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  1. Random trivia about Luffy and Sanji : their mentors have Red nickname. their mentors sacrifice a body part which was an important part of their fighting style, and later Luffy and Sanji use that body part as main combat style. both meet a lady who antagonize them, yet changed her opinion due to Luffy's and Sanji's attitude towards them.

  2. May 22, 2023 · Sanji Vs Luffy is simply one of the greatest moments to ever come out of one piece.SUBSCRIBE NOW!My discord Server: can reach m...

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    Sanji first met the crew after Luffy accidentally attacked the Baratie. His first impression was that they were a "noisy bunch" but catching a glimpse of Nami caused Sanji to swoop over. It took a while for Sanji to fully understand and like the crew, since he thought Luffy and Zoro were crazy for risking their lives for their dreams, when they respectively fought Krieg and Mihawk; however, seeing their determination and recalling his own crazy dream of finding the fabled All Blue, Sanji is inspired to pursue his own dream. After joining the crew, Sanji would often butt heads with Zoro and argue with Usopp, as well as seeking out Nami's company, but after fighting together at Arlong Park, he warms up to the whole crew (including Zoro, to an extent), making huge feasts for them and taking pleasure at their happiness. Just before the entered the Grand Line, it was Sanji who proposed a launching party, during which all of the members who joined in East Blue declared their commitment to achieve their dreams.

    Sanji often states that he only cares about the women of the crew, but this is far from true; Sanji cares for all his friends, and between his heroic rescue at Rain Dinners and by closing the Gates of Justice at Enies Lobby, it can be said Sanji has saved the entire crew on numerous occasions. When Sanji was unable to protect his crew from Kuma, Sanji became distraught and charged at the Warlord, despite Usopp trying to hold him back. When given a difficult challenge by Ivankov, Sanji said he would go through (his idea of) "hell" for his crew and accepted the challenge. He has also risked his life for the crew on multiple occasions, whether it be by taking lightning blasts from Enel, or stopping Doflamingo from reaching the crew. Even after meeting his beautiful, arranged fiancée, Charlotte Pudding, he turns her down and chooses to return to his friends. After Pudding tells the crew that Sanji turned her down for them, they are shocked to the core that Sanji would turn down a woman, let alone such a beautiful and (seemingly) kindhearted one; Luffy is so moved by Sanji's loyalty that he even cries. While fighting his father, the latter questioned if Sanji would really sacrifice his own family to which Sanji stated he did not care what harm came upon them as he only came to protect his crew. It can be said that Sanji sees his crew as the real family he never had growing up. Sanji's care for his crew even enters his subconscious thought, as when he was preparing a bento box for Pudding, he realized he put all their favorite foods in the meal.

    However, with explosive shackles placed on his hands, Zeff's life being held hostage by the Germa Kingdom, and his crewmates threatened by the Big Mom Pirates. Sanji reluctantly decided to sever his ties with the Straw Hat Pirates, speaking cruelly and insultingly to Luffy and Nami in the hopes to chase them away, to the point of pretending he arrogantly forgot Luffy's name. To further his goal of stopping the crew from pursuing him, Sanji continued on with his words and violently attacked Luffy but was driven to tears afterwards. Sanji also made sure the crew would survive Whole Cake Island agreeing to Big Mom to marry Pudding so long as the crew were safe, until he realized the entire marriage is a sham to kill him and his family, and that Big Mom never intended to spare the Straw Hats.

    After Sanji realized his misgivings, he rushed off with the bento box to find his captain. After arguing with Luffy, Sanji finally wept and admitted that he wanted to return to the Thousand Sunny. He also said to Luffy that he could not abandon his family, so Luffy told Sanji that they would destroy the wedding together. Sanji was very reluctant to face the crew again but were overjoyed to hear them through Brûlée's mirror shard. His crewmates, particularly Brook, Luffy, and Chopper, dearly enjoy his delicious cooking, and began to better appreciate him after Luffy's disastrous wastage of their food supply by cooking the disgusting Random Curry. They were extremely overjoyed at being able to taste his cooking again to the point they joyfully hugged Sanji. After safely reuniting with the crew, Sanji has shown to be more caring and protective towards the male members of the crew as he angrily swore to go all out to protect Usopp if he were to be captured by the Beasts Pirates.


    Sanji initially despised Zeff for attacking the cruise ship that Sanji was working on as a child. Sanji swore he would not die because he had to find the All Blue; Zeff, overhearing this comment, was greatly impacted by it, and when Sanji was swept overboard, Zeff jumped in after him. Sanji and Zeff were subsequently marooned on a rock for over 80 days, during which time both of them nearly starved to death. Sanji initially complained about Zeff's bag being bigger than the one he received, and secretly planned to leave Zeff to die if he managed to get a ship's attention. After weeks of eating nothing, Sanji decided he would take Zeff's rations, even if that meant killing him; however, he ultimately discovered that Zeff's portion of rations was actually a bag of treasure, and that Zeff and had eaten his own leg in order for Sanji to have all of the food. Overwhelmed, Sanji demanded to know the reason for the pirate's kindness, and Zeff simply replied that it was because he and Sanji shared the same dream. Zeff then confided to Sanji his idea of building a sea-going restaurant, if he ever got rescued. Sanji promised he would help Zeff run it, to which Zeff said he was too weak, but Sanji replied, "Then I'll become strong". After their rescue, Zeff raised Sanji as his adopted son, teaching him about cooking as well as how to fight like a cook (meaning, without using his hands) and also the chivalry beliefs of never attacking a woman. Zeff admits to Sanji that he considers himself to be Sanji's parent and that it is his duty to make sure Sanji does not grow up to be a person he'll "come to despise", something that deeply moved Sanji. Sanji's sense of debt towards Zeff was Luffy's main obstacle in trying to recruit Sanji, and Zeff visibly had tears in his eyes when Sanji did finally leave the Baratie to join the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite their constant bickering and fighting and throwing insults while running the Baratie (with Sanji calling Zeff "shitty geezer" and Zeff calling Sanji "little eggplant"), Sanji has adopted a few of Zeff's personality traits notably the tendency to be hard on men that he knew and constantly insulting people. Sanji even considers Zeff as his true father, telling his biological father that "I have a father, but it is not you!" When Sanji remained defiant against his family, Judge decided to show Sanji a picture of Zeff, stating Germa 66 knows where he is and are prepared to have him killed should Sanji continue to go against their demands. The revelation of the man who raised him being in danger caused Sanji to react in great shock as he recalled his memories with Zeff. Sanji's undying loyalty to Zeff is such that he would even sever ties with the Straw Hat Pirates with cruel and insulting words and indirectly broke his chivalry code by emotionally hurting Nami in order to protect the head chef as well as brutalizing his captain and best friend, Luffy. Sanji's respect for Zeff is so great that he refused to allow his biological family to die at Big Mom's hands as he did not was to disappoint his "father". Sanji stated to his biological father who questioned his reason for saving them that he will not live a life where he is unable to look his "father" in the eye if he would stoop low enough to hold onto a petty grudge. Sanji verbally disowned Judge as his father and told him never to come near him or his crew as Judge solemnly promised to never interfere with Sanji's life or threaten the East Blue.


    Sanji had a habit of getting on everyone's nerves while at the Baratie. In particular, they resented the fact that he was the sous chef (and therefore their superior), despite being the youngest chef in the restaurant. They also found his habit of flirting with female customers annoying, while Patty, in particular, was disturbed by Sanji's frequent attacks against ungrateful customers. Despite this, Sanji's cooking was revered by all of the Baratie's cooks, and the entire cooking staff was upset by his departure. They have kept an eye on his progress through the Grand Line ever since and have used his former association with the Baratie to promote the restaurant every time his bounty is updated. The Vinsmokes also threatened the inhabitants of Baratie, as when Sanji fought against his brothers, Niji sneered that their blood would be on his hands, causing Sanji to willingly allow Niji to strike him down.


    Despite being enemies, Gin also considered Sanji as a friend because he showed him the only act of kindness he ever experienced. Gin was unable to bring himself to finish Sanji off and left on the vow that the pair would try and meet again on the Grand Line if it was ever possible. Sanji is the first person to ever show kindness to Gin, by giving him free food when the pirate was starved and penniless. As such, Gin ultimately cannot kill Sanji, despite his own reputation as a "Man-Demon", and Krieg's orders.

    Sanji has an extremely strained relationship with his family, the Vinsmoke Family, and has been estranged from them since he was 8. Their royal pride and singular focus on strength and warfare conflict with his own dream and his chosen profession as a chef. His brothers used to brutally bully him because of "weakness" and his childhood tendency to cook for others, and they followed their father's example in calling Sanji a disgrace to the family name. At the age of 8, after being imprisoned by his father for 6 months, he chose to flee the Germa Kingdom despite being told that he would never survive alone on the high seas, indicating that he preferred to risk death rather than remaining with his family. After learning of his arranged wedding, Sanji resolved to return to the Germa Kingdom, in part, because he held out hope that his family may have changed or improved since he last saw them; however, these hopes were in vain as Sanji remarked that they have only gotten worse over the years.

    Despite his issues with his father and brothers, Sanji loved his deceased mother, so much so that he tried to carry on her legacy of caring for the weak. He also cares greatly for his elder sister Reiju, who was the only other person to show him kindness and the one who helped him to escape as a child. Even after a decade of estrangement, when Sanji returned with a vast improvement in physical strength, Reiju remains the only living member of their family to acknowledge him in a positive way.

    Due to both conflicting ideals and being disinherited, Sanji shows complete disinterest in the Vinsmoke Family's political affairs. Even as a child, he chose exile on the high seas over remaining a prince in the kingdom. As an adult, he considers the family's actions (and their pride in those actions) to be "insane". Later, as the rest of the family conversed about their political and military standpoints, Sanji simply ate quietly. While he was deeply affected in his childhood by being considered the family failure, his time away from them has helped him to see them more objectively. During the same meal, when his brother Niji told him that he brought shame to their family name, Sanji declared that being affiliated with it brought shame to him. He also confided to Pudding that, despite it giving him royal status, he had never once felt any joy in being born a Vinsmoke.

    Sanji has only once identified as a member of the family. However, it was merely an act put on in response to the pressures imposed on him by his family, including their holding his father figure hostage, and to prevent harm coming to Luffy and Nami. The whole incident caused Sanji great distress, and while it satisfied his father, his brothers resumed tormenting him immediately after seeing his anguish at speaking down to his crew.

    After learning of Big Mom's assassination plot against his family, Sanji confided to his sister that, while he hates the rest of their family for all the pain and suffering, they put him through, he does not want her to die, leaving her touched. In a later talk with Luffy, Sanji stated that, while he feels no obligation to save his family from their fate, he did not have it in him to leave them to die at Big Mom's hand and wanted to find a way to save them. During the Tea Party, the Big Mom Pirates showed their treachery and were prepared to execute his family while Sanji went out of his way to rescue them which he was able to do. The family was very shocked by the lengths Sanji would go through to save them especially Reiju and Judge.

    After learning of Sanji's reasons for saving them, which was to overcome his childhood grudge for Zeff's sake, the Vinsmoke Family decided to clear their debt to Sanji by fighting off the Big Mom Pirates to give his friends and allies an opening to escape.

    Like all the Straw Hats, he is wanted by the Marines. The Marines as they do with all pirates utterly hate Sanji, calling him by his moniker "Black Leg" though before his bounty, Zoro joked they see him as just "Pirate A". Sanji could not care less about the Marines, beating aside trained marines without hesitation.

    Sanji earned a bounty as a result of his piracy. His first bounty poster featured a rather crude image of his face, due to the Marines being unable to get a proper snapshot, much to Sanji's chagrin. The second bounty poster was updated to reflect his true image, although it now features his unique bounty condition ("Only Alive"). After Sanji is revealed to be a member of the Vinsmoke Family, it was revealed that the bounty condition was set by the Marines at the instigation of his father.


    Jabra became Sanji's enemy during the crew's siege on Enies Lobby to save Robin. The then-CP9 agent earned Sanji's wrath after he wounded his friend Usopp and they engaged in battle. Jabra proved to be a formidable opponent for Sanji with his superhuman strength, claws, and his ability to use the Tekkai technique while still being able to move around. It was only after Sanji managed to develop a new technique that could scorch and critically injure his opponent simultaneously that he was finally able to defeat Jabra.


    Sanji considered Absalom his arch-nemesis and is the only villain to make Sanji angrier than he's ever been in the series (until he met his family again). First, the Invisible man crept on board the Sunny and molested Robin and knocked Sanji about, then accosted Nami while she was bathing and stalked her relentlessly through Thriller Bark only to blocked by Sanji's own shadow getting Absalom angry. And when Absalom finally stole Nami from Usopp and Chopper, Sanji heard the news and burst into flames of angry swearing he will kill the invisible man and rushed off the save Nami. Interrupting the marriage and brutally beating Absalom into a pulp, Sanji also revealed he hated Absalom because he ate the Suke Suke no Mi since Sanji dreamed of using it to peep on girls too. Absalom also hates Sanji for keeping Nami from him and "touching his bride", after seeing the cheap tactics of the invisible man, Sanji stated he no longer desired the fruit (since he could just peep on his own). Sanji then imprinted Absalom on a stone wall, thereby weakening him so much that Nami would later finish him off with one attack.

    Big Mom Pirates

    As a member of the Straw Hats, Sanji is an enemy of the Big Mom Pirates. At Dressrosa, Sanji personally asked for permission to return fire on their ship. After Sanji was taken from Zou, Tamago tried to convince Sanji to go through with the wedding and join the crew, but Sanji refused. Tamago even provided explosive wristlets for Judge to use to keep Sanji in line. When Charlotte Pudding held his sister captive, she revealed her true nature as well as her family's plans to kill his own family. Sanji was dismayed at these revelations and nearly resigned himself to being killed. However, after Bobbin tried to steal food he made for his friends, Sanji attacked him and fled to regroup with his crew. During the Tea Party, the Big Mom Pirates were prepared to slaughter Sanji and his family, but when Pudding faltered after Sanji complimented her, their plans went awry. Pudding's brother Charlotte Katakuri tried to kill Sanji himself when he knew he would dodge a shot from the priest, but that attempt failed as Sanji dodged the shot as well and glared at his surprised would-be assassin. He later fought with Charlotte Daifuku, who decided to take it upon himself to kill Sanji after Pudding's failure. After the Big Mom Pirates held his family at gunpoint, Sanji tried to save them, but Daifuku held him at bay. However, after Luffy caused Big Mom to scream, Sanji managed to free his family from their clutches. Sanji later attacked Charlotte Oven to protect Charlotte Chiffon since she was helpful to his crew. Sanji fought through dozens of their forces to protect a weakened Luffy from their vengeful nature after Katakuri was defeated. Sanji was nearly overwhelmed, but his siblings came to his aid, and he escaped the enemy crew.

    Germa Kingdom

    Like with the members of the Vinsmoke Family, the Germa soldiers cared for Sanji and supported him in training. They would go to help him when he nearly drowned and stopped Niji from beating him any further. One of the soldiers even tried to help him when he was going out in a storm to visit his mother. However, they were obliged to do what Judge commands them to do, as some were ordered to place an iron mask on him without hesitation or any defiance. As Judge announced Sanji's "death", the onlookers were deeply sadden. Upon Sanji returning, the soldiers were excited for his return. They cheered for him and Judge when they were about to battle. They even acknowledged Sanji's strength in spite of not wearing a Raid Suit. However, like before when he was child, they were once again obliged with Judge's orders to be used as human shields when Sanji was about to attack. Sanji was deeply disgusted about Judge's philosophy about the soldiers of Germa 66 being as tools for war but upon hearing about the Vinsmoke's cloning technology and that the soldiers are nothing more than clones, Sanji was deeply mortified. In spite of him not caring for the soldiers and humble about his royal status, he does not show any disdain towards the servants. Sanji saved Cosette from getting hit by a plate of food after he and Niji got into an argument about their different qualms about food. He even ate a piece of it after it had fallen to the floor in spite of Cosette insisting that she would clean it up and let him not eat it off the floor, but she blushed once Sanji commented on how tasty the food was. After Sanji found Cosette unconsciously beaten, he yelled for a doctor and went after Niji in anger.


    Bentham was the Baroque Works agent Mr. 2 at the time Sanji and the rest of the crew met him, making him an enemy. Like the rest of the Straw Hats Sanji saw his shapeshifting powers as a serious threat. During Operation Utopia Sanji and Bentham fought a fierce battle; Sanji found Bentham to be a difficult opponent to fight between Bentham distracting his lustful side by taking on Nami's form and Bentham's unorthodox fighting techniques, however Sanji found a weak point to exploit and narrowly defeated Mr. 2. When Bentham showed the Straw Hats he was no longer their enemy by sacrificing himself so they could escape Hina's marine fleet Sanji actually cried, showing a deep sense in gratitude.

    Bartholomew Kuma

    Sanji greatly resents Bartholomew Kuma who sent him to an Okama island for 2 years while sending Luffy to Amazon Lily. Out of the crew, he is the only one who is still bitter about the separation, in spite of learning the truth about Kuma, in spite of Kuma's reasons for it, and even in spite of the dramatic increase in ability it provided.[104] Despite his resentment, he was willing to protect Kuma, who arrived at Egghead to protect his daughter, Jewelry Bonney, from Jaygarcia Saturn and the World Government.


    Carmen admire Sanji's undying passion to seek out his dream since she saw him Sanji talking to the chefs about his dream to find the All Blue when she walked by the Orbit's kitchen whet they were young. In Loguetown, she challenges him to a cooking contest, where Carmen ends up in second place behind Sanji. Also, as he does with all the girls, Sanji constantly flirts with Carmen.[129]


    When he arrived at Banban's small floating restaurant, Sanji noticed that Banban was fast asleep, so he decided to prepare something himself. When Banban woke up, immediately recognized Sanji's way of handling the carving knife, for he knew Sanji's mentor, "Red-Leg" Zeff. Before they left, he insisted that Sanji taste some of his cooking. Sanji was amazed by the flavor, but could not figure out how the old man made it. Moments later, Sanji came back and told him that he had realized he used a the salt created by Aqua Laguna. Hearing Sanji say this, Banban laughed at told him that he was correct, and told him to bring him to a rooftop, where he explained that when the Aqua Laguna covers the buildings with seawater and that, in the following sunny days, particularly tasty residual salt would be left on the rooftops.[130]

    1.One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 5 Chapter 43 (p. 12) and Episode 20, Sanji is introduced.

    2.One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 68 and Episode 30, Sanji joins the Straw Hats.

    3.One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 84 Chapter 840 (p. 10) and Episode 803.

    4.One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 870 (p. 11-12) and Episode 840, Sanji renounces his allegiance to his homeland and disavows his birth name.

    5.One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 (p. 3-5) and Episode 1086, The Straw Hat Pirates' bounties post-Wano Country.

    6.One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 92 Chapter 926 (p. 9) and Episode 919, Sanji is in charge of running a Soba Noodle Shop Cart as his cover while infiltrating Wano Country.

    • 1 Can't Beat: Queen. Queen is one of the three right-hand men of Kaido, who are known as the Calamities. Also known as 'Queen the Plague', he's a vile pirate who loves torturing his opponents and killing them slowly with the toxic weapons that he invents.
    • 2 Can Beat: Vinsmoke Judge. Judge, the father of Sanji, is a capable fighter, known throughout the world as the 'Garuda'. Just like his sons, he dons a Raid Suit which amplifies his powers manifold.
    • 3 Can't Beat: Scopper Gaban. Gaban was the left-hand man of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, and presumably one of the most influential pirates of his era.
    • 4 Can Beat: Vinsmoke Ichiji. Also known as 'Sparking Red', Vinsmoke Ichiji is quite possibly the strongest of the Germa 66, aside from Judge. He's a scientifically modified human, so superhuman strength, speed and powers come naturally to him.
  3. For the chapters of the same name, see Chapter 43 and Chapter 843. "Black Leg" Sanji,[12] born as Vinsmoke Sanji,[21][22][23] is the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.[5] He is the fifth member of the crew and the fourth to join, doing so at the end of the Baratie Arc. Born as the third son and fourth child of the Vinsmoke Family[24 ...

  4. Jun 29, 2024 · One Piece chapter 1119 downsized Sanji's power quite a lot (Image via Toei Animation) Throughout the story of One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy has always shown a clear superiority over Sanji, the Straw ...

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  6. Jan 6, 2024 · 1. Sanji Vs. Jabra. Photo: One Piece. Toei Animation. Jabra is a master of Rokushiki who can transform into a wolf. He's also the third strongest member of the CP9. All of this means he's not exactly an easy opponent for Sanji - but he still manages to defeat him.

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