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- Mab Lane Junior Mixed and Infant School is a top rated, Primary, Co-Ed school located in Merseyside, North West. It has 313 students from age 2-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 14 : 1. At this school, 73% of pupils achieved higher standard in reading, writing & maths at key stage 2. This school rated Good by recent Ofsted inspection.
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Mab Lane Junior Mixed and Infant School continues to be a good school. What is it like to attend this school? Pupils at Mab Lane enjoy coming to school. They say that their school is a...
Inspection of a good school: Mab Lane Primary School. Mab Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside L12 6QL. Inspection dates: 26 and 27 June 2024. Outcome. Mab Lane Junior Mixed and Infant...
The figures used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in England service are consistent. This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed...
A state school for boys and girls aged from 2 to 11. Boarding: No. Local authority: Liverpool. Pupils: 291. Religion: Does not apply. Ofsted: Latest Overall effectiveness Good 1. Early years provision Good 2. Effectiveness of leadership and management Good 2.
- Mab Lane Liverpool Merseyside L12 6QL
- [email protected]
- 0151 259 4282
- Pupils’ attitudes, values and other personal qualities
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Attendance in the latest complete reporting year (%)
- The curriculum
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Care, guidance and support
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Partnership with parents, other schools and the community
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Information and communication technology across the curriculum
- Religious education
- Commentary
- Main strengths and weaknesses
- Commentary
- This is an example of one of the ways that the school is teaching its pupils to control their emotions
Type of school: Primary School category: Community
Standards achieved in areas of learning and subjects Pupils’ attitudes, values and other personal qualities
pr a par Key: A - well above average; B – above average; C – average; D – below average; E – well below average. Similar schools: information based on what pupils achieved at Year 2 Pupils’ achievement overall is good. In Years 3 to 6, standards are well below those expected nationally. The table suggests that the pupils who took these tests did no...
The quality of education provided by the school is good. Taken overall, teaching is good although it is satisfactory in Years 1 and 2. Where the teaching is good, teachers plan interesting activities and lessons are conducted with a brisk pace. Teachers mark pupils’ work well when they provide advice on how pupils can improve but this is inconsiste...
Leadership is very good and management is good. The headteacher has a very clear view of what she wants for the school and is willing to look for innovative solutions to help pupils’ learning. Governors and staff offer good support and the school is well placed to improve further.
Parents have positive views of the school. Pupils think it is a good school to come to and that there are interesting activities to do.
Throughout the school pupils’ attitudes and behaviour are good, enabling maximum time to be spent on learning. Pupils’ personal development, including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, is also good. However, attendance and punctuality are unsatisfactory.
Pupils respond well to the good opportunities for personal development Pupils are eager to learn and show interest in all school activities Attendance and punctuality are unsatisfactory, although both have improved in recent years The pupils’ knowledge of other cultures is very limited
6. The school’s values are successfully incorporated into all aspects of school life. Pupils’ personal development, especially social development, has a high priority and underpins all activities throughout the school day. Adults in the school know and manage the pupils very well and help them to learn acceptable patterns of behaviour. The learning...
The table gives the percentage of half days (sessions) missed through absence for the latest complete reporting year. Exclusions Ethnic background of pupils
The quality of education is good. Teaching is good overall. The curriculum is good and has some unique features which give added relevance for the particular needs of the pupils; there is a good range of extra activities which many pupils attend. The school places a strong emphasis on supporting and guiding pupils, and the care they receive is very...
The school provides a good curriculum. The approach to curriculum development and to the introduction of new ideas is very good. There are good opportunities provided to extend learning activities outside of lessons. Overall the quality of the accommodation and resources for learning is good.
Pupils are offered a good range of learning experiences in lessons and good opportunities are provided to enrich the pupils’ learning beyond lessons The high quality of provision for the pupils’ personal and social development is a major factor in creating a very secure and supportive learning environment in the school Curriculum development is ver...
18. Since the last inspection there has been a good improvement in planning in all the subjects. However, in a number of subjects, for example mathematics and science, sometimes planned activities do not provide sufficient challenge for the more able pupils. Provision in the Foundation Stage is very good and links with the I CAN unit strengthen the...
The school meets a high standard in the care, welfare, health and safety of its pupils. It provides very good support, advice and guidance for its pupils, based on the monitoring of their achievements and personal development. The extent to which pupils’ views are taken into account is good.
Throughout the school pupils receive very good support to help them make progress in their academic and personal development Learning mentors and classroom assistants play an important role in supporting pupils with special educational needs The quality of relationships between adults and pupils is very good, adding to the pupils’ confidence and tr...
24. The school offers a wide range of opportunities to support pupils’ care and welfare. The Breakfast Club welcomes pupils before the school begins and settles them for the classroom environment. The club has also had a positive effect on punctuality as well as providing the opportunity for pupils of all ages to socialise. All pupils benefit from ...
The school has established good links with parents, other schools and the local community. The effectiveness of I CAN unit and its services to other nurseries is very good.
The school supports parents well by providing good information and opportunities for training Parents are insufficiently involved in children’s learning at home and at school Very good support is given to pupils transferring from one stage of education to the next The school has good links with the local community, which work to mutual benefit Some...
The leadership and management of the school are good. The leadership of the headteacher is very good.
There is clear vision and very good leadership from the headteacher Key staff show a very clear commitment to supporting the future of the school[NCC1] The governing body has a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school The school’s finances are managed efficiently The very good management of special educational needs has a po...
36. The leadership of the school has improved since the last inspection. The headteacher provides the school with very clear and purposeful leadership. The headteacher and staff have a strong commitment to the development of good relationships and the care and support of pupils. Senior staff make a very good contribution to the leadership of the sc...
The school has an accredited I CAN nursery providing for the special language needs of up to eight children. Children are admitted following assessments by a multi-professional panel of health personnel. There is a designated teacher, support assistant and full-time speech and language therapists who work with the children. The nursery operates dur...
Very enthusiastic, knowledgeable and experienced staff are committed to, and successful in meeting, the very specific needs of these children Very good links with the school’s nursery benefit all pupils and staff The very effective outreach service supports staff and children in other nurseries
44. The Foundation Stage consists of a nursery which has currently 59 children attending part-time, and two reception classes with 39 children. On entry to the nursery children’s overall achievement, particularly in key areas of speech and language and their skills in handling pencils and drawing materials, is well below that expected for three yea...
Provision in personal, social and emotional development is very good.
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
The room is small. A serene atmosphere is created by the way it is presented. There is no natural light. The room is painted in light blue as an underwater scene with marine life. Subdued lighting, interesting objects, different kinds of lamps and quiet music with sounds of whales and seabirds add to the atmosphere. The child sits on a soft chair h...
Mab Lane Junior Mixed and Infant School is a primary school located in Liverpool. According to Ofsted inspection, the school's overall effectiveness, quality of education, outcomes for pupils and management effectiveness are good. The school inspection was carried out on 10/06/2016.
Mab Lane Junior Mixed and Infant School is a top rated, Primary, Co-Ed school located in Merseyside, North West. It has 313 students from age 2-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 14 : 1. At this school, 73% of pupils achieved higher standard in reading, writing & maths at key stage 2.