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  1. Platoon Questions and Answers. The Question and Answer section for Platoon is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Ask Your Own Question

    • Themes

      Platoon Questions and Answers. The Question and Answer...

  2. The Question and Answer section for Platoon is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The Platoon Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you.

  3. Platoon Questions and Answers. The Question and Answer section for Platoon is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Ask Your Own Question

  4. An enormous collection of Platoon trivia quizzes in the movies category. Over 75 trivia questions to answer. Play our Platoon quiz games now! How much do you know?

    • Overall Story
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    • Influence Character
    • Relationship Story


    1. Overall Story Signpost 1Chris and other new recruits are made immediately aware that their future is going to be bleak, harsh, and very possibly deadly in Vietnam.  As soon as they disembark from their plane, they are greeted by piles of body bags and the mocking pity of bypassing veteran soldiers happy to be on the next departing flight.  In the field, the new recruits struggle to adjust to platoon life.  They are quickly acquainted with the day to day rigors of the platoon, and the many...


    1. Overall Story Signpost 2The platoon pillages and destroys a small Vietnamese village it discovers has been harboring weapons for the Viet Cong.  The carnage the platoon thrusts upon the village is an expression of the frustration that has built up among the soldiers.  This frustration is derived from past events the platoon has recently suffered, such as the loss of two men in the all night ambush, the loss of two additional men in a booby trapped Viet Cong bunker, and the abduction of ano...


    1. Overall Story Signpost 3The platoon gets caught in an enemy ambush, and the Viet Cong causes the platoon to suffer serious casualties.  To make matters worse, the inexperienced, incompetent Lt. Wolfe accidentally orders an air strike on the platoon’s location resulting in more casualties in the platoon.  To put an end to his own personal war, Sgt. Barnes shoots and murders Sgt. Elias when they are alone in the jungle.  The platoon keeps losing men to the enemy and to each other.  Progress...


    1. Main Character Signpost 1Immediately experiencing platoon life in Vietnam abruptly begins to change the naive, idyllic notions Chris, a volunteer, has about war.  His naivete is quickly dissipated by the stark realities of his environment.  Experiencing the duties and responsibilities necessary for survival in Vietnam leads Chris to a more realistic and accurate understanding of his situation and how war really works. 2. Main Character Journey 1 from Understanding to DoingChris’ understand...


    1. Main Character Signpost 2Chris and his platoon release their tension and frustrations from the war on a small Vietnamese village.  Chris contributes to the carnage by firing his rifle at the feet of a defenseless villager.  There are many illustrations of Chris “doing” throughout the film, however, the sequence where he and his platoon ravage a Vietnamese village illustrates Chris engaging in activities contrary to his essential nature. 2. Main Character Journey 2 from Doing to ObtainingTh...


    1. Main Character Signpost 3Chris finally obtains a strong aptitude for the war.  He has attained the combat skills and control over his fear necessary to perform competently during combat.  He heroically rescues several platoon members when the platoon is caught in an enemy ambush.  No longer a liability, Chris has become a valuable asset to the platoon.  Chris seeks to obtain revenge against Barnes for murdering Elias: CHRIS:  He killed him.  I know he did.  I saw his eyes when he came back...


    1. Influence Character Signpost 1Early in the film, it’s clear that Sgt. Barnes is running the platoon.  Even though Lieutenant Wolfe is the highest ranking officer in the platoon, he is young, inexperienced, and has only recently come to Vietnam.  Thus, the other sergeants, and even Lt. Wolfe, look to Sgt. Barnes to coordinate and divvy up the platoon’s excursion detail: WOLFE: (to Barnes) Who do you want on ambush, Sergeant? Barnes doesn’t bother acknowledging the question, barely glancing...


    1. Influence Character Signpost 2When the ambush goes awry and the platoon experiences casualties, Sgt. Barnes blames it on the way the men acted, and he gives them a lecture on how they need to be and act when they are on a nighttime ambush: BARNES: (to all) Y’all take a good look at this lump of shit!  Remember what it looks like.  You fuck up in a fire fight and I goddamn guarantee you a trip out of the bush, in a body bag!  Out here assholes, ya keep your shit wired tight at all times!  (...


    1. Influence Character Signpost 3To prevent Sgt. Elias from reporting war crime charges against him, Sgt. Barnes shoots and murders Elias when the two are alone in the jungle.  He has become so dehumanized and corrupted by the experiences of the war, he is willing to shoot his own men to prevent them from challenging his way of war.  Barnes has become a ruthless, cold-blooded killer. 2. Influence Character Journey 3 from Becoming to ConceivingSgt. Barnes confronts Chris and some of the other...


    1. Relationship Story Signpost 1Since Chris has just arrived to the platoon and has no past experience of fighting and surviving in jungle combat, he has no memories he can draw upon to serve him in the current situation.  He overpacks his back pack, has difficulty climbing,  drinks too much water and cramps up, doesn’t yet know how to conserve his energy, and ends up passing out.  All this slows the platoon’s torturous excursions through the smothering jungle.  None of this sits well with Sg...


    1. Relationship Story Signpost 2When the all night ambush goes awry, Sgt. Barnes focuses on Chris’ preconscious responses as being the cause of the problem.  Barnes believes that Chris fell asleep during his watch, allowing the enemy to sneak up on the platoon.  Even though this isn’t true, Barnes blames Chris’ inability to resist his impulse to sleep as the cause of the platoon’s two casualties: Sgt. Barnes:  (to all) Y’all take a good look at this lump of shit!  Remember what it looks like....


    1. Relationship Story Signpost 3The platoon investigates a small village suspected of Viet Cong activity.  This happens immediately after the platoon has lost several men to booby traps at the Viet Cong bunker complex.  Extreme tension and frustration has overcome the men.  At the village, Sgt. Barnes makes a profound impact on Chris.  CHRIS (V.O.):  ...the village, which had stood for maybe a thousand years, didn’t know we were coming that day.  If they had they would have run… Barnes was at...

  5. There’s not just one right answer. How does Platoon rank as far as movies about Vietnam go? How do you feel about Chris Taylor's actions at the end of the film? Can you blame him for doing what he does? Does Elias really have to die? What dramatic purpose does his death serve, if any?

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  7. 2 days ago · Platoon Quiz. Here's for all you 'Platoon' fans just like me. Think twice before attempting, this is a fierce one. A multiple-choice quiz by Mr_Pink. Estimated time: 5 mins.

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