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- Sion Support has a 51.3% win rate with 0.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 1 551 matches in patch 14.21 the best build for Sion is Celestial Opposition, Plated Steelcaps, Heartsteel, Thornmail, and Randuin's Omen.
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Unfortunately no. Sion struggles pretty hard in the bot lane especially without being able to stack W hp. Thebausffs was actually known for his support Sion which he reached D2 before he took Sion top lane.
As a support, your death matters much less than your ADC. So you can use your CC abilities to cover a retreat if you get ganked or caught out of position. The passive can then allow you and your ADC to pivot the fight and pick up a few kills, or just covers them further.
Find the best meta build guides for Sion Support in S14 Patch 14.21. The MOBAFire community offers quality Sion builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Do you have your own specific play style? Share your own Sion Support guide!
It's surprisingly good for pushing for plays and accelerating a win. Support Sion already has 1100 bonus health by the time I finish it which is around 12 to 15 minutes. For mythics, I just adapt to the game.
Sion Support has a 51.3% win rate with 0.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 1 551 matches in patch 14.21 the best build for Sion is Celestial Opposition , Plated Steelcaps , Heartsteel , Thornmail , and Randuin's Omen .
Sion Support has a 48.8% win rate and 0.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Sion Support , where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game.
Sion Support is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 50.05% win rate in LoL Patch 14.21. We've analyzed 5448 Sion Support games to compile our statistical Sion Build Guide. For items, our build recommends: Boots of Swiftness, Heartsteel, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, and Celestial Opposition.