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  2. › NCFLWhat is Family Learning?

    Why is family learning important? Family learning has significant impacts for children, adults, and the wider community. It can help families tackle disadvantage and improve their life chances.

  3. › all-articles › what-is-family-learningWhat is family learning? - NCFE

    Family learning plays an important part in helping children to develop essential and life skills and achieve more at school. It’s been proven that families learning together can lead to improvements in children's behaviour, attainment, and wellbeing.

    • How Was The Research Carried out?
    • What Are The Strengths of The Research Methodology?
    • Reflective Questions

    The definition of family learning in Scotland was developed after a series of consultation events throughout Scotland. Those involved in the process worked across sectors and were employed in a variety of positions. After an extensive process it was ratified by the National Family Learning Network of Practitioners in Scotland. Family Learning encou...

    Features of highly-effective practice: 1. creative approaches are used to engage families 2. almost all those engaged in family learning courses are highly-motivated and actively involved in their own learning and development 3. almost all the children and their parents are included, participating, achieving and progressing very well in their learn...

    To what extent are we sure of what meaningful engagement with families looks like?
    What evidence do we have that family learning is improving the life chances of the families involved?
    Are outcomes for children improving as a result of their participation in family learning? How do we know?
    How is family learning improving their capacity to learn?
  4. Family learning encourages family members to learn together as and within a family, with a focus on intergenerational learning. Family learning activities can also be specifically designed to enable parents to learn how to support their children’s learning.

  5. Mar 1, 2023 · Family learning plays an important part in helping children to develop essential and life skills and achieve more at school. It’s been proven that families learning together can lead to improvements in children’s behaviour, attainment, and wellbeing.

  6. Family learning is an important way of engaging parents, children and young people in learning. Family learning facilitates increased parental participation and engagement, improves school attendance, reduces persistent absenteeism and can increase pupils’ attainment.

  7. Taking this approach, family learning is the learning that family members engage in over their lifetimes. The processes involved include social interaction, collaboration and sharing among members.

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