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  2. According to the Bible, Joseph was embalmed and buried in a coffin in Egypt, after having his people swear to carry his bones away. [41] Later midrash identify his first entombment in a royal mausoleum, or as cast into the Nile.

  3. The Jews then buried Joseph's remains – which had been carried along from Egypt – in the plot of land which Jacob had bought, and designated Shechem as a City of Refuge and a Levite city.

  4. The Book of Genesis ends with the words “And Joseph died at the age of 110 and they embalmed him, and he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.” And yet, Joseph is buried in Shechem (Nablus) in the Holy Land.

  5. According to Jewish tradition, Joseph was buried in the biblical town of Shechem, which is near the present-day city of Nablus. Some archeologists believe the site is only a few centuries old and may contain the remains of a Muslim sheik named Yossef.

  6. Fortunately the body of Joseph remained undisturbed. According to some traditions, his sons Ephraim and Manessah are buried with him as well. Mount Gezrim is the westernmost of two large hills, along with Mount Ebal to the east, that flank the city of Nablus.

  7. 3.3.3 Joseph’s Place of Burial. While he was in Egypt Joseph gave specific instructions regarding the arrangements for his burial (Gen. 50:24-26). Joseph’s bones were removed from Egypt at the Exodus (Exod. 13:19) and buried in the tract of land that Jacob had bought (Josh. 24:32).

  8. Although Jewish presence in the city endured for millennia, it all but vanished by the early 20th century. In 1996, Nablus was transferred to the Palestinian Authority, and in 2000, rioters vandalized Joseph’s Tomb, with multiple desecrations occurring ever since.

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