.

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