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    • Ambivalence: Definition, Examples, & Tips - The Berkeley Well ...
      • Cognitive ambivalence (being “of two minds”) Thinking that the plot of a novel is good, but the character development is lacking. Thinking that an apartment you might rent is affordable but cramped. Thinking that getting a dog might be fun but will take up all your free time.
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  2. Examples of Ambivalence. Affective ambivalence (“mixed feelings”) Liking a friend, but resenting them because they usually show up late and dominate conversations. Feeling curious about a new, elaborate roller coaster, but frightened to get in line to try it out. Feeling bittersweet about graduating from school.

  3. Ambivalence reflects the presence of conflicting emotions or thoughts simultaneously. An ambivalent individual may experience both positive and negative feelings towards the same object, situation, or person. Ambivalence often leads to indecisiveness, confusion, or a state of emotional uncertainty.

  4. › wiki › AmbivalenceAmbivalence - Wikipedia

    Emotions or attitudes that are ambivalent may spark both quick and far-off consequences that are inconsistent. A chronic dieter, for example, may experience ambivalence between the goals of eating enjoyment and weight control.

  5. Jun 23, 2016 · Examples of ambivalence. Ambivalence is a complex concept, but is also a relatively simple one that could be explained quite easily by the following example: Someone goes to an Italian restaurant but struggles with the menu and can’t decide whether to order pasta or pizza.

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  6. Aug 16, 2020 · When we are ambivalent, it’s often about more mundane aspects of life. Yet even the more mundane forms of ambivalence can spell disaster. Here are five common types of ambivalence that may...

  7. Dec 9, 2020 · Peg O'Connor Ph.D. Philosophy Stirred, Not Shaken. Career. The Exhausting Pulls of Ambivalence. When one part of your self declares war on another part. Posted December 9, 2020 | Reviewed by...

  8. Dec 14, 2023 · The concept of attachment styles grew from attachment theory and the research that emerged throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Today, psychologists typically recognize four main attachment styles: secure, ambivalent, avoidant, and disorganized.

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