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Groove High is a musical-comedy television series which aired on Disney Channel from November 2012 to March 2013. A mixture of live action and animation, the series centers around touring rock pop stars Tom played by Jonathan Bailey and Zoe played by Samantha Barks as they reminisce their time at their performing arts high school Groove High. [1]
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Groove High is a live action/animated comedy series following a group of talented kids that attend a quirky school for performing arts. The show uses both live action and animation. Each show begins in live action whereby Tom and Zoe (played by Samantha Barks and Jonathan Baileyin the english-language version) are two rock superstars tourin with th...
Groove High is a co-production between French animation companies Planet Nemo and Nexus Factory and Irish production company Telegael. Voice recording work for the animated sections began in April 2010, with live action filming completed at Telegael Productions in Ireland, October 2011. Animation was completed by two companies, Jetoon in China, and...
Original Main Cast
1. Tom Mason- Florian Frin 2. Zoe Myer- Alice Gingembre
Main cast
1. Tom Mason - Jonathan Bailey 2. Zoe Myer - Samantha Barks
Baz Trobatori - Rasmus HardikerVictoria (Vic) Benson - Jules de JonghLena Michelle Fayot - Rebekah StatonLex Turtletaub - Rasmus HardikerGroove High is a British musical teen comedy television series that premiered on Disney Channel on 10 November 2012. The series was created by Frédéric Puech and Vriglle Troullot. The show has 26 episodes in the one season.
Groove High is a British musical comedy television series that premiered on Disney Channel on 10 November 2012. The series was created by Frédéric Puech and Virglle Trouillot. The show has 26 episodes in the first season and is a mixture of live action and animation.
Stephen Holt finds offensive groove with Ginebra after career-high outing Rappler... St. Elizabeth High School's offense finds groove, defense pitches shutout in football win over Glasgow High School: Photo gallery - The Dialog - - 2024/09/28 07:00
Groove High is a musical comedy series that is a mixture of live action and animation. The main characters of the show's two friends - Tom and Zoe, who taught in Groove High - the best in the country, an elite art school. Since the start of science trying to prove to myself and the rest of the world, that everything achieved so far is due to ...
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What is the original Groove High?
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Who filmed Groove High?
Who makes Groove High?
Groove High is a British musical comedy television series that premiered on Disney Channel on 10 November 2012. The series was created by Frédéric Puech and Vriglle Troullot. The show has 338 episodes in the seven seasons and is a mixture of live action and animation.