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What services does Ara offer?
Who is Ara & how does it work?
How can Ara help you?
What benefits does ARA provide?
Who is Ara recovery for all?
Does Ara offer health insurance?
At Ara, we offer a range of services designed to support you in overcoming challenges and achieving a healthier, more balanced life. Our dedicated team is here to provide the assistance you need every step of the way.
Helping you find the support you need. At Ara, we offer a range of services to support individuals dealing with gambling harms, housing and homelessness, and drug and alcohol treatment. Our dedicated team is here to help you improve your wellbeing and quality of life.
At Ara, we offer comprehensive counselling and therapy services tailored to address gambling addiction and its effects. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their struggles and regain control of their lives. One-on-One talking therapies.
Ara offers free, confidential support, for those experiencing gambling harm and their affected others. Ara has an extensive and expanding service including practical advice and support, self-exclusion support, relapse prevention groups and free counselling.
Ara offers free, confidential support, for those experiencing gambling harm and their affected others. Ara has an extensive and expanding service including practical advice and support, self-exclusion support, relapse prevention groups and free counselling.
Ara offer a Young People’s programme for 11-19 year olds across the whole of Wales and South-West England. Culturally informed therapeutic services, including South Asian communities. Treatment length varies from person to person.
Ara is a major provider of supported housing services in Bristol as a partner in the Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service (ROADS), and has an extensive and expanding service providing counselling and support for problem gamblers.