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  1. Jan 9, 2022 · Doomcoming. Episode 9 of Yellowjackets begins with Shauna confronting Adam, demanding to know who he is. She calls him out for blackmail, demanding her missing journals back. The code for the safe was actually the flight number too, something that Shauna immediately points out when she finds a whole stack of books about Flight 2525 in his drawer.

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    "Doomcoming" is the ninth episode of the first season of the Showtime series Yellowjackets. It premiered on Showtime on Sunday, January 9, 2022.

    You are cordially invited to the Doomcoming. On the brink of death, the Yellowjackets opt to throw one last rager before careening into oblivion; an increasingly paranoid Shauna struggles between keeping her cool and being Shauna.

    More like a doom homecoming

    Shauna is still at Adam's flat, demanding that he tell her just who he is. She says he has two seconds to tell her the truth. He closes the door as she walks in. She tells him that she knows about the blackmail. He asks what she's talking about. Then, he thinks she's wants to roleplay. She tells him it isn't a game, demanding her journals. He pleads to know what she's talking about. She starts having flashes to her experiences in the woods as she starts rifling through his drawers, saying she can't believe she fell for it, for him. He shouts at her to stop. She says she let him into her life and her house and he broke into her safe. He asks how he could even do that. She says that the code is the flight number and anyone could have known, any fanboy. Adam tells her that she's acting crazy. She asks if someone put him up to it. He begs her to slow down and talk to him. He asks her to wait, but inside a drawer, she finds a book: Skin In the Game: The Unauthorized Story of Flight 2525. She has more flashbacks and picks it up. She asks what the deal is. He admits he Googled her, that she went through something really messed up and he wants to understand. She grabs a knife. He backs up, saying that he doesn't know anything about blackmail and didn't even know she existed before her accident. He tells her that nothing has happened yet and they can fix it, that she needs to put down the knife. He lunges forward and she stabs him. As the camera cuts back, it is her teenage self that is standing there, then her adult self, flashing repeatedly. She pulls out the knife as blood come out of his mouth. He collapses to the ground, dead. In the woods of 1996, the girls dig for grubs. The sizzle them over a fire and everyone eats, this being what they are reduced to. Shauna pleads with Jackie to eat, but she asks why, how it matters at this point. Mari stands up, saying she can't do this anymore. She grabs a bottle. Coach Scott asks what it is and she says it was some berries she was trying to save but she thinks it might have turned into booze. She says she doesn't know about the rest of them, but she could use a drink. Taissa asks if it's safe and Scott asks if they care. "If we have booze, let's have a party," suggests Jackie. "Yeah," agrees Taissa, "because we've got so much to celebrate." Misty says that there's a full moon tomorrow and it's almost homecoming. "We packed dresses, right?" points out Mari. Jackie says that if they have dresses and booze, it's a go. They can have a moon homecoming. "More like a doom homecoming," replies Taissa. "A Doomcoming" suggests Lottie. "Now that's a party idea," agrees Natalie. They agree that they'll have it tomorrow night. In the present day, Shauna accesses her safe. She finds that her stuff is back, as Jeff comes in, asking if he's supposed to wear a tie to the reunion. Shauna stares at the glitter on the floor. "What is this?" she asks him, asking if he has any idea where it came from. "Uh..." he mutters, saying he can explain it. "Oh my God, Jeff, what did you do?" she asks him. He says she was never supposed to get involved, that it got of control. "The store..." he continues, saying that was running him out of business. He asks what he was supposed to do. "So you blackmailed us?" she asks. He says he thought that either Taissa or Natalie had the cash, that he was going to lose the store. He says he first took out a loan from "these guys" and they were really bad, scary guys. She asks if they were loan sharks or mobsters and if they're going to kill them. He tells her they won't, that he paid them back. He promises her that it's over, saying they can just pretend and get past this. She shakes her head. She tells him they can't. "Why not?" he asks. She sighs.

    The bad loan people

    In the woods, the girls get ready, making outfits for the Doomcoming. Misty goes over to Coach Scott. She presents him a bouquet, saying that she knows it's not a Sadie Hawkins, but she wants him to come with her. Seeing his reaction, she says she gets it, but she thought this could be her one chance. She says it's dumb, that she knows she's not pretty. She starts to walk away and he tells her to stop, saying he'd be happy to dance with her. He just needs her to be clear that their boundaries are still their boundaries, that anything else just wouldn't be right. She tells him she understands and hands him the bouquet. Shauna and Jackie walk and talk. Jackie asks her if she ever thought about what they'd be doing if they didn't crash. Shauna says she doesn't really think about it, but Jackie says it's all she thinks about. She asks what if this is it, that all of their mistakes are permanent. Shauna asks her what mistakes she made, that everybody loved her. Jackie says she was naive, that she realizes that now, so she's decided she's not going to die a virgin. "With who?!" asks Shauna, and Jackie stares at Travis. Shauna asks her what about Natalie, but she says they broke up weeks ago. "Do you like him?" she asks, jabbing at her that she would never want them competing for the same guy. She says it's time to pull out all the stops. "What do you mean you killed someone?" asks Jeff, back in the present day. "I stabbed him and now he's dead," explains Shauna. Jeff asks who and she says it's the guy she thought was blackmailing them. "How?" asks Jeff. "Who?" She explains that it was Adam, the guy she got into the car accident with. He asks how she could think he was blackmailing them and she explains about meeting with him at the hotel. He asks what she was doing at the hotel. She tells him that she was following him. She says they need to just stop, that they know he was having an affair too, that she saw him with Bianca. Stunned, he explains that Bianca is with the "bad loan people" and scares him. He realizes that she said he was "having an affair too." She mutters that she can't believe he thought she was going to book club the whole time. "What? There's no book club?!" he shouts. In the woods, Jackie is doing Misty's makeup. Misty asks her if she can ask her something about boys. Jackie tells her to go for it and Misty says it's about Coach Scott, that they have a really deep connection but he's been holding back. She says he's afraid of society and rules, asking how to get him to let go. Jackie tells her that her mom always says when a girl sets her mind to it, there's nothing she can't get from a man. Misty replies that her mother always said the way to man's a heart is through his stomach. Jackie says that her mother is on ten different kinds of downers, so it may be best not to take her advice. She says that Misty deserves to be with someone who really wants to be with her, that she's beautiful. Misty looks in mirror and thanks her. In the present, Shauna tells Jeff they're out of Xanax. Jeff hands her a number of a man from the furniture store, saying he can help her sell stuff for money she might need. She asks why. He says they both once watched Dateline every week and they know how it's going to end, that they won't get away with this. He says he's going to to go to the cops and tell them that he found out about his wife's lover, things got out of hand, and it was an accident. She says he can't do that, but he shouts that he won't let her go down because of stuff he did. She tells Jeff to listen, that his wanting to take the fall for her is really sweet. However, if he goes down, there's a good chance the cops will find out about everything else. If it gets out that the Yellowjackets are being blackmailed because of what they did in the woods, their lives and Callie's would be over. She says they have to think, that there must be other options. She asks if nobody else knows about the blackmail. He tells her that Randy Walsh does. She asks if he's serious and he tells her he's his best friend, that he had to turn to someone. She asks why he wouldn't turn to her for help. He points out that she has a whole safe full of secrets she never told him about. She sighs. She asks when they became these people who lie, cheat, do awful things and just stay together because. "Because why?" He tells her that they've always been them, that secrets have always been a part of them. "Well, what do we do?" she asks. He suggests that if she thought the dead guy was the one behind the blackmail, there's no reason the other girls couldn't believe that too.

    Let the Doomcoming begin

    In the woods, the girls continue to prepare for the Doomcoming. Misty looks through a book, Medicinal Plants. She finds a page labeled "Shrooms." Van sits alone in front of a tree. Taissa arrives and she tells her she's not going to the "stupid party." Taissa says she knows she's self-concious. She reveals a pair of theatrical masks that she made. Vanessa takes one and smiles. Shauna gets dressed and feels her belly, now very pregnant. She asks for someone to help her zip her dress up. Mari asks Misty to go help her. Misty sets down her bag of mushrooms. Javi tries to put on a tie and Travis stops him, telling him it's not how you do it. He helps him and Natalie walks off. Misty comes back down and asks if anyone saw the mushrooms. Mari says she was holding out on them and she put them in the stew. Misty stares at Coach Scott, blinks, then says that she was saving them for a special occasion. In the present day, Misty is in the basement with Jessica Roberts. Jessica is sharing a story about how she caught someone on a drug-run. An alarm beeps and she asks if it's time to feed Caligula. Misty says she had no idea it was getting so late, that her stories are fascinating. Jessica says it's nice to share them with someone who appreciates them and she surely has plenty of fascinating stories herself. Misty shakes her head, but she says she survived a plane crash and spent a year-and-a-half in the wilderness with a bunch of teenage girls. She doesn't know what sounds scarier. Misty says they were all friends, but Jessica points out they've been in touch with each other, but not with Misty. She asks if they ever once reached out to her, asking how she's doing. She says she wasn't there and doesn't know, but if it were her, she'd feel left out. Elsewhere, Natalie is at a vending machine outside her house. She receives a text from Suzie, saying she's still working on Travis's bank account and to chill. Her snack, a Peanut M&M's, fails to dispense. She shakes the vending machine a bit. She walks off, returns with a fire extinguisher, smashes the glass, and takes the Peanut M&M's. She puts down the fire extinguisher and walks away calmly. Taissa is outside a polling place in a vehicle. A woman, her campaign manager, tells her that this zip code is Team Turner and three out of those five people in line are voting for her. Taissa asks "What am I even doing here?" The woman tells her that she's smiling for the cameras as she participates in the democratic process. Taissa reveals that Simone moved out and took Sammy with her. "I took a 15-year marriage and set it on fire, for what?" she asks. The woman tells her that campaigns are hell even on the best marriages and Simone will come around. Taissa says that she doesn't know that, that she doesn't know anything about her. In the woods, Lottie, dressed in a crown looking like antlers, lights a candle and declares "Let the Doomcoming begin." Javi rings a gong and everyone enters. Everyone is dressed up and looks beautiful or handsome. Van and Taissa delight everyone by entering as a couple. "Are they...?" asks Mari to Akilah. "Duh," replies Akilah. They kiss and everyone claps and cheers. They all start sampling drink and food, and Misty looks troubled, but then starts eating as well. Shauna pleads with Jackie to have some food, saying to have it for her. Natalie goes to stand by Travis and he says she looks nice, but then Jackie tells him to come over. Coach Scott tells Van and Taissa that in his official capacity as coach, he can't cannot condone underage drinking, but that he really appreciates what they did tonight. He toasts them, but then Lottie tells them all to stop. She says that they should have a moment of silence for Laura Lee. "Yeah," agrees Coach Scott. Taissa extends a glass. "To Laura Lee." They drink and have a moment of silence. "So, what now?" asks Natalie. Jackie quips that they need a DJ to pump up the volume, but Misty says that they need a slow dance. Lottie begins singing Seal's "Kiss From a Rose" and soon Van joins in. Everyone begins singing, off-key and jokey at first. Misty asks Scott for a dance, but he says his dancing days are behind him. He tells her Javi needs a partner. Soon, everyone else is dancing, and singing a lot better. Jackie and Travis dance. Natalie, seeing this, finds Coach Scott, asking if he wants to get out of there. She says she has real booze. They walk off.


    •Melanie Lynskey as Adult Shauna •Tawny Cypress as Adult Taissa •Ella Purnell as Jackie Taylor •Sophie Nélisse as Teen Shauna •Jasmin Savoy Brown as Teen Taissa •Sophie Thatcher as Teen Natalie •Sammi Hanratty as Teen Misty •Steven Krueger as Ben Scott •Warren Kole as Adult Jeff with •Christina Ricci as Adult Misty and •Juliette Lewis as Adult Natalie

    Guest starring

    •Courtney Eaton as Teen Lottie •Liv Hewson as Teen Van •Keeya King as Akilah •Jane Widdop as Teen Laura Lee (footage from "previously on" segment only) •Peter Gadiot as Adam Martin •Kevin Alves as Teen Travis •Alexa Barajas as Teen Mari •Rekha Sharma as Jessica Roberts •Jack Depew as Teen Jeff •Pearl Amanda Dickson as Teen Allie


    •Luciano Leroux as Javi Martinez •Mya Lowe as Yellowjacket #1 •Princess Davis as Yellowjacket #2 •Michelle Choi-Lee as Campaign manager

    •Music featured in this episode includes "The World I Know" by Collective Soul, "Gepetto" by Belly and "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal and the Yellowjackets cast.

  2. Jackie’s death is the direct result of the events that occurred at Doomcoming, in which Misty accidentally gets everyone high on mushrooms, Shauna and Lottie almost commit a ritualized murder ...

  3. Respectful, spoiler-conscious, and buzzing with mystery! Yellowjackets S01E09 - “Doomcoming” Episode Discussion. Synopsis: The Yellowjackets throw one last rage before careening into oblivion. Share your thoughts, reactions and ideas about the new episode here. If you have seen the new episode already, please do not share any spoilers about ...

  4. Jan 9, 2022 · A recap of ‘Doomcoming,’ episode 9 of season 1 of ‘Yellowjackets’ on Showtime. ... Jackie pulls Travis into the attic, and they lose their virginities to each other, but there’s no bond ...

    • Kelly Mcclure
    • Contributor
  5. Jan 10, 2022 · The girls (and guys) are aware that they’re likely to starve to death in a few weeks’ time if they’re not rescued. And when they realize that the upcoming full moon will take place roughly ...

  6. Jan 19, 2022 · In 1996, the girls face the fallout from their 'doomcoming' and Misty's (Sammi ... they start to come to terms with what happened the night before. ... Jackie's inability to adapt in ways as ...

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