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  1. Apr 16, 2018 · Bush-camping in Fornite takes two forms. The first will be familiar to players of other battle royale games, and involves simply squatting in a bush, hoping to, err, am bush unsuspecting...

  2. Feb 12, 2024 · One such strategy is bush camping, which involves hiding in bushes to catch opponents off guard. A Reddit post by user CyborgSnake2042 caught my attention, as they shared their experience as an Unreal bush camper and their lucky kill. Let’s dive into the discussion and see how the Fortnite community feels about this controversial playstyle.

  3. Nov 6, 2023 · Bush camping involves players finding a bush or some other hiding spot, like a haystack, and patiently waiting for unsuspecting enemies to pass by. When executed properly, this...

    • 90s
    • Ads
    • Aimbot
    • Bad Manners/Bm
    • Bait, Baited
    • Battle Bus
    • Big Pot
    • Box
    • Box Fight
    • Buffed/Buff

    90s is a specialized building technique, considered one of the fastest methods of reaching a player with a high-ground advantage. This is a relatively advanced method of building and requires a certain level of practice. You need to place two walls, a floor, and a ramp, which lets you make 90-degree turns as you make your way up.

    ADS is the shortened version of aim down sights. You can aim down your sights with almost all weapons in Fortniteusing the right mouse button. Using ADS will increase your accuracy.

    Fortnitehad its fair share of hackers during its early days, but it’s safe to say it’s almost impossible to avoid running into cheaters every now and again. Aimbot is a popular cheat type in shooter games, and it’s also used to describe players with pinpoint, accurate shots.

    It’s hard to define what’s considered “bad manners” in Fortnitesince it heavily depends on the player. Bad-mannered actions include rubbing a good play in your opponents’ faces. The best example of this could be queueing up a dance emote after taking someone down.

    Baiting refers to tricking someone into doing what you planned from the beginning. If you see a player inexplicably trying to take the gunfight to close quarters and get you to follow them, they may be baiting you to a trap they’ve set somewhere.

    The battle bus is the flying bus that carries all players to the island at the start of the match. Players jump out of the bus to their desired location on the map to start the game.

    Big pot is a common term for the Rare Shield Potion that gives players a +50 shield upon consumption.

    Box is a structure type that players build with four walls, a roof, and a floor. Building a box or boxing up is any player’s first line of defense against immense pressure.

    In some build fights, everyone involved may decide to start building boxes left and right. When all parties start building boxes, the fight turns into a box fight.

    In addition to working on new collaborations, Epic Games also releases balance patches by adjusting the power levels of guns. If a gun’s overall strength increases by Epic’s changes, it’s been buffed.

  4. I like bush campers. People that hide from other players do so because they are scared of other players and that means they play scared to lose and do not play to win. The bush campers typically don’t have much fighting experience so they are easy kills even if they get opening tags on you.

  5. bush campers are people who arent using a bush for cover; it’s one thing to be getting shot at run to a bush and reload/heal a bit- it’s another to be sitting in a bush scouting or hear footsteps near you and sit in the bush waiting for them to run into it with your shotgun ADS’ed and ready.

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  7. For the uninitiated, this strategy involves hiding in a bush, usually using a certain outfit that blends well, and taking out unsuspecting players the whole game.

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