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  2. Apr 7, 2015 · can you answer this puzzle concerning French money? 3 men in a restaurant ask for the Bill, the waiter brings it, it’s for 30 euro! each man puts 10 euro on the plate,the waiter takes it to the cashier who tells him he has overcharged & gives him 5 euro to return to his customers.

  3. Here is a list of 11 slang words related to money in French with an example for each of them. Fric : J’ai vraiment besoin de fric pour payer mon loyer. 🇺🇸 I really need money to pay my rent. Pognon : Il a gagné beaucoup de pognon au casino. 🇺🇸 He won a lot of money at the casino.

  4. Nov 25, 2022 · French expressions about money: Should I use thunes or argent? 'Argent' is not the only word for talking about your cash. As Black Friday arrives we look at our favourite French words and phrases to do with money

  5. Learn French slang words for money in a fun and easy way! VIDEO+Transcript+Support Guide & FREE Download.

  6. Similar to how in the US bucks are used for dollars, and quid is used as l’argot for pounds in the UK, au Québec they have un mot différent (a different word) for their money - Piasse! I first learned about this argot from a Bernard Adamus song, one of my favorite francophone musicians.

  7. One of the most common expressions used to refer to money in French slang is “ Le pognon. ” This expression is informal and is typically used between friends and family. “Pognon” is a casual and informal way to refer to money, and it can be used in both casual and formal settings.

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