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      • If you have cancer and are in paid employment, or you care for someone who has cancer, your employer should try to help and support you. Where reasonable, they should make changes to let you do your job during and after your cancer treatment.
  1. People also ask

  2. Managers and employers play an important role in supporting people with cancer and their carers. If a person has or has had cancer, they are protected by law from unfair treatment at work for the rest of their life. Under equality laws, managers and employers should try to support employees.

  3. If you are a carer, flexible working could help make it easier for you to keep working while caring for someone. Carers have a legal right to request flexible working. Right now, this right only applies if you: have worked for your employer for at least 26 continuous weeks before your request.

  4. If you work for an employer and take time off sick because of cancer, you may be able to get sick pay. Speak to your manager or HR department, if you have one, to find out what sick pay they offer and how to claim. Am I entitled to benefits if I have cancer?

  5. Jul 20, 2015 · If you have cancer and are in paid employment, or you care for someone who has cancer, your employer should try to help and support you. Where reasonable, they should make changes to let you do your job during and after your cancer treatment.

    • The Macmillan work and cancer series
    • For people living with cancer:
    • For people caring for someone with cancer:
    • More information:
    • Quotes
    • Getting started
    • 125,000 people
    • Why work is important for someone affected by cancer
    • Check your policies are up to date
    • Provide training for managers
    • Educate employees
    • Raise awareness of cancer
    • 1 Remember that communication is important
    • 2 Be sensitive to your employee’s needs
    • 3 Respect your employee’s right to privacy
    • 4 Be prepared to make adjustments
    • 5 Check guidelines and policies
    • 7 Respect carers’ rights at work
    • 8 Discuss a return-to-work plan
    • How cancer may affect someone at work
    • Treatment and side effects
    • Surgery
    • Radiotherapy
    • Side effects
    • Chemotherapy
    • Side effects
    • Hormonal therapies
    • Side effects
    • Targeted therapies
    • Side effects
    • Coping with fatigue
    • Emotional effects of cancer
    • If your employee becomes upset
    • Getting started
    • Keep the conversation going
    • How to tell colleagues
    • Keep in touch
    • Check how your employee wants to communicate
    • Keep to arrangements
    • If your employee does not want contact with work
    • Sick leave
    • Fit note
    • Examples of reasonable adjustments
    • Occupational health advice
    • How they can help
    • When you might need workplace occupational health advice
    • Phased return to work
    • Making the handover of work easier
    • Alternative employment
    • Financial support from Macmillan
    • Our financial support tools
    • Which areas of employment are covered by this legislation?
    • Reasonable adjustments
    • Direct disability discrimination
    • Discrimination arising from disability
    • Indirect disability discrimination
    • Harassment
    • Victimisation
    • Direct disability discrimination
    • Harassment
    • Victimisation
    • Jane
    • Macmillan at Work
    • Buddying guidelines
    • Cancer policy template
    • Carers’ policy template
    • e-Learning module
    • About our information
    • Online information
    • Other formats
    • Other ways we can help you
    • Talk to us
    • Call us on 0808 808 00 00
    • Talk to others
    • Support groups
    • Online Community
    • The Macmillan healthcare team
    • Help with money worries
    • Financial guidance
    • Help accessing benefits
    • Macmillan Grants
    • Call us on 0808 808 00 00
    • Help with work and cancer
    • Macmillan Organiser
    • Other useful organisations
    • Access to Work (NI)
    • www.businessdisability
    • Citizens Advice
    • www.equalityadvisory
    • Email
    • www.workingwithcancer.
    • Your notes and questions
    • Disclaimer
    • Thanks
    • Can you do something to help?
    • Share your cancer experience
    • Campaign for change
    • Help someone in your community
    • Raise money
    • Please fill in your personal details

    Macmillan produces a range of information about work and cancer.

    Work and cancer Questions to ask about work and cancer

    Working while caring for someone with cancer Questions for carers to ask about work and cancer

    • Your rights at work when you are affected by cancer

    In this booklet, we have included quotes from people affected by cancer in the workplace. Some are from our Online Community ( The others are from people who have chosen to share their story with us. This includes Judy, who is on the cover of this booklet. To share your experience, visit

    How cancer affects people Talking about cancer Supporting your employee at work Helping your employee back to work Bereavement Financial support for your employee Legal rights Further information and support Getting started

    of working age are diagnosed with cancer in the UK each year.

    Work is important for many people living with cancer, and for carers. This may be because of the following reasons: A job can help keep or bring back a sense of normality, routine and stability. It can provide an income and social contact. For people living with cancer, staying in work, or going back to work after cancer, can help with recovery and...

    If you have policies for sickness, long-term conditions or health and wellbeing, you may want to check they are up to date. You may also want to introduce a cancer-specific policy. Or your organisation may have general policies that can be applied to people with cancer and their carers. It is important to make sure these policies are easy to unders...

    You may want to think about using some of the information in this booklet when training managers. This could be helpful for managing people with other long-term conditions, as well as cancer. Macmillan offers training for managers through our Macmillan at Work programme. Visit for more information. We also provide online lea...

    We produce Your work and cancer toolkit to help employers support people affected by cancer. It is designed to be shared with employees at your organisation who are affected by cancer. It can also be used by other employees to learn more about cancer. If you do not already have the toolkit, you can order one by signing up at

    Whether you have an employee with cancer or not, you may want to raise awareness of cancer in your organisation. You could highlight the support you can offer if an employee is affected by cancer in the future. This could mean encouraging staff to take part in fundraising. Or you could put up a poster promoting cancer awareness months.

    Listen to your employee and try to understand their situation. It is fine to ask questions when they are sharing information with you. It is important to keep in contact with them if they are on sick leave. Agree together how and when you will keep in contact and put this in writing. Remember to review these plans regularly as their situation and h...

    The physical, emotional and practical effects of cancer, and cancer treatment, are different for each person. What is best for one employee may not be right for another. Make time to understand your employee’s individual needs.

    Your employee may not want other people in the organisation to know that they have cancer or are caring for someone with cancer. If they do want their colleagues to know, ask them how and when they would like people to be told.

    Cancer is legally defined as a disability. Under equality laws, you may need to make changes to the workplace or the employee’s job that allow them to stay in work, or come back to work. These changes are called reasonable adjustments. If you have a HR manager or occupational health service, they can give you advice.

    Check whether your organisation has any guidelines and policies to support your employee and help you manage the situation. These may include guidance about sickness absence, long-term conditions, time off work and occupational health. We have templates you can use to create guidelines. Visit macmillan. to find out more.

    If an employee is caring for a person who has cancer, they may need your support. Carers have certain rights at work, including taking unpaid time off to care for the person they look after in an emergency. Flexible working could make it easier for carers to keep working. Any employee has the right to request flexible working. Find out more at macm...

    If your employee is off work, agree a plan with them for keeping in contact. When they are ready, talk with them about a return-to-work plan. This discussion can help you find out what support they might need at work before, during and after treatment. Their return-to-work plan might involve a phased return where they increase their hours slowly ov...

    The effect of cancer and its treatment on a person and their work can be different for everyone. For example, it can depend on: the type of cancer the stage of the cancer (its size and whether it has spread) any symptoms the cancer might be causing the type of treatment and its side effects how the person copes when faced with a difficult situation...

    Knowing more about cancer treatments can help you understand how it may affect your employee’s work life. Cancer can be unpredictable. Someone with cancer may need to have treatment for a long time, and lots of hospital appointments. This may mean they need time off work at short notice. They may have a combination of treatments. Many people have s...

    Some people do not need to stay in hospital overnight after an operation. This is called day surgery. Others might need to stay in hospital for a while. How long they are in hospital for depends on the type of operation they have. It also depends on their own recovery. This will affect the amount of time off work your employee will need to recover.

    Radiotherapy uses high-energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells. Treatment usually happens between Monday and Friday. A course of treatment may take a few weeks. Each treatment only takes a few minutes. But going to and from the hospital and waiting in hospital for treatment to start can take up most of the day. Some people feel able to work during ra...

    Radiotherapy can make you very tired. This can continue for weeks or months after treatment finishes. Other side effects depend on the part of your body that is being treated. Side effects usually last for a few weeks after treatment and then start to improve.

    Chemotherapy uses anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells. Most people have chemotherapy as an outpatient in hospital, but it can take most of the day. Some people may need to stay in hospital overnight, or for a few days. The drugs may be given as an injection into a vein (intravenously), or as tablets. People usually have a break of...

    These can include: risk of infection (because of the effects on blood cells) risk of bleeding (because of the effects on blood cells) fatigue (tiredness) hair loss feeling sick diarrhoea. If your employee feels they are well enough to work, there are things they may need to do to reduce their risk of infection. This could include working from home....

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  6. check your employer’s policies if your company has them. talk to a human resources (HR) manager if your company has one. contact your trade union if you are a member. visit or read our booklet Work and cancer. to find information on your rights and how to talk to your employer.

  7. Mar 20, 2018 · If the employer knows - or could reasonably be expected to know - that an employee has cancer, the employer is required to make reasonable adjustments to the workplace or to working practices to make it easier for the employee with cancer to work.

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