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  1. Dec 3, 2022 · In many ways the Catholic sanctuary was designed to mimic the holy of holies in the Jerusalem temple. It was the place where only the priests were allowed to offer sacrifice to God.

  2. Mar 11, 2023 · On the other side of the veil, in the Holy of Holies, was the Ark of the Covenant, containing the tablets of the Law, Manna, and Aaron’s rod. ( Hebrews 9:4 ) The Ark was topped with a gold cover, called the Mercy Seat or Propitiatory in some translations, and on top of the cover were statues of two cherubim facing each other with their wings outstretched ( Exodus 25 ).

  3. Mar 25, 2023 · The word “sanctuary” is derived from the Latin word “sanctus” which means holy, sacred, or set apart. In essence, the sanctuary is a place that is consecrated and dedicated to the worship of God. The concept of a sanctuary dates back to ancient times, where it was believed that certain locations were imbued with spiritual power and ...

  4. The Holy of Holies, (Kodesh haKedoshim), is the most sanctified place in the Mikdash. It housed the Ark of the Covenant and the Two Tablets of the law. Only the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) was permitted to enter here, and only on Yom Kippur. In the center of the Holy of Holies stood the foundation stone upon which the Ark rested.

  5. The sacred edifice consisted of two chief halls, one called hekal (the house or temple), or Odes (the Holy), and the other Mir (that which_ is the oracle), or godesh haggoddshim (the Holy of Holies). The New Testament speaks of it as oikos , “the house”, uaos Latin cella , “the most holy place of the temple”, and ieron “the whole of the sacred enclosure”.

  6. In the Traditional Mass of the Roman Rite the Catholic priest offers Mass in a sacred place, a sanctuary, set apart from the rest of the church for sacrifice, as was the Holy of Holies in the Jewish Temple, to which the celebrant refers explicitly in the silent prayer Aufer a nobis as he ascends to the altar of sacrifice: "Take away from us our iniquities, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that with ...

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  8. Click to enlarge. Sanctuary, the space in the church for the high altar and the clergy. It is variously designated apsis or concha (from the shell-like, hemispherical dome), and since the Middle Ages especially it has been called “choir”, from the choir of singers who are here stationed. Other names are presbyterium, concessus chori ...

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