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Dec 14, 2009 · Rule 35. If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made. The most widespread of the rules, Rule 34 states that pornography is an omnipresent aspect of online media culture and all that is conceivable has been visually depicted in a salacious manner.
- Lolrus
Rule 34 is, at its simplest, an "Internet Rule" that has stood the test of time and is as core a part to the ideals of internet culture as cats being funny. The rule stipulates that anything which exists, anything at all, will have adult content made about it and posted online.
Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions. Rule 35: If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. Rule 36: No matter how fucked up it is, there is always worse than what you just saw. Rule 37: You cannot divide by zero (just because the calculator says so). Explanation
Rule 34, for example, refers to the ubiquity of pornography online: “There is porn of it. No exceptions.”. Then, Rule 35 follows up: “The exception to rule #34 is the citation of rule #34.”. Other rules of the internet are misogynistic or provocative in nature.
Rule 34 is an Internet meme which claims that Internet pornography exists concerning every possible topic. The concept is commonly depicted as fan art of normally non-erotic subjects engaging in sexual activity. [1]
Rule 34 is a prominent internet adage found in the "Rules of the Internet" list, which states that if anything exists, there is adult content featuring it. This concept is commonly depicted in various fan art and fanfictions all around the web, in which fictional characters from TV shows, cartoons and more are portrayed engaging in "mature ...
Yes. Rule 34 is actually from an ancient (like, mid-'00s) meme that listed a few dozen "rules of the internet". There are many variants of the list, but Rule 34 and Rule 35 are almost always consistent: "There is porn of it, no exceptions" and "If there isn't porn of it, it will be made".