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  1. Dec 26, 2019 · She shows Joe the gun she plans to kill his dad with, and Joe ends up using it on his father when his father's attacking his mom. It's not totally clear whether the two actions are correlated, but ...

  2. Feb 13, 2023 · Joe Goldberg is a unique type of sociopath who can disguise his true intentions behind a charming demeanor. He is skilled at manipulating those around him, hiding his sinister thoughts behind a ...

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Appareance
    • Relationships
    • Murders Committed
    • Appearances
    • Quotes

    Joseph "Joe" Goldberg is the is the main character of Netflix's YOU. He is portrayed by Penn Badgley. He was also portrayed by Gianni Ciardiello, Aidan Wallace, and Jack Fisher as a youth.

    Joe Goldberg is a charming and seemingly normal bookstore manager who becomes obsessed with his girlfriends and often resorts to extreme measures to control their lives and eliminate any threat to the relationship. He is the biological son of Raphael Goldberg and Sandy Librelato and the adoptive son of Ivan Mooney, the older biological maternal half-brother of Jake Librelato, the father of Henry Goldberg, and, ex-husband of Love Quinn and, he also enters into a relationship with his dark side, Rhys Montrose. He is an obsessive stalker who uses technology and social media to stalk the people he loves. The series explores themes of unhealthy love, obsession, privacy and even murder, as Joe commits a series of crimes in the name of what he believes to be true love.

    After, Joe Goldberg moves to Los Angeles and adopts a new name, William "Will" Bettelheim. He tries to start his life over and leave the problematic experiences of the first season behind. During his stay in Los Angeles, Joe meets Love Quinn, a local chef. The story develops around Joe's relationship with Love, but, as in the first season, Joe finds himself involved in complicated situations and his obsessive and dangerous behaviors come to the surface.

    In the third season Joe is married to Love and the two have a son named Henry Goldberg. Unhappy with his marriage and convinced that his wife was crazy, Joe searches for new obsessions, such as Natalie Engler and Marienne Bellamy, in which Joe goes to France to search under the pseudonym of Nick Jones.

    Now in the United Kingdom, Joe has a new name and a new life, gifted by Elliot Tannenberg, Jonathan Moore, a literature professor at a college located in the city of London, where he teaches several students, such as Nadia Farran and Edward Owen and is a companion from other teachers such as Malcolm Harding.

    Through his connection with Malcolm, he ends up getting to know his social circle, which includes his girlfriend, Kate Galvin and his friends, Roald Walker-Burton, Blessing Bosede, Gemma Graham-Greene, Adam Pratt, Sophie Soo, Simon Soo, Connie, Phoebe Borehall-Blaxworth and the one that catches Joe's attention the most, Rhys Montrose.

    Joe is a loner bookstore manager who becomes infatuated with a woman named Guinevere Beck and begins to stalk her to find out everything about her and hopefully make her fall in love with him. However, his obsession soon becomes out of control when he starts trying to control every aspect of her life.

    Joe is an obsessive man who develops nefarious feelings for innocent women and fills them with a desire to date them and be loved by them. He is incredibly selfish when it comes to this, as he is willing to hurt and even kill others to do so. He would lock people in his iconic glass cage and keep them captive if it would benefit his mission to woo his love interests, showing a large lack of consideration for other people. Ultimately, getting and staying in a relationship with these women has thus far never worked out, either because they lose interest in him or discover his crimes.

    Joe is deeply afraid of being arrested for his crimes and goes to great lengths to prevent that from happening. He murdered Beck by brutally assaulting and strangling her to death when she learned of his murders of Elijah Thornton, Benjamin Ashby (Benji), and Peach Salinger.

    That being said, Joe is shown to have boundaries and limits that he tries not to cross, even if it would benefit him to do so. This includes harming children or their parents, even being willing to leave the USA forever and start a new life in Mexico to prevent killing Delilah, Ellie's guardian and older sister, being a needed measure to keep himself out of prison, and taking Theo Engler to the hospital to save his life despite the latter having information that could lead to his arrest. Joe also tries to not harm people he deems good or moral, which led to him refusing to go through with a plot to frame Matthew Engler for his wife's murder even though it would protect him from legal troubles.

    Joe is protective of children and goes to great lengths to ensure they are okay. When his neighbour Claudia and her son were being abused by Claudia's boyfriend Ron, Joe discovered that Ron, as a parole officer, was threatening to take custody of Paco away from Claudia by reporting her past drug addiction to his "connections" if she ever left him. In order to protect them, he murdered Ron. He also protected Ellie Alves when she was being groomed by Henderson and ultimately saved her from being molested by drugging Henderson as he was trying to roofie Ellie.

    Joe Goldberg is a handsome man, 1.74 meters tall, with dark brown eyes and wavy black hair. He is generally seen with a simple, casual lifestyle, often wearing basic, comfortable clothing such as t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. Their appearance is seen as common and discreet, which contributes to their ability to go unnoticed in different situations...

    Sandy Librelato

    Joe Goldberg's relationship with his mother is portrayed as limited but still impactful in his life and worldview. Joe's mother, Sandy, is depicted as an absent and unstable figure, who struggled with mental health issues and addictions throughout Joe's life. She was unable to provide Joe with the emotional support and stability he needed as a child. This lack of a present and healthy maternal figure may have contributed to the formation of Joe's personality, including his dysfunctional relationship patterns and his pursuit of love and validation in distorted ways. While the series does not delve deeply into Joe's relationship with his mother, it is suggested that this relationship had a lasting impact on his life and choices.

    Ivan Mooney

    The relationship between Joe Goldberg with his adopted father is fundamental in the series. Mr. Mooney is portrayed as a distorted father figure to Joe. He teaches him to value literature and to have a critical view of society, but also manipulates him and treats him abusively. This relationship shapes Joe's worldview and his distorted idea of love and relationships. Throughout the series, we see flashbacks that show how Mr. Mooney influenced Joe's actions and how he internalized the distorted lessons he learned from him. The relationship also sheds light on the origins of Joe's obsessive and controlling behaviors, showing how these traits were cultivated early on by Mr. Mooney. In summary, the relationship between Joe Goldberg and Mr. Mooney is complex and multifaceted, playing a crucial role in the development of Joe's character and the narrative of the series.

    Jake Librelato

    The relationship between Joe Goldberg and his maternal brother Jake Librelato is compex. Sandy left Joe to be adopted, as according to her, it would be better in her conditions and when they first met, Joe and Jake were children, with Joe feeling jealous of Jake because his mother chose to move on with Jake, without him. However, with Season 5, this will probably change, as we see Joe, now a billionaire, going after Jake.

    Series Books

    •Candace Stone - Buried alive. •Benji Ashby - Purposely inflicted an allergic reaction. •Peach Salinger - Drowning on the beach. •Guinevere Beck - Asphyxiated on book pages. •Henderson - •Delilah Alves - •Forty Quinn - Drowned in the desert. •David Fincher - Murdered in Mexico.

    Season 1

    •"Pilot" •"The Last Nice Guy in New York" •"Maybe" •"The Captain" •"Living with the Enemy" •"Amour Fou" •"Everythingship" •"You Got Me, Babe" •"Candace" •"Bluebeard's Castle"

    Season 2

    •A Fresh Start" •Just the Tip" •What Are Friends For?" •The Good, The Bad & The Hendy" •Have a Good Wellkend, Joe!" •Farewell, My Bunny" •Ex-istential Crisis" •Fear and Loathing in Beverly Hills" •P.I. Joe" •Love, Actually"

    Season 3

    •"And They Lived Happily Ever After" •"So I Married An Axe Murderer" •"Missing White Woman Syndrome" •"Hands Across Madre Linda" •"Into the Woods" •"W.O.M.B." •"We're All Mad Here" •"Swing and a Miss" •"Red Flag" •"What Is Love?"

    Season 1

    •"At the end of the day, people are really just disappointing, aren't they?" •"The most valuable things in life are usually the most helpless. So they need people like us to protect them, ya know?" •"Uh, Beck, who the fuck is this?" •"I've seen enough romantic comedies to know that guys like me are always ending up in jams like this." •"All books add up to one essential truth, which is, if your IQ is above a certain number, life is pretty much unbearable." •"The first step to fixing something is to know that no matter how destroyed it seems, it can always be saved." •"You cast her in a role that isn't her, and you trap her in it." said to Benji about Beck." •"I know what it's like to be in love with you, Beck. This is not what love looks like. This is not how love behaves. This is the work of a sick mind. Let's call it what it is, perversion." •"I want to give you a life this grand some day, god knows you deserve it. Minus the unwanted pressure from an obviously unstable obsessed person of course." •"How dare she invade your privacy like that?! It's perverse." •"Turns out, it is like the movies. The second it's over, all you can remember is the stuff that made you fall in love. Blazing through your mind, this romcom montage made of the sweetest poison. I'd never felt this way before, where you love the bad things about someone just as much as the good. Maybe even more. " •"Love is not a strong enough word. Sometimes it scares me, to love someone so completely and not have them love you back." •"Face candace? I'd sooner slam my nuts in a door. But anything to stop screaming her name in my sleep. " •"Who knew sharing my darkest secrets would make me feel so light?" •"Look at what you've done to me. You dig into my past. You dissect my life. You make me out to be this monster,  someone who could hurt people, who could do terrible things. But who is the monster here, really? Who?" •"I knew you'd be scared, that's why I had to protect you from the truth. Now I have to protect us from the world. Evidence, evidence is all I need to prove to you I'm not some sicko. I'm your protector. You'll see." •"I know this is a lot, honestly I'm terrified sharing all this with you. But if we're being honest, your life has been better since you met me. You just didn't know how or why, until now. Beck I love you. And loving someone means you'll do anything for them." •"You don't understand, I would never hurt someone I love." •"I emptied the bucket, in case you ever doubt what I'd do for love." •"He was my Mr. Miagi, if Mr. Miagi was a Soviet prison guard." •"If you see this as a prison, that's all you're gonna be, a prisoner. If you see it as an opportunity for introspection and growth, voila, we have a future together. You say you're a writer. I fell in love with a writer. Maybe you should be writing." •"One thing I learned from my time in the cage, never let yourself panic. No matter how bad it is, you have to find a way to stay calm and keep your wits." •"I'm not a killer. I didn't plan any of this. If I was some premeditated cold blooded monster, I wouldn't have missed anything to come back and bite me in the ass like this." •"Sometimes, we do bad things for the people we love. It doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important." •"There isn't a line in the world I wouldn't cross for you." •"In the end, you couldn't love me. And I'm at peace with that now. Because I loved you the absolute best that I could. I gave you what you wanted. I feel good about that. I helped you become the writer you so wanted to be."

    Season 2

    •"Once upon a time I believed in love. Sure, I had been hurt before. But I'd learned from that and I wanted to fight for a fresh start. The real thing this time." •"I was brave. I was vulnerable. I won her the old fashioned way. I tried to do everything right, for her. I knew you have to do anything for love. So I did. I did whatever I had to. Whatever it took. But she did not trust me." •"I picked wrong, I made mistakes. Love had me blind. And that love turned to poison. And when love dies, it really hurts. The bottom line is, she couldn't love me back and our love died." •"I can't love again. It's too dangerous. The only fresh start, is a start without love." •"I'm closing my heart like an out of business bookstore, and I'm here for the moment where everyone is too into themselves to ever connect with another person." •"I know there's a side of me I let get out of control, now control is everything." •"In my dreams, Beck's alive. She forgives me for everything I did. She apologizes for everything she did. She says 'don't worry, candace is gone forever. ' But then I wake up and remember." •"Hello, you. No, fuck, no. I'm not doing that." •"I bet any place is beautiful, if you stop running for one second. I just want to stop running, Love. I want a home." •"My home is you." •"I can't wait to tell our story to our kids. I know it's just begun, but it's how I've always been. Even as a kid, one glance form a girl and I was trying out my last name with hers." •"I've learned some hard lessons. Fools do rush in. And I've been the fool more than once. If I'm honest, i saw red flags. I explained them away. I wanted love so badly." •"It's been said that dreams are illustrations from the book our soul is writing. So why do I keep dreaming about my childhood? Dr. Nicky would say I have unprocessed feelings about my parents didn't take very good care of me. But now you do, in so many ways. You make me kinder, more selfless. You make me feel good. So good, I forget what darkness resurfaced in my sleep. I lose myself in you. Find myself in you. When I'm with you, we are the only two people on the planet." •"The only joke is me pretending that keeping a man in a cage is helping me be a better person." •"Whatever you need, Love. These people may pretend to be real, but you and me really are." •"I don't hurt people, especially women. Especially when they're out of their minds." •"Who you really are, the dark, it's not a burden. You don't have to push that away from me. As far as I'm concerned, we will stay us, no matter what." •"I don't think I've ever been in love before. It's been infatuation. This is it. Accepting you're not perfect and loving you more for it." •"Call me whatever you want. Call me Will. You can call me Joe. Call me that fucking liar. Call me in the middle of the night. Call me happy, sad, sick, for favors, for sex, for a laugh, for a cry. Just don't ever stop calling me. I've never loved anyone like this before." •"It's weird the things you consider doing when you're broken up with. I considered stepping in front of a car the other day so you would look at me." •"Why does he have to be a psychopath? Maybe he is a man who would do anything for love." •"I think I finally understand what Beck went through. It is a lot to process. What did Beck do in this situation? Right, she pretended to love me. All I ever wanted from Beck was to be seen. Really seen, and accepted. You see me, even the parts I am ashamed of. You're asking me to see you, to love you. I don't know what to feel, Love. But I know what to do. It isn't hard to convince somebody you love them if you know what they want to hear." •"How can I judge anything you have done, when it's not so different from the things I've done? But if I let myself forgive you and just be happy with you, with all the light and good that comes with your dark, what kind of father does that make me?" •"Is that what we are? Soulmates? Is this what real love is? Knowing and accepting anything?" •"You want to know the truth? I killed Henderson, and I don't feel guilty about it. What I am is all that stands between you and people that are worse."

    Season 3

    •"I never thought to wonder what happens after boy gets girl. We know, "and they lived happily ever after" fade to black, roll the credits. I should have asked more questions, because I've been in some harrowing situations in my life. But for this, I need a map." •"Me, a boy, and his mom. Who's usually great, but occasionally murders people with her bare hands. What could go wrong?" •"It's incredible, the urge to protect. I feel it in my bones. I would do anything for him. What I don't feel is connection." •"The thing about trying to keep a human infant alive, you can't afford to think too hard about who you're in the trenches with. I'm in the trenches with a woman who jokes about stabbing someone in the eye, and is actually perfectly capable of it. I don't let myself think too hard about who love is. What she is. My job is to be a good husband, so I can be a good father." •"Are you flirting with me?" •"I can't just walk out of this web. The spider has my child." •"Are you flirting with me or inviting me to join fight club?" •"The real problem with my marriage is my fucking wife." •"I will be burying bodies until I'm 70 years old! Because if I'm not 100% into you all of the time, you will keep killing people!" •"Can you be a good father, when you're a bad man?" •"This is fine, it's normal. It's fine. And if I feel like it's not, maybe I'm the problem." •"Let go of the squirrel, you're hurting it." •"I can't remember a time when I didn't long for someone that totally accepted me, the bad with the good. Why is it that a person who will do that always comes with a cost?" •"I don't deserve her. She's making me food so I'm nourished all weekend and here I am counting the minutes until I can follow you." •"I'm not the type of guy going around sticking my nose in." •"The spark our marriage needed doesn't come from swinging. Our love language is violence." •"I have some absolute fucking weirdos in the basement." •"I thought I knew what love was. Beck was a child. And Love fooled me into believing she someone she wasn't. The only thing I'm thankful for is she brought our son into the world and led me to you." •"I don't feel bad about this. It's not like what Love does. She's crazy, impulsive." •"Oh fuck. I'm gonna need more tarps." •"What a mess my wife has made."

    • Sean Giambrone As Adam Goldberg. The Real Adam F. Goldberg Wasn't Blonde And Wore His Glasses Less. Sean Giambrone of the Solar Opposites cast plays Adam F. Goldberg in The Goldbergs.
    • Troy Gentile as Barry Goldberg. Barry In The Goldbergs Looks Remarkably Like The Real Thing. Troy Gentile got a comeback from his child-star days to play Barry Goldberg in The Goldbergs.
    • Hayley Orrantia as Erica (Eric) Goldberg. Erica's Gender Was Swapped For The Show. The biggest change that The Goldbergs made to the portrayal of their real-life family was changing the eldest brother, Eric Goldberg, into Hayley Orrantia's Erica Goldberg.
    • Wendi McLendon-Covey as Beverly Goldberg. The Beverly Actress On The Goldbergs Has A Lot In Common With The Genuine Article. Wendi McLendon-Covey is one of the more familiar faces featured on the show, playing Adam F. Goldberg's mother, Beverly Goldberg.
  3. Mar 23, 2023 · In season one of ‘You‘, Joe Goldberg shows the textbook signs of codependency, narcissism, and anti-social disorder. According to the National Institutes of Health, people with antisocial personality disorder lack empathy, which results in their actions in ways that society considers morally unsound, like manipulating others to get what they want or violating another’s privacy.

  4. Jan 13, 2014 · The Goldbergs narrator is comedian/actor Patton Oswalt, who delivers a Wonder Years -esque voice-over on the show, portraying a grown up Adam (Sean Giambrone) recalling memories of his crazy 1980s family. This ode to The Wonder Years was no accident, as it is the real Adam Goldberg's "favorite show of all time."

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  6. Mar 27, 2021 · Starring Jeff Garlin, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Sean Giambrone, the late George Segal, and the voice of Patton Oswalt as our narrator, i.e. an adult version of our main character, The Goldbergs cast ...