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    • The crowd, the mass, and the public

      • In short, collective behavior is any group behavior that is not mandated or regulated by an institution. There are three primary forms of collective behavior: the crowd, the mass, and the public.
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  2. List the major types of collective behavior. Explain the difference between conventional crowds and acting crowds. Describe the behavior that typically occurs during and after a disaster.

    • Overview
    • Elementary forms of collective behaviour
    • Milling
    • Social unrest

    collective behaviour, the kinds of activities engaged in by sizable but loosely organized groups of people. Episodes of collective behaviour tend to be quite spontaneous, resulting from an experience shared by the members of the group that engenders a sense of common interest and identity. The informality of the group’s structure is the main source of the frequent unpredictability of collective behaviour.

    Included in collective behaviour are the activities of people in crowds, panics, fads, fashions, crazes, publics, cults, and followings as well as more organized phenomena, such as reform and revolutionary social movements. Because it emphasizes groups, the study of collective behaviour is different from the study of individual behaviour, although inquiries into the motivations and attitudes of the individuals in these groupings are often carried out. Collective behaviour resembles organized group behaviour in that it consists of people acting together; but it is more spontaneous—and consequently more volatile and less predictable—than is behaviour in groups that have well-established rules and traditions specifying their purposes, membership, leadership, and method of operation.

    The U.S. sociologist Robert E. Park, who coined the term collective behaviour, defined it as “the behavior of individuals under the influence of an impulse that is common and collective, an impulse, in other words, that is the result of social interaction.” He emphasized that participants in crowds, fads, or other forms of collective behaviour share an attitude or behave alike, not because of an established rule or the force of authority, and not because as individuals they have the same attitudes, but because of a distinctive group process.

    The absence of formal rules by which to distinguish between members and outsiders, to identify leaders, to establish the aims of the collectivity, to set acceptable limits of behaviour for members, and to specify how collective decisions are to be made accounts for the volatility of collective behaviour. The leader of a mob can become the object of the mob’s hatred in a matter of minutes; a fashion leader can suddenly become passé.

    Although agreeing that collective behaviour does not generally adhere to everyday rules, some investigators emphasize the emergence of rules and patterns within the collectivity that are related to the surrounding social structure. The U.S. psychologist Ralph H. Turner and the U.S. sociologist Lewis M. Killian define collective behaviour on the basis of “the spontaneous development of norms and organization which contradict or reinterpret the norms and organization of society.” Somewhat similar is the U.S. sociologist Neil J. Smelser’s definition: “mobilization on the basis of a belief which redefines social action.” The distinctive belief—which is a generalized conception of events and of the members’ relationships to them—supplies the basis for the development of a distinctive and stable organization within the collectivity. But Smelser’s definition points attention, in a way that other definitions do not, toward the unique manner in which members perceive reality; without such a view a group of people would not be engaged in collective behaviour.

    The U.S. sociologist Herbert Blumer determined a desire for social change in collective behaviour, as expressed in his definition: “a collective enterprise to establish a new order of life.” This definition, however, excludes many of the temporary escapes from conventional life through revelry and orgies, punitive actions such as lynchings, and panics, which are not oriented to any kind of reconstruction of social life or society. Most students of collective behaviour, however, would not restrict the field so severely.

    Regardless of where or how collective behaviour develops, it requires some kind of preparation. In organized groups there are rituals, such as personal introductions, the toastmaster’s humour, and group singing, to facilitate the transition from individual action to group interaction. People may act together efficiently if they have been prepared f...

    Prior to most instances of collective behaviour there is a period during which people move about in a somewhat agitated but aimless way. Early students of crowd behaviour, struck by the resemblance to the milling of cattle before a stampede, gave this form of human activity its name. Its characteristic physical restlessness can be seen in an audience waiting for a late-starting program to begin or among citizens who have just received word of an assassination attempt. In the former case people scuffle their feet, leave their seats and walk about, and sometimes join spontaneously in rhythmic behaviour, such as foot stamping. In the latter case people discontinue routine activities and talk with neighbours, friends, and strangers. In most situations milling also means looking for clues to others’ feelings, such as sweating, nervousness, and changes in tone of voice.

    Human milling has at least four important effects. First, it sensitizes people to one another. In this sense milling focuses people’s attention on the collectivity and on a subject or problem. Second, milling tends to produce a common mood among the interacting individuals. Where some might react with sorrow, others with anger, and still others with partisan delight or indifference, milling helps to diffuse a single mood within a group. Third, milling develops a common image or interpretation of the situation. The milling throng decides whether the Western tourist taking pictures of a marketplace in the native quarter of an Asian city is harmless or an affront to native dignity; whether the police in an American city are simply arresting a drunken driver or harassing an oppressed minority. Finally, milling sets in motion the process of redefining the rules that govern behaviour. The milling of an audience is usually the signal that customary rules of courtesy toward performers and speakers are no longer applicable and that different forms of behaviour may be expected.

    The general condition of the community in which milling is both frequent and widespread and in which rumour is recurrent is the crucible in which the more highly organized forms of collective behaviour develop. This condition, known as social unrest, can lead to outbursts of violence. The American urban Black uprisings of the 1960s were preceded and accompanied by social unrest in the form of a rise in tensions in Black communities throughout the country; the Russian Revolution was preceded by several years of constant unrest and turmoil, involving random assassinations, strikes, and riots.

    There are several distinguishing characteristics to social unrest. First, there is a general impairment of collective life routines. People find it difficult to concentrate on their work or even to adhere to rules in playing games. Any occasion to abandon routines is welcomed. Second, people are hyperreactive. The magnitude of the response is out of proportion to the usual meaning of any stimulating incident. A small police provocation elicits a major outcry of police brutality; a trivial success is the occasion for large-scale celebration. Milling and rumour abound because incidents that would normally pass with little notice become occasions for both. Third, social unrest is marked by contagiousness. When restlessness is strictly individual, one person’s restlessness merely annoys another. But when restlessness becomes a shared experience, people are highly suggestible to one another. Questioning and exploring alternative courses of action are reduced to a minimum. Fourth, social unrest is not specific with respect to grievances or activities. When there is social unrest in a school, students complain of both restrictions on their behaviour and the lack of clearly defined rules; they find fault both with school administrators and with their fellow students. Finally, social unrest is perhaps the most volatile of collective states. Unlike rumour or milling, it does not remain focused on an issue or problem. Unlike crowd behaviour or fads, it has not yet been channeled into one main direction. Although social unrest may eventually die down without any serious aftermath, it is a condition in which people can be easily aroused.

  3. In short, collective behavior is any group behavior that is not mandated or regulated by an institution. There are three primary forms of collective behavior: the crowd, the mass, and the public. It takes a fairly large number of people in close proximity to form a crowd (Lofland 1993).

  4. Describe different forms of collective behavior and differentiate between types of crowds; Compare theoretical perspectives on collective behavior: the emergent-norm perspective, value-added theory, and assembling perspective

  5. Feb 20, 2021 · There are three different forms of collective behavior: crowd, mass, and public. There are three main theories on collective behavior. The first, the emergent-norm perspective, emphasizes the importance of social norms in crowd behavior.

  6. Describe different forms of collective behavior. Differentiate between types of crowds. Discuss emergent norm, value-added, and assembling perspective analyses of collective behavior.

  7. Feb 20, 2021 · Collective Behaviors are unusual or non-routine behaviors that large numbers of people participate in. There are a variety of types of collective behaviors. A Mass is a large number of people oriented toward a set of shared symbols or social objects (media).

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