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  1. Buchen sie online ihre bed and breakfasts in zschopau. – offizielle Seite – Bed and Breakfasts

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  1. › wiki › ZschopauZschopau - Wikipedia

    Zschopau is a town in Saxony, Germany, known for its motorcycle and toy industries. It has a medieval parish church, a castle and a town hall, and was the birthplace of Clara Zetkin.

  2. › wiki › ZschopauZschopau – Wikipedia

    Zschopau ist eine Große Kreisstadt im sächsischen Erzgebirgskreis, die aus einer mittelalterlichen Berg- und Handelsstadt entstand. Sie ist bekannt für ihre Motorradindustrie, ihre Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Burg und die Spinnereien und ihre kulturellen Veranstaltungen.

  3. Eingerahmt von wildromantischen Wäldern, schroffen Felsen und weiten Feldern liegt Zschopau, eine alte Stadt im mittleren Erzgebirge. Schloss Wildeck Nach der umfangreichen Restauration der letzten Jahre erstrahlt das Schloss Wildeck heute wieder im alten Glanz.

  4. Zschopau, an old town in the middle Erzgebirge, is surrounded by wild, romantic forests, rugged cliffs and wide fields. Wildeck Castle After the extensive restoration of recent years, Schloss Wildeck now shines again in the old splendor.

  5. Zschopau is a scenic town in the Zschopau valley with a rich mining history and a motorcycle exhibit. It offers recreational activities, historic sights, festivals and a castle with a viewing tower.

  6. Zschopau is a town in Saxony, Germany, known for its salt history, motorcycle museum and Baroque garden. It also hosts various festivals, such as the Medieval Pagent and the Wine and Old Town Celebration, and offers cycling and hiking trails in the countryside.

  7. Framed by wild and romantic woods, steep rocks ans open fields, the historic town of Zschopau is situated in the middle of the Ore mountains. Its name derives from the river running through the town, as Slavic settlers used to name their settlements after their natural characteristics.