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- According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Pomona’s per capita income in 2016 was $17,936, well below state ($33,389) and national ($31,128) averages. 21.5% of Pomona’s population lives below the poverty level, and 22% of the City’s children live in poverty.
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Is Pomona Hope a city center/western U of Health Sciences neighborhood?
Census data for Pomona, CA (pop. 146,015), including age, race, sex, income, poverty, marital status, education and more.
- Our City
- Our Neighborhood
- Total Population 2021: 148,338
The largest city in eastern Los Angeles County, Pomona is home to a diverse population that struggles with poverty. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Pomona’s per capita income in 2016 was $17,936, well below state ($33,389) and national ($31,128) averages. 21.5% of Pomona’s population lives below the poverty level, and 22% of the City’s childre... characterizes the surrounding neighborhood of Pomona Hope as the City Center/Western U of Health Sciences neighborhood. Within our neighborhood, 88.3% of the real estate is occupied by renters. This is nearly the highest rate of renter occupancy of any neighborhood in America. Additionally, our neighborhood has a higher rate o...
Economic Stress
1. City of Pomona Unemployment Rate (2020): 59.5% 2. Per capita income (2020): $22,040 3. Residents in poverty (2020): 17.3% 4. Residents with no health insurance coverage under 65 years (2020): 13.2%
Educational Hurdles
1. Residents age 25+ with less than high school education (2020): 28.6% 2. Residents who speak a language other than English at home (2020): 65%
Apr 1, 2020 · QuickFacts data are derived from: Population Estimates, American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, State and County Housing Unit Estimates, County Business Patterns, Nonemployer Statistics, Economic Census, Survey of ...
- 6,494.5
- 149,058
- 6,600.5
- 151,713
12.0% of Pomona, CA residents had an income below the poverty level in 2022, which was about the same as the poverty level of 12.2% across the entire state of California. 9.6% of high school graduates and 13.0% of non high school graduates live in poverty.
The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Pomona, CA is Hispanic, followed by Other and White. The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who classifies as impoverished.
Pomona Residents. Diversity. A minus. Based on ethnic and economic diversity. Population. 149,831. Unemployment Rate. 4.1% Poverty Rate. 14.7% Non-Citizens. 17.2% Poll. What one word or phrase best describes the people who live in your area? Based on 49 responses. Average. 35% Normal everyday people who work and live life. 27% Poor. 18% More.
JUNE 2018. CITY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH PROFILES. POMONA. DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE. erse region of over 10 million residents. The county includes some of the richest and poorest cities and communities in the na. ion, in some cases situated side by side. The striking differences seen across the county in wealth, opportunity, and environments are.