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  1. May 2, 2024 · The most recent of these were Java 21 in September 2023, Java 17 in September 2021, and Java 11 in September 2018. The report from New Relic said that 9% of applications were using Java 17 in production in 2023, but now 35% of applications are using it. “The Java 17 growth rate exploded to a nearly 300% year-over-year increase”, the New ...

  2. Feb 14, 2024 · So, if anyone ever badmouths Java, you have 25 reasons to tell them why they are wrong. 1. THE ECOSYSTEM IS MATURE. Java has been around for more than 25 years. Having been a developer working ...

  3. Apr 6, 2022 · The way Java is getting modernized makes it one of the most popular languages to code in and a continual top choice for creating business applications for enterprises. Forbes Technology Council is ...

    • Features in Java 8
    • Why Does Java 8 Still Dominate?
    • Which Version of Java Is The Best?
    • Why Is Java 8 Still Popular?
    • Why Are Most Companies Stuck on Java 8?
    • What Is Java 8 Lambda?
    • Reasons to Move on from Java 8?

    The most important features of Java 8 are listed below. 1. Lambda expressions 2. Method references 3. Stream API 4. Collectors class 5. ForEach() method 6. IO Enhancements 7. Default methods 8. Functional interfaces 9. Parallel array sorting 10. Static methods in the interface 11. Optional class 12. Nashorn JavaScript Engine 13. Parallel Array Sort...

    Long-Term Support versions of Java are Java 8 and Java 11 (LTS). None of the other versions has that feature. If a version lacks LTS, it will influence whether or not it is used in a production set...
    Oracle significantly altered the way Java is licensed in 2018, which is one of the reasons why many people have yet to upgrade to Java 11 LTS. Oracle has divided the community in an attempt to comm...
    The adoption of newer versions will be slow until Oracle no longer supports Java 8.

    According to many sources, in 2019, Java SE 8 is still the chosen production standard. Even though both 9 and 10 have been launched, neither will have LTS. Now a few people are preferring Java 11 as well due to the LTS feature.

    The fact that Java 8 is an LTS (Long-Term Support) version is one of the main reasons for its continued popularity. Regrettably, not all Java versions are LTS versions. Only Java 8 (2014) and Java...
    Oracle announced significant changes to the way Java is licenced back in 2018. If a company uses Java 11+ commercially, they will have to pay for it starting in 2019. This means that upgrading from...
    The OpenJDK is an alternative to Oracle’s official JDK (Java Development Kit). Oracle’s open-source JDK is known as OpenJDK. Some organisations have been hesitant to use the OpenJDK or have been co...
    Before Java 9, commercial organizations frequently preferred stability over change, and the frequency with which Java changed was rather low. Between the release of Java 7 and Java 8, there was a t...

    Any widely-used component of an application with 500,000 lines of code that has been under development for a decade or longer is extremely dangerous to upgrade. It’s unlikely that every line of that codebase has been thoroughly tested as thoroughly as it has been used, so upgrading something as basic as the Java VM is essentially releasing somethin...

    One of the key innovations of Java 8 is Java Lambda, which uses an expression to describe a single method interface. Developers may use Java Lambda expressions to write code in a functional approach. As a result, the developer saves a lot of time and work. Java Lambda eliminates the need for developers to specify a method several times. “They execu...

    Java 8’s free commercial support ceased in January 2019. Support for Java 11 is provided until 2024 via the OpenJDK via Amazon Corretto or AdoptOpenJDK. It should be noted, however, that extended J...
    In Java 9, modules were introduced. They’re useful for encapsulating a body of code and its dependencies. This eliminates the issues caused by a single classpath and library version hell.
    Between Java 8 and Java 11, the Java runtime environment (or JVM) has undergone significant modifications. These adjustments can dramatically enhance an application’s performance (see GraalVM and t...
    Type inference is used by the compiler in several current programming languages, such as Kotlin and Scala, to determine the type of a variable. This decreases the amount of boilerplate code and sim...
  4. Aug 9, 2022 · In just two years Java ranked number three in popularity, outpaced only by C and C++. By 1998, it surpassed C++, and in 2001 it overtook C for the number one spot. Within the span of six years, Java took over the world of software development. And while that position would hold for well over a decade, not all was copacetic in the world of Java.

  5. Sep 21, 2020 · China and South Korea have the highest values at about 51% and 50% respectively. The data was taken from the State of the Developer Ecosystem Survey 2020. Expert analysis. The reasons Java is most likely so popular in the first 6 countries include the free use of Java, governmental support, and open-source.

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  7. Jul 18, 2022 · Open source frameworks and tools. Spring dependency injection. Everything is an object. The JVM. Enterprise creativity. WebAssembly and the future of Java. Among the most fascinating phenomena in ...

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