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      • The DfE has made it clear that if a student is not physically present at an educational setting, they should be recorded as absent. This includes students engaging with the curriculum remotely, who must be marked absent using the most appropriate absence code.
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  2. Dec 19, 2014 · Following public consultation and the Parliamentary process, a new school admissions code came into force on 1 September 2021. This school admissions code is for: headteachers and school...

    • Introduction
    • Who This Guidance Is For
    • List of Policies
    • Admission Arrangements
    • Administration and Data
    • Staffing and Human Resources
    • Pupil Wellbeing and Safeguarding
    • Relationships Education
    • Behaviour
    • Facilities

    The following are required to hold each of these policies and other documents, and must meet the requirements that apply to their school or trust: 1. school leaders in all schools 2. governing bodies in local-authority-maintained schools 3. proprietors of academies and independent schools Schools and trusts are not always required to hold a specifi...

    Each section sets out who the guidance applies to. Academies and free schools have greater freedoms than local-authority-maintained schools in relation to school policies and other documents. We have outlined arrangements applying to these schools in legislation or in their funding agreements. This may vary between individual academies and free sch...

    The table below outlines for local-authority-maintained schools and academies: 1. each policy 2. who it applies to 3. the review period 4. approval level

    These apply to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. voluntary-aided schools and foundation schools directly 5. community and voluntary-controlled schools if the local authority formally d...

    Charging and remissions

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools This applies directly to academies and free schools via their funding agreements. The governing body is free to decide how often you review. We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The governing body can delegate approval to a committee of the governing body, an...

    Data protection

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. further education colleges with 16 to 19 provision 7. pupil referral units (PRUs) 8. non-maintained special schools 9. non-maintained nursery schools Under the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018, sc...

    Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges

    This applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies including 16 to 19 academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. pupil referral units (PRUs) 7. non-maintained special schools 8. further education institutions We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually.

    Capability of staff

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. pupil referral units (PRUs) 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. free schools We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The governing body of a local-authority-maintained school or management committee can delegate approval to a committee of the governing body or an individual governor. Academies can set their own terms for appro...

    Early career teachers

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. pupil referral units (PRU) 5. independent schools, not state-funded 6. sixth-form colleges 7. further education institutions We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The governing body must ensure that the school is compliant.

    Staff discipline, conduct and grievance

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. pupil referral units (PRUs) 7. non-maintained special schools For local-authority-maintained schools, the governing body is free to decide how often you review. We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annua...

    Accessibility plan

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. pupil referral units (PRUs) 7. non-maintained special schools Review every 3 years. The governing body is free to delegate approval to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.

    Child protection policy and procedures

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. pupil referral units (PRU) 7. non-maintained special schools 8. non-maintained nursery schools We advise that governing bodies review and update annually as a minimum. The governing body or proprietor should approve. The p...

    Children with health needs who cannot attend school

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. where a child is not on the roll of a school We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The governing body must approve.

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academy schools 3. pupil referral units (PRU) 4. non-maintained special schools The governing body is free to decide how often you review. We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The governing body is also free to delegate approval t...

    Behaviour in schools

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. pupil referral units (PRUs) 5. non-maintained special schools The headteacher is free to decide how often you review. We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The headteacher is free to delegate approval.

    Behaviour principles written statement

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. pupil referral units (PRUs) 3. non-maintained special schools Academies and free schools have greater freedoms than maintained schools. Although this requirement is not mandatory for academies we strongly advise academies to consider following the guidance. The governing body is free to decide how often you review. We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The full governing body...

    School exclusion

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies 3. free schools 4. pupil referral units (PRU) We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually. The governing body can delegate approval to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.

    Health and safety

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools and maintained nursery schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. pupil referral units (PRU) 6. local authorities on behalf of community and voluntary-controlled schools 7. non-maintained nursery schools The governing body, proprietor or local authority is free to decide how often you review. We advise that go...

    First aid in schools

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. pupil referral units (PRUs) 7. non-maintained special schools Schools are not required to have a specific first aid policy, but we provide non-statutory advice you can follow. We advise that governing bodies review this requirement annually.

    Premises management documents

    Applies to: 1. local-authority-maintained schools, including maintained special schools 2. academies 3. free schools, including university technical colleges and studio schools 4. independent schools, not state-funded 5. sixth-form colleges 6. pupil referral units (PRUs) 7. non-maintained special schools There are many aspects of school premises that require safe management and maintenance such as asbestos, fire safety and statutory testing. Those with duties for maintaining school buildings...

  3. Mar 11, 2014 · Statutory guidance sets out what schools and local authorities must do to comply with the law. You should follow the guidance unless you have a very good reason not to.

  4. This Code comes into force on 1 September 2021 and, unless otherwise stated, applies with immediate effect. The Code applies to admissions to all maintained schools in England. It should be...

    • 558KB
    • 52
  5. Schools must enter pupils on the admission register and attendance register from the beginning of the first day on which the school has agreed, or been notified, that the pupil will attend the...

  6. In the table below, you can see what each code means, when it should be used, and whether it contributes to your attendance figures. For more information on absence codes, take a look at the DfE's School attendance guide , pages 9-14.

  7. Sep 6, 2022 · The main school should ensure that: They have a named contact for the parents/pupil. The pupil remains part of their community. They send newsletters home. The pupil has the same opportunities...

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