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  1. Do you love the character of Jesse Pinkman, played by actor Aaron Paul? If so, you'll love our Jesse Pinkman Soundboard, featuring all of Jesse's best catchphrases and quotes from the show! Our Jesse Pinkman soundboard is the perfect way to relive your favorite moments from the show.

  2. Jan 8, 2024 · Welcome to the Breaking Bad soundboard! Is this your favorite Crime Series to watch? There's no better feeling than kicking your feet up after a long day, a nice bowl of popcorn and watching your favorite series on the TV. This soundboard features the likes of Walter White, Jesse Pinkman and Hank Schrader.

  3. Our Breaking Bad soundboard features a range of sound bites from some of the most popular characters from the show, including Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Saul Goodman, and Gus Fring. From Walter White's famous "I am the one who knocks" to Jesse Pinkman's iconic "Yeah, bitch!"

  4. Jesse Pinkman Soundboard. Listen and share sounds of Jesse Pinkman. Find more instant sound buttons on Myinstants!

    • Overview
    • History
    • Personality and traits
    • Deaths
    • Quotes
    • Trivia

    Jesse Bruce Pinkman, also known by his clandestine pseudonym and business moniker Cap'n Cook, is a former chemist, manufacturer, and distributor who worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico, currently residing in Haines, Alaska. Originally a low-level methamphetamine dealer who worked with his friend and fellow meth cook Emilio Koyama, Jesse is best known as the former business and meth cook partner of his former chemistry teacher Walter White, teaming up with Walt for two years to help him manufacture chemically pure crystal methamphetamine so Walt could provide for his family (his wife Skyler, son Walt Jr., and infant daughter Holly) upon his death. Alongside catalyzing Walt's drug empire and being the second biggest player in it after Walt himself, Jesse and Walt were also the leaders of a short-lived meth distribution chain which his friends and fellow meth distributors were also a part of.

    Jesse was born into an upper middle-class family in Albuquerque (consisting of his father Adam, mother Diane, brother Jake, and aunt Ginny), but unfortunately his relationship with his parents would often become strained due to his frequent drug use, which later resulted in Jesse being kicked out of the Pinkman home. In high school, Jesse was an indifferent student in Walt's chemistry class at J. P. Wynne High School, though despite his poor academic standing, was able to graduate and received a diploma. During his adulthood, Jesse became impulsive and hedonistic, but was financially ambitious and streetwise. He talked in playful slang, played video games, listened to rap and rock music, took recreational drugs, and drove lowriders. His closest friends in Albuquerque were fellow small-time drug users and dealers Skinny Pete, Brandon "Badger" Mayhew, and Christian "Combo" Ortega. Jesse worked as a small-time meth dealer and distributor with Emilio and his cousin Domingo "Krazy-8" Molina before he was enlisted by Walt, who at that point knew nothing about the Albuquerque drug trade, to sell the meth he produced.

    Walt's scientific knowledge and dedication to quality lead him and Jesse to produce crystal meth that is purer and more potent than any competitors'. To avoid the tedious collection of pseudoephedrine required for production, Jesse and Walt devise an alternative chemical process utilizing methylamine, giving their product a distinctive blue color. Their crystal meth, which is given the street name "Blue Sky," dominates the market, leading to confrontations with established drug makers and dealers. Although Jesse and Walt began as amateur small-time meth cooks, manufacturing the drug out of an RV in the deserts of New Mexico, and being met with very limited success, Jesse and Walt soon climbed up the drug hierarchy, killing or systematically destroying anyone who impeded them. As a result of his two-year partnership with Walt, Jesse became an excellent meth cook, with Walt begrudgingly saying that Jesse's meth was as good as his. Because of his drug-related activities, Jesse eventually finds himself at odds with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) through Walt's brother-in-law Hank Schrader, the local gangs, and the Mexican drug cartels (including his and Walt's regional distributors), putting their lives at risk.

    Despite his criminal lifestyle, Jesse remained far more empathetic than Walt during their criminal careers. While Walt became immersed in the drug trade and had developed into a ruthless drug lord motivated largely by vanity, ego, and greed (adopting the clandestine pseudonym and business moniker "Heisenberg" as he immersed himself in the drug trade), Jesse was frequently horrified by the brutality at the higher levels of the drug trade, and was shocked at Walt's transformation from a sympathetic low-level dealer to a ruthless drug kingpin, once telling him that a meth empire was not something to be proud of. He is very protective of children and is able to connect extremely well with them.; his desire to keep children out of the violent drug world gave rise to several key events throughout his and Walt's criminal careers. The violent nature of the drug trade alongside the murder of an innocent teenager resulted in Jesse leaving the drug trade in 2010, leaving Albuquerque and successfully escaping to Alaska.

    Background information

    Jesse Bruce Pinkman was born on September 24, 1984, to Adam and Diane Pinkman, an upper middle-class family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He had a younger brother, Jake, and an aunt, Ginny. Jesse met Emilio Koyama in elementary school and befriended him, and later befriended Christian "Combo" Ortega. At some point in his early life, Jesse was the drummer in the the band "TwaüghtHammër" with his friends Brandon "Badger" Mayhew, Paul Tyree, Cheevo, and Anthony. Jesse also befriended Skinny Pete, who alongside Badger, would become Jesse's two closest friends. When Combo stole a baby Jesus from a Nativity set as a juvenile, Jesse accompanied Combo to juvenile court, where he was represented by public defender and attorney Kim Wexler, who helped Combo get out of trouble. ("Waterworks") Around this time Jesse become involved in the use, manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine. Jesse attended J. P. Wynne High School and was a poor student, largely due to his inattentiveness and apathy. Jesse first met Walter White in his junior year when Walt was his chemistry teacher. Walt, whom Jesse almost always called "Mr. White," flunked Jesse in his class, although Jesse's mother later recalled that Mr. White really believed in Jesse's abilities. ("Grilled") In high school, Despite his poor academic standing, Jesse was able to graduate, with Walt present on stage when he received his diploma. ("El Camino") On Jesse's Website, he mentions that he attended "DeVry University data systems management" along with J. P. Wynne High School. After being forced to leave his parents' residence, presumably because of his continued drug use with the final straw being when he took the blame for the pot his parents found in the house to protect his little brother Jake, Jesse moved in with his aunt Ginny, whom he took care of until her death from lung cancer. This likely occurred when Jesse was in high school as the school has his address listed as his aunt's former residence, not his parents'. Afterwards, he was allowed to stay in her home, the ownership of which fell to Jesse's parents. Jesse was long estranged from his parents during this time, due to his drug abuse and its attendant lifestyle. ("Crazy Handful of Nothin'") Jesse gets along with Jake, despite their differences in age and aptitudes, as well as Jesse's spotty rapport with his folks. In fact, Jesse seems to connect extremely well with children in general and avoids exposing them to his own destructive behavior, especially when to do so would be criminally inept and risky. Around this time Jesse quickly found his way into the drug scene, cooking and distributing his own signature chili power meth with his partner Emilio, using chilli powder to make his meth stand out in the market.

    Breaking Bad

    Inspired by his conversation with Kim and Saul successfully preventing Emilio from going to prison on two separate occasions, Jesse was convinced to trust Saul as a lawyer. Jesse would later encourage and convince Walter White to seek Saul for help months after he and Walt had entered the meth business in 2008. ("Better Call Saul")

    Jesse Pinkman is introduced as an impulsive and hedonistic man, but also personable and possessing street-smarts. He talks in playful slang, frequently using words like "yo" and "bitch", and likes to wear garish clothing that follows the latest trends in youth culture, plays video games, listens to loud music, takes recreational drugs, and driving a car fitted with hydraulics. Jesse's MyShout page lists his general interests as "Fine herbage! Keepin' it real, etc." Jesse often enjoyed hanging out and smoking with his friends, Badger and Skinny Pete, and purchasing items like a giant-screen television for his home or a Roomba vacuum cleaner.

    Despite "yo" and "bitch" being the most famous and popular insult of Jesse, it’s worth noting that Jesse almost never uses the word to describe women. It's no surprise that Jesse does quite well for himself with the ladies. The two notable exceptions are when he used the word to describe Skyler White (though not in her presence) and when he called his mother the word to her face.

    Jesse adores women and children, and harming one is a very good way to send him into a murderous rage. Using children in criminal activities is particularly heinous in his eyes. He has been shown to have personal connections with several children throughout the series, such as Spooge's son and Brock Cantillo. Jesse also takes Todd's murder of Drew Sharp, a young boy who witnessed them committing the train heist, very hard and is furious that Walt and Mike decide to continue working with Todd, with Mike later giving a threatening warning to Todd that Mike would kill him if he brought a gun to a job without telling him again. While Todd defended his killing of Drew, stating that he had witnessed the heist and thus was a threat, Jesse retorted that the kid was too young to understand what was going on. It was Drew's death and Walt and Mike continuing to work with Todd that finally pushes Jesse over the edge and causes him to exit the meth business once and for all.

    While Jesse was not a very good student, his mother said that his chemistry teacher, Walter White, saw potential in him. Walt later told Jesse that he "never thought much" of him, though he did frequently write "Apply Yourself" on Jesse's graded quiz papers and, when meeting Hank Schrader, his mother said "Mr. White must have seen some potential in Jesse, he really tried to motivate him, he was one of the few teachers who cared." Initially starting out as a street-level meth dealer producing his signature chili powder meth, Jesse would later deliver on the potential Walt saw in him, producing a product on his own which Walt begrudgingly concedes is as good as what Walt himself produced. The meth that Jesse cooks in front of the Cartel chemists has a purity of 96.2%, making it possibly superior to that which was produced by Gale Boetticher who held an advanced degree in chemistry. In addition, Jesse's cook at the cartel superlab was superior to that of Benicio Fuentes, the cartel chemist who was noted by Don Eladio Vuente to have multiple fancy college degrees. However, at the same time, Jesse's lack of chemistry education can be seen in the fact that he didn't know how to synthesize one of the compounds he would need, something that the cartel chemist stated that a sophomore chemistry student could do. By this point, Jesse had enough confidence in his abilities to take charge in the superlab and order the cartel staff around, channeling Walt's behavior in the lab. Though the staff begrudgingly followed his commands, both Gustavo Fring and Mike Ehrmantraut were visibly proud of his attitude. ("Salud") Eventually, Walter even refers to himself and Jesse as "the two greatest meth cooks in America." ("Say My Name") Despite being constantly underestimated, over the course of the series Jesse proves himself to be quick thinking and perceptive. Jesse also comes up with several clever plans, namely the magnet plan, the train heist and his plan to get money from Neil and Casey.

    Unlike Walt, who was initially heavily reluctant to use violence but gradually came to see it as a necessity, Jesse was frequently horrified by the brutality at the higher levels of the drug trade, and did not like to kill innocent people, with all but one of Jesse's victims being criminals. Jesse has a serious reaction to killing Gale Boetticher, who, despite being a meth cook, is an otherwise decent and innocent person. Jesse does not take the experience lightly, the moment where he becomes a murderer changes him for the rest of the series from that point on. At first, Jesse has somewhat of a delayed reaction to what he has done; when Walt asks Jesse at the Denny's, "Seriously, are you all right?", he continues to eat his pancakes and bacon and seems completely fine, even in light of the terrible experience he had been through ("Box Cutter"). However, it later becomes quite clear that he is mentally damaged, and - in order to keep himself from reflecting on his guilt of the terrible thing he did - he surrounds himself with other people, keeping a 24/7 party going for whenever he is home from the lab. However, his subsequent killing of Joaquin Salamanca appears to only leave him stunned for a moment ("Salud") and he doesn't hesitate at all to kill Todd Alquist ("Felina") or Neil Kandy and Casey, though he only threatens the latter two when he believes they are not police officers, not wanting to harm cops. ("El Camino") Unlike Gale, the other four people killed by Jesse were criminals and not innocent people with all. With Todd, Jesse killed him in revenge for Jesse's captivity and torture for months and Todd's murder of Andrea Cantillo, and as such was the only person that Jesse killed willingly and while full of rage. With Neil and Casey, Jesse tried to avoid violence, but Neil left him no other way out. He also appeared to have tears in his eyes briefly after killing Neil and Casey, though he quickly recovered within moments.

    Out of the series' entire cast, perhaps second only to Walt, Jesse's personality changes have been the most dramatic; most noticeably after Jane's death and Gale's murder. His time with Walt has transformed him from a laid-back jokester and much of the show's comic relief in the early seasons, to a troubled, woeful and sorrowful shadow of his former self as the series has progressed. As a result from looking after Brock and dating Andrea, Jesse became more caring towards children, even punching Todd in the face for killing Drew. Earlier in the series, after witnessing the severe neglect Spooge's son suffered, Jesse called 911 and left the line open to ensure the police would find both the murdered Spooge and his son, making sure the boy would get a better life. When carrying the boy outside, Jesse took care to make sure that he didn't see the carnage as well.

    Murders committed by Jesse

    •Gale Boetticher: Reluctantly shot in the face to protect his and Walt's lives, and to ensure they would be the only Blue Sky meth manufacturers available. ("Full Measure") •Joaquin Salamanca: Shot to death during a shoot-out in self-defense. ("Salud") •Todd Alquist: Garroted and neck broken with Jesse's metal chains in revenge for enslaving him and for killing Andrea Cantillo. ("Felina") •Neil Kandy: Shot to death. ("El Camino") •Casey: Shot in the head. ("El Camino")

    Murders connected to Jesse

    •Emilio Koyama: Poisoned with Phosphine gas by Walt to save himself and Jesse. ("Pilot") •Krazy-8: Secured Krazy-8 to a pole with a bike lock, leading to Walt strangling Krazy-8 to death with the bike lock. ("...and the Bag's in the River") •Tuco Salamanca: Killed by Hank in a shootout while he was searching for Walt and found Jesse's car in Tuco's hiding place. ("Grilled") •Tomás Cantillo: Due to Jesse's protest of Gus' dealers using children, Gus told them to stop using children which led to Tomas being shot to death by the dealers. ("Half Measures") •Rival Dealers: Ran over and one shot in the head by Walt in order to protect Jesse. ("Half Measures") •Tyrus Kitt: Blown up by Hector Salamanca from Jesse's information on Gus' rivalry with Hector. ("Face Off") •Gustavo "Gus" Fring: Succumbed to injuries sustained in Hector's pipe bomb explosion; Jesse told Saul Goodman about Gus' rivalry with Hector which led to Walt orchestrating Gus' assassination. ("Face Off") •Steven "Steve" Gomez: Shot to death by Jack Welker's Gang due to his alliance with Jesse to catch Walt. ("Ozymandias") •Henry "Hank" Schrader: Shot in the head by Jack due to his alliance with Jesse to catch Walt. ("Ozymandias") •Andrea Cantillo: Shot in the head by Todd due to Jesse's refusal to cook meth with him and his attempted escape from Jack Welker's Compound. ("Granite State") •Kenny, Matt, Frankie, Lester, and two unnamed gang members: Killed after Walt activated the remote-activated M60 machine gun to help save Jesse. ("Felina") •Jack Welker: Shot in the head by Walt to help save Jesse. ("Felina")

    Deaths connected to Jesse

    •Jane Margolis: Jesse and Jane's heroin use ultimately resulted in her suffering a drug overdose and suffocating from her own vomit, with Walt making the difficult decision not to save her. ("ABQ") •167 People aboard the Wayfarer 515: After Jane's death, her father Donald was grief-stricken and consequently unfocused, made Wayfarer Flight 515 collide with another plane. ("ABQ") •Hector Salamanca: Jesse's knowledge of the rivalry between Hector and Gus led to Walt asking Hector to assassinate Gus as a suicide bomb to which Hector agrees. ("Face Off") •Walter White: Triggered a mounted machine gun to kill Jack's gang and accidentally got hit by a ricocheted bullet while shielding Jesse, later succumbing to his wound. ("Felina")

    Better Call Saul
    Breaking Bad
    El Camino

    •Jesse is one of only five characters that appears in Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and El Camino, the others being Walter White, Mike Ehrmantraut, Ed Galbraith, and Austin Ramey.

    •Huell Babineaux appears in countdown videos prior to the release of El Camino, but does not appear in the film itself.

    •Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman and Lydia Rodarte-Quayle are indirectly mentioned in El Camino, but do not appear in the film itself.

    •Jesse was originally scheduled to be killed at the end of Season 1, in place of No-Doze. Before then however, Vince Gilligan recognized Aaron Paul's excellent potential and acting, and decided to keep him on.

    •Jesse's character and Paul's performance have received acclaim from critics and fans. Critics especially praised Jesse's character development from an unsympathetic drug dealer to the moral compass of the show as he becomes increasingly guilty and remorseful for his and Walt's actions while involved in the drug trade. For his portrayal, Paul won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2010, 2012, and 2014, making him the first actor to win the category three times since its separation into drama and comedy.

    •Regarding Jesse's new life in Haines, Alaska, Gilligan speculated that Jesse "would enjoy the brewery and maybe get a job with the ski manufacturer ... the very nice people of Alaska would welcome him into the community." Paul believed that Jesse is "going to keep his nose clean. He has quite a bit of cash on hand. And he’s going to live a very modest lifestyle. He’s moving to a very small place in Alaska, so he doesn’t need all that much money. He knows how to work with his hands, and so he just needs to refresh those skills and become the artist that he was always meant to be."

  5. Jesse, What the Fuck Are You Talking About refers to a series of memes imaging conversations between Breaking Bad characters Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, with Jesse using modern internet slang and Walter not understanding it and asking what he is talking about.

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