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  1. Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

  2. The Ystoria Mongalorum is one text that is part of a much wider literary genre known as medieval travel literature. This genre began under religious influences and with a fascination for everything foreign.

  3. Ystoria Mongalorum is a report, compiled by Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, of his trip to the Mongol Empire. Written in the 1240s, it is the oldest European account of the Mongols. Giovanni was the first European to try to chronicle Mongol history.

  4. The description in John of Plano Carpini' s Y storia Mongalorum (YM) of devastation that the Mongols visited upon Kiev as a result of the sack 1240 has entered the scholarly literature with the force of established.

  5. Jul 28, 2024 · Immediately after his return, Giovanni recorded his observations in a large work variously styled in the manuscripts extant as Historia Mongalorum quos nos Tartaros appellamus (“History of the Mongols Whom We Call the Tartars”) and Liber Tartarorum (“Book of the Tartars”), or Tatarorum.

  6. Carpini's Ystoria Mongalorum are numerous: there are variant recensions, of which one at least, the so called Tartar Relation', was composed in eastern Europe even before Carpini had rejoined the pope.4 In terms of its contents, moreover, the Itinerarium, which reads for the most part like Rubruck's memoirs

  7. Mar 26, 2020 · This article considers the first four chapters of Giovanni di Plano Carpini’s Historia Mongalorum, an extraordinarily important account written by the Umbrian Franciscan Friar after his journey...

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