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  1. The assumption, on next to no evidence. that the Blake family be- longed to some group that rejected Anglican teaching, isolated and exclu- sive, doctrinally eccentric, somewhat like the Muggletonians.

  2. The assumption, on next to no evidence, that the Blake family belonged to some group that rejected Anglican teaching, isolated and exclusive, doctrinally eccentric, somewhat like the Muggletonians. A recent example of the madness topos appeared during the Tate Britain “William Blake” exhibition of 2000-01.

  3. In any case, there is a very great difference between being born into, and raised in, a Muggletonian family, and later marrying a man who has alleged Muggletonian connections.

    • Was the Blake family a Muggletonian group?1
    • Was the Blake family a Muggletonian group?2
    • Was the Blake family a Muggletonian group?3
    • Was the Blake family a Muggletonian group?4
    • Was the Blake family a Muggletonian group?5
  4. Davies also produced evidence that contradicted E.P. Thompson’s Muggletonian hypothesis, and speculated upon the identity of Blake’s maternal grandparents. We now link Blake’s mother to a very different religious community, providing further evidence about her first marriage, and correcting the assumptions Davies made in identifying Blake ...

    • Davies, K. and Schuchard, M.K.
    • Blake-an Illustrated Quarterly
    • Journal article
    • University of Rochester
  5. In 2001, Dr. M. K. Schuchard discovered records relating to William Blake’s mother, her first husband, and possibly other connections of the Blake family, in the Moravian Church Library and Archive at Muswell Hill. A valuable new context for understanding Blake was thereby uncovered.

  6. His source was the Blake facsimilist William Muir, who told him that the Blake family attended the Moravian Church in Fetter Lane, in the City of London.

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  8. Initially Thompson hoped to show that Blake was a Muggletonian, since so much of Blake is resonant of Muggletonian conduct, symbolism, debate, attitudes, and processes. However in spite of his literary and historical sleuthing, and massive archival endeavours, Thompson could only conclude that Blake was deeply influenced by the Muggletonian ...

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