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  2. Jerome records that the Christian School of Alexandria was founded by St. Mark himself and the first manager appointed by Saint Mark was Saint Justus, who later became the sixth bishop of Alexandria. There is another opinion that the school was founded mid-second century, around 190 A.D.

  3. School of Alexandria, the first Christian institution of higher learning, founded in the mid-2nd century ad in Alexandria, Egypt. Under its earliest known leaders (Pantaenus, Clement, and Origen), it became a leading centre of the allegorical method of biblical interpretation, espoused a.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. St. Jerome records that the Christian School of Alexandria was founded by St. Mark himself. He was inspired by the Holy Spirit to establish it to teach Christianity, as this was the only way to give the new religion a solid foundation in the city.

  5. The founder of the mathematical school was the celebrated Euclid; among its scholars were Archimedes; Apollonius of Perga, author of a treatise on Conic Sections; Eratosthenes, to whom we owe the first measurement of the earth; and Hipparchus, the founder of the epicyclical theory of the heavens, afterwards called the Ptolemaic system, from its ...

  6. Origen enlisted the aid of Heraclas, who evidently gave basic instruction in the christian way of life while his master concentrated his attention on the formation of a superior school of sacred science (didascaleion) that is generally designated as the School of Alexandria. gregory thaumaturgus, Origen's student in Caesarea, described the ...

  7. Aug 29, 2015 · A catechetical school of Alexandria had existed at least as early as 180 AD, perhaps from the beginning of the Christian community in that city (St. Jerome believed the school to have been founded...

  8. As Philip Schaff puts it, “Alexandria… was the metropolis of Egypt, the flourishing seat of commerce, of Grecian and Jewish learning, and of the greatest library of the ancient world, and was destined to become one of the great centers of Christianity, the rival of Antioch and Rome.

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