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  1. Confirmation close Confirmation A ceremony which sees a young person making a commitment to lead a Christian life. is one of the three sacraments of initiation. The other two are baptism close ...

  2. For “by the Sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed” (LG 11; cf. OC, Introduction 2).

  3. elebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation.Everyone needs to keep in mind that the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a time of special grace for those. being confirmed and for the wider Church. The entire focus should be upon Confirmation as a Sac. ament, a liturgical action of the Church. Confirmation is not a “graduation” or ...

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  4. Mar 3, 2023 · For millions of Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, that seal of the Holy Spirit is received when they “accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. In their minds, there is no second, distinct work of grace that Catholics call “confirmation.”. And yet, in Acts 8:14-17, among other texts (Acts 2:4, 19:1-6), the word of God could hardly be ...

    • Theophilus of Antioch
    • Tertullian
    • Hippolytus
    • Cyprian of Carthage
    • Council of Carthage VII
    • Treatise on Re-Baptism
    • Cyril of Jerusalem
    • Serapion
    • Council of Laodicea
    • Pacian of Barcelona

    “Are you unwilling to be anointed with the oil of God? It is on this account that we are called Christians: because we are anointed with the oil of God” (To Autolycus 1:12 [A.D. 181]).

    “After coming from the place of washing we are thoroughly anointed with a blessed unction, from the ancient discipline by which [those] in the priesthood . . . were accustomed to be anointed with a horn of oil, ever since Aaron was anointed by Moses. . . . So also with us, the unction runs on the body and profits us spiritually, in the same way tha...

    “The bishop, imposing his hand on them, shall make an invocation, saying, ‘O Lord God, who made them worthy of the remission of sins through the Holy Spirit’s washing unto rebirth, send into them your grace so that they may serve you according to your will, for there is glory to you, to the Father and the Son with the Holy Spirit, in the holy Churc...

    “It is necessary for him that has been baptized also to be anointed, so that by his having received chrism, that is, the anointing, he can be the anointed of God and have in him the grace of Christ” (Letters7:2 [A.D. 253]). “Some say in regard to those who were baptized in Samaria that when the apostles Peter and John came there only hands were imp...

    “[I]n the Gospel our Lord Jesus Christ spoke with his divine voice, saying, ‘Except a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God’ [John 3:5]. This is the Spirit which from the beginning was borne over the waters; for neither can the Spirit operate without the water, nor the water without the Spirit. Certain people...

    “[I]t has been asked among the brethren what course ought specially to be adopted towards the persons of those who . . . baptized in heresy . . . and subsequently departing from their heresy, and fleeing as supplicants to the Church of God, should repent with their whole hearts, and only now perceiving the condemnation of their error, implore from ...

    “After you had come up from the pool of the sacred streams, there was given chrism, the antitype of that with which Christ was anointed, and this is the Holy Spirit. But beware of supposing that this is ordinary ointment. For just as the bread of the Eucharist after the invocation of the Holy Spirit is simple bread no longer, but the body of Christ...

    “[Prayer for blessing the holy chrism:] ‘God of powers, aid of every soul that turns to you and comes under your powerful hand in your only-begotten. We beseech you, that through your divine and invisible power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you may effect in this chrism a divine and heavenly operation, so that those baptized and anointed in ...

    “[T]hose who have been illuminated are, after baptism, to be anointed with celestial chrism and thus become partakers in the kingdom of Christ” (Canon 48 [A.D. 360]).

    “If, then, the power of both baptism and confirmation, greater by far than charisms, is passed on to the bishops, so too is the right of binding and loosing” (Three Letters to the Novatianist Sympronian1:6 [A.D. 383]).

  5. Oct 14, 2024 · 1316 Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ ...

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  7. The Christian was sealed as a witness for Christ in Confirmation and fortified by an increase of the Spirit’s gifts to fight, suffer, and die for the faith. The notion of the sacrament making a person a soldier of Christ prevailed. The sign of peace in the rite was even replaced by a gentle slap on the face to indicate readiness for life’s ...

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