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      • The Gloria is a celebratory passage praising God the Father and Christ. In Mass settings (normally in English) composed for the Church of England’s Book of Common Prayer liturgy, the Gloria is commonly the last movement, because it occurs in this position in the text of the service.
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  2. The Gloria When indicated this hymn is either sung or said: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,

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  3. Parts of the Mass: The Gloria. “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people of good will” (Luke 2:15) The Gloria is sung on Sundays outside of Advent and Lent*, solemnities and feasts.

  4. The Gloria is a hymn of praise sung on Sundays (except during Advent and Lent) and on special feasts. Phrases like “Glory to God in the highest” echo the angels’ announcement of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:14).

  5. We give You thanks for Your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father: you Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You Who take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.

    • The Kyrie
    • The Gloria
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    Following the Confiteor there are two beautiful moments in the Introductory Rite. Right after we confess our sins, we experience the Kyrie, the mercy of God, when we say: Now we’re not just saying that because that’s a good place to talk about mercy or because it’s in the Bible. These words are very carefully placed in the Mass. We just got done co...

    After we say, “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy” we all break into the Gloria. We sing glory to God. The Gloria goes from the Incarnation to the sacrifice of Christ. It’s like salvation historyin miniature form. As a congregation we’re giving glory to God. We’re praising him for all that he has done. We confessed our sins, we cal...

    A Biblical Walk Through the Massby Dr. Edward Sri is a five-part program taking participants on an exciting in-depth tour of the Liturgy, exploring the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass, and explaining their profound significance. Learn More! This article is also available as a video here.

  6. Gloria in the Mass ordinary. Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam, Domine Deus, Rex caelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens.

  7. Mass – The Gloria. Glory To God – The Gloria. We always seek to give all honor, praise, and glory to God. The following is the text of The Gloria. It is usually sung but may be recited. There are several different versions of the music and some of the lines may be repeated.

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