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  1. Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

  2. The Ystoria survives today in thirteen manuscripts, nine of which contain the first edition and four of which contain the second, revised edition. Richard Hakluyt composed the first English translation of the Ystoria Mongalorum in 1598.

  3. Jul 28, 2024 · Giovanni da Pian del Carpini, Franciscan friar who was the first noteworthy European traveler in the Mongol empire. He wrote the earliest important Western work on Central Asia, and his account of Mongol customs and history is probably the best treatment of the subject by any medieval Christian writer.

  4. The description in John of Plano Carpini' s Y storia Mongalorum (YM) of devastation that the Mongols visited upon Kiev as a result of the sack 1240 has entered the scholarly literature with the force of established.

  5. Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

  6. Sep 14, 2024 · Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

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  8. The Ystoria Mongalorum is the report compiled by Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Carpine was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

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