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  1. Welcome. Our school has a clear ethos that Everyone Matters, Everyone Helps and Everyone Succeeds. The way for us to all achieve our vision is by staff, students and parents working together so we can ensure that every child who comes here can have the best education possible.

    • Staff

      School Improvement and Progress. Mr Joe Kenyon (j.kenyon...

    • Home

      As Principal of Rainford High and CEO of the Everyone...

    • About

      Rainford High School opened in 1940 to serve Rainford and...

    • Curriculum

      Because Everyone Matters at Rainford High, we are determined...

    • Outcome
    • What is it like to attend this school?
    • What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
    • Safeguarding
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    • Information about this inspection

    Rainford High Technology College continues to be a good school.

    Leaders and staff at Rainford High Technology College have high expectations for all pupils regardless of their background. Pupils, and students in the sixth form, hear, see and feel the school’s values of ‘everyone matters, everyone helps and everyone succeeds’ in their daily lives. Boys and girls told inspectors that they feel happy and safe at...

    Leaders ensure that all pupils, and students in the sixth form, benefit from an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum. They carefully consider pupils’ best interests when selecting the qualifications that pupils can study. Increasingly, more pupils are studying a suitably aspirational range of academic and vocational subjects. Most pupils tak...

    The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders and staff prioritise pupils’ safety and well-being above all else. Staff help pupils to develop responsibility for their own health and well-being, relationships and interactions with the wider world. Staff are well trained to spot safeguarding concerns. They vigilantly use this training to r...

    There remains some variation in the quality of education across subjects. In a small number of subjects, curriculum plans lack precision about the specific knowledge that pupils will learn. Added to this, some teachers do not select the most appropriate activities to teach new concepts and topics. As a result, some pupils do not know and remember a...

    You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child’s school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection. The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a s...

    You can search for published performance information about the school. In the report, ‘disadvantaged pupils’ refers to those pupils who attract government pupil premium funding: pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years and pupils in care or who left care through adoption or another formal route.

    This was the first routine inspection the school received since the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with school leaders and have taken that into account in their evaluation. Inspectors met with the headteacher and senior leaders. They met with representatives of the academy trust and representa...

    • Simon Mulligan
    • De La Salle. De la Salle head teacher Andrew Rannard (Image: Stock) Rating: Requires Improvement. The Catholic secondary school in Eccleston was rated requires improvement in its last full inspection in February 2020.
    • St Cuthbert’s. St Cuthbert's (Image: Google Street View) Rating: Good. The Berry’s Lane school was found to be Good in its latest inspection, which took place in July 2022, with the findings published last September.
    • Sutton Academy. Sutton Academy (Image: Stock) Rating: Good. The school has achieved its first ever 'Good' rating during its latest Ofsted inspection in June 2022.
    • Rainford High. Rainford High (Image: Stock) Rating: Good. In its last inspection, in September 2021, it was said “Rainford High Technology College continues to be a good school”.
  2. Mar 10, 2023 · Rainford High is located in Rainford, a village 5 miles north of St Helens with an estimated population of 8,000 people. Serving over 1,600 students from year 7 to sixth form, the school plays an important role in the local community. “The vision for Rainford High is to provide an excellent education for all.

  3. As a school we are striving to provide the best quality of learning experience for all our students that develop knowledge, skills and understanding along with qualities such as teamwork and resilience to ensure the students at Rainford High become successful, independent and lifelong learners.

  4. Home. Rainford High School. URN: 144327. Address: Higher Lane, Rainford, St Helens, Merseyside, WA11 8NY. EVERYONE MATTERS SCHOOLS TRUST. Rating and reports. All reports. 14 September 2021....

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  6. Rainford High School is a coeducational secondary school and sixth form located in Rainford, Merseyside, England. [1] It first opened in 1940 and continues to serve the communities of St Helens, West Lancashire, Wigan and Kirkby to this day.

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