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  1. Matthew 19:1-12. New Life Version. What Jesus Taught about Marriage and Divorce. 19 When Jesus had finished talking, He went from the country of Galilee. He came to the part of the country of Judea which is on the other side of the Jordan River. 2 Many people followed Him and He healed them there. 3 The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus.

    • Marriage Is A Divinely Appointed Union.
    • Marriage Is A Physical Union.
    • Marriage Is A Permanent Union.
    • Marriage Is A Union Between One Man and One Woman.
    • Marriage Makes Possible The Continuation of The Human Race.
    • Conclusion

    God designed marriage, which means He knows best how it should operate. God alone can control its character and laws. No court of law can change that which God has established. Since God designed marriage, it takes three to make a good marriage: God, the husband, and the wife. Steve J. Cole puts it this way: “Marriage is described as a triangle wit...

    Jesus says that when a man gets married, he shall leave his father and mother, be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. And as a result, they are no longer two but one flesh (Matthew 19:5). The term “one flesh” means that just as our bodies are one whole entity which is not divisible, God also intended it to be with marriage. Marr...

    God’s original design for marriage was for one man and one woman to spend one life together; no man should separate them because they were joined together by God (Matthew 19:6). God says nothing about trial marriages or divorce in His original law. Rather, God’s law requires that the husband and wife enter into marriage without reservations. Our Lo...

    Genesis 1:26-27 gives us an account of God’s creation of man. It says that God created man in His image and likeness and He created them male and female. The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7) and made a woman out of one of the man’s ribs (Genesis 2:21-22). God did not create two men, two women, two men and one woman or two...

    God’s mandate to the first married couple was, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28). From the beginning, God commanded that sex be practiced in the commitment of marriage. Outside of marriage, sex becomes a destructive force; but within the loving commitment of marriage, sex can be creative and constructive. What about those couples who do not...

    In closing, let me just say that happy marriages are not accidents. They are the result of love, commitment, sacrifice, mutual understanding and hard work. If a married couple is fulfilling their marriage vows, they will surely enjoy a growing relationship that will satisfy them and keep them true to each other. For those who are seeking a spouse, ...

  2. Jesus’ teachings on marriage offer a rich and comprehensive guide for building a strong, loving, and enduring union. By viewing marriage through the lens of His teachings, you can embrace its sacredness and navigate its complexities with grace and faith. Remember, marriage is a journey of mutual love, respect, and continuous growth.

  3. Dec 7, 2022 · Answer. There is no way to know for certain why Jesus chose a wedding in Cana to perform His first miracle (John 2:1–11). We can hypothesize, however, and we have some Old Testament prophecies to help us piece together some possibilities. It seems that Jesus’ family had close connections to the event in Cana. The fact that Jesus’ mother ...

  4. Aug 18, 2021 · Jesus did not say that marriage was the end goal for all people. Marriage is not for everyone, and not being married doesn't make you any less of a Christian. You can still be holy and growing in faith without a spouse. It is for this reason that marriage does not complete you. You are complete and whole as an individual in Christ.

    • Amber Ginter
  5. Mar 19, 2019 · At least for the first man, and for most of us. 2. Genesis 2:24. A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. After God made the first woman and entrusted this remarkable gift to the man, God instituted what we call marriage. Two persons becoming one new entity.

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  7. Nov 6, 2015 · Jesus on Celibacy. One of the passages just noted, Matthew 19:3-12, also has an important reference to celibacy. In response to Jesus’ claim that divorce is not possible in marriage, except for ...

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