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Feb 16, 2024 · When it comes to axolotls, some of its natural and unnatural predators would include birds like herons and storks, bigger invasive fishes such as tilapia and carps, and last but not least, us – humans.
- Poor Water Quality. Poor water quality is one of the most common reasons for axolotl deaths, and can happen without the owner knowing. It happens due to carelessness.
- Non-Cycled Tank. Again, this can easily be resolved by having a filter. A good filter will cost you, but it guarantees that the water quality will stay at a high level.
- High Ammonia Level. Ammonia is an axolotl killer. At high levels, it causes the animal to not function normally; it gets into its internal organs, and it can impact the skin and the exterior of the axolotl.
- Water Temperature. Another damaging aspect that can cause death is wrong water temperatures. Especially if they are too high or too low for extended periods.
Jul 20, 2023 · The most common reasons for axolotl deaths include water temperature, water quality, and stress. Maintaining a suitable environment for axolotls to thrive in and monitoring their behavior for signs of distress or illness is crucial. Article Navigation. Why Axolotls Float When They Die.
- Impaction. Impaction is a very common cause of death in axolotls, which is a relatively surprising thing. Many axolotl owners neglect this problem, and they don’t pay attention to this when it happens.
- Ammonia Poisoning. Most fish and aquatic animals are suspect to ammonia poisoning, but axolotls are even more. Firstly, because they don’t have a protective layer over their skin, but they are also quite delicate in this regard.
- Hyperthermia. It might be a fairly unknown thing for those who have never owned an axie, but these animals prefer rather cool temperatures – between 59 and 64 degrees Fahrenheit (15-18 degrees Celsius).
- Parasites & Infections. Parasites and infections are also common causes of death for axolotls. They can get influenced by parasites quite easily, as they don’t have the protection over their skin.
Sep 5, 2023 · Habitat Loss. Urbanization and agricultural expansion have led to a significant loss of axolotl habitat. The draining of lakes and the construction of canals have resulted in a drastic reduction in suitable habitat for axolotls. Water Pollution.
But too much iodine can kill an axolotl, and even if they successfully metamorphose they don't survive as well as natural paedomorphic axolotls, so it's not recommended for axolotl owners. Where do axolotls live? The axolotl's alternative common name of Mexican salamander gives the game away.
Cannibalism. Axolotls are known to cannibalize each other especially in their youth, they will turn on each other, nip on each other skills and eventually kill each other. This is also a common occurrence in adult axolotls were one is bigger than the other and you will start in Nip on the smaller one skills.