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  1. Jessica Campbell Jones-Cage, [1] professionally known as Jessica Jones, is a superheroine appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Michael Gaydos and first appeared in Alias #1 (November 2001) as part of Marvel's Max, an imprint for more mature content, and was later retroactively established to have first ...

    • Overview
    • Biography
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    ―Jessica Jones

    Jessica Campbell Jones is a private investigator from New York City. After becoming orphaned at a young age, Jones was taken in by Dorothy Walker and developed a deep friendship bond with her adoptive sister, Trish Walker. Shortly after being adopted, Jones discovered she possessed superhuman abilities due to the fatal car crash that took the lives of her family and eventually decided to pursue a career as a superhero. However, a fateful encounter with Kilgrave, a vicious man with mind controlling powers, derailed her superhero career and she spent a torturous tenure as Kilgrave's sex slave before finally breaking free of his control. The experience left Jones suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, prompting her to hang up her secret identity and open her own detective agency.

    Trying to remain an average person and keep a low profile, she would take on minor cases for cash, while caught in a spiral of despair and destructive behavior. However, the return of Kilgrave and the victims he left in his wake on her behalf forced her to put aside her trauma and stop him. Jones had multiple grueling encounters with Kilgrave, but with the help of Walker, Jeri Hogarth, Claire Temple, and fellow superhuman Luke Cage, Jones finally killed the maniac, conquering her demons and prompting her to continue her superhero career.

    While on the job, Jones received a case which ended when John Raymond was driven to suicide by the Hand, prompting her to continue the investigation and her being recruited by Stick to join Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Daredevil, to destroy the Hand, ending with the apparent sacrifice of Daredevil. With her victory over both Kilgrave and the Hand, Jessica was held in considerable notoriety by the New York community and her detective business' success skyrocketed.

    As her job was going full throttle, Jones' life took another unexpectedly dark turn when she began investigating IGH, the organization responsible for giving her her abilities while she was comatose following the car crash at her adolescence. Focusing on her investigations, Jones soon realized that her mother, Alisa Jones, was actually alive and had undergone experiments that gave her powers similar to her daughter's, but also left her dangerously unstable. Once Jones turned over her mother over to the police and attempted to secure for her sentence, Jones met Alisa after her escape and the two flee north in order to avoid being fugitives. At Playland, Jones witnessed her mother's death at the hands of Trish Walker and cut ties with her.

    After meeting Erik Gelden, Jones found a lead on Gregory Sallinger. Reconciling and teaming up with the newly enhanced Trish Walker along the way, Jones tracked Sallinger and realized that he was able to outsmart her. After a cat-and-mouse game, Sallinger was finally exposed, only for Jeri Hogarth to step in and defend him, causing the public to turn against Jones and other powered individuals. When Jones was finally able to corner Sallinger, he retaliated by killing Dorothy Walker, sending the already unstable Walker into a downward spiral. While Jones put together the last pieces of the puzzle to put Sallinger in jail for life, Walker entered a killing spree, ending by killing the now in custody Sallinger, and forcing Jones to chase and imprison Walker for her crimes.

    Early Life
    College Years
    Kilgrave's Influence
    Alias Investigations
    Finding Kilgrave
    Kilgrave's Proposal

    ―Jessica Jones

    Jessica Jones could easily come off as being distant, serious, rude, ironic, brutal, snarky and sarcastic. Towards others, she is nothing less than disdainful and blunt, carrying herself and her opinions out loud with little forethought or regret to insulting or showing disrespect to anyone. If aggravated or extremely annoyed by someone in her disfavor, Jessica could become an intimidating figure, such as against her rude neighbor Robyn. According to her childhood neighbor, she had been an introvert since she was a girl and only opens up to a select few of people, and even those she has difficulty expressing to openly and truly. Beneath her hard-bitten demeanor, however, lies a more vulnerable side, plagued by self-loathing and deep-seated insecurity.

    In spite of her flaws, Jessica is a good person at heart, choosing not to waste the super-strength given to her at the cost of her family's lives and becoming a hero to help people. Unfortunately, the harrowing encounter with Kilgrave, who controlled her to do everything he wanted to, including being raped repeatedly and murdering a woman before breaking out of his control, caused Jessica to give up her life as a hero, no longer able to view herself as one, and preferring to keep a low profile as a private investigator. Though she openly refused to identify herself as the sort, Jessica does show signs of heroism as she is deeply sympathetic towards other individuals who have been "Kilgraved," including Malcolm Ducasse and Hope Shlottman, though at the same time, she was also fearful enough that she came close to getting out of town and leaving Hope at Kilgrave's mercy to protect herself, thinking she could not save her.

    However, the combined trauma of losing her family and experience with Kilgrave has also made Jessica a somewhat unstable individual. She suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress and Survivor's Guilt, occasionally undergoing hallucinations and flashbacks of her time in Kilgrave's grasp. These hallucinations usually involve Kilgrave either whispering to her or being otherwise intimate while she is surrounded by purple lighting, referencing the purple lighting in the back of the restaurant Il Rosso, where Kilgrave always had their table. In these instances she can act out more erratic and violent such as punching the window of a subway train after remembering one of Kilgrave's commands. After the death of her family, no matter how close she bonded with a person, Jessica had great difficulty fully forming emotional connections to a person as she couldn't even tell Trish Walker, her adoptive sister and closest friend "I love you." After killing Kilgrave, however, she appears to have put several demons to rest, acting more affectionate and possibly closer to everyone than before.

    Due to her trauma, Jessica developed a tendency to rely on alcohol as to deal with her problems. Frequently, she is seen drinking various types of liquor, to little effect. She states that most of her money goes directly to booze. Due to her superhuman metabolism, she is able to consume vast quantities of alcohol without damage to her liver and appears to have high tolerance, being able to quickly drink an entire bottle of wine during dinner with Kilgrave, then nonchalantly asking for another one. When inebriated, Jessica can become more violent, such as threatening Jeri Hogarth's ex-wife, Wendy, to sign her divorce papers.

    Jessica is a highly independent woman and shows no interest in being in a serious relationship, likely due to being forced into one with Kilgrave. For a short while, however, she did engage in sexual and later romantic relations with Luke Cage, bonding over their similar super-strength and troubled backstories. Ultimately, she refused to allow herself or her friends be disrespected by anyone, especially men. To the few people she cared about, such as Trish, she defended them fiercely, but also kept her distance from them so as to not have them become collateral damage. Trish also implies she's had relationships before in the past, but none that are long term.


    ―Luke Cage to Iron Fist Artificially Enhanced Physiology: A private research corporation, known as IGH, revived teenage Jessica Jones from a fatal car crash that killed her entire family. IGH used genome editing to stimulate healing through advanced cellular regeneration. Jessica's cells developed a new biological structure in response to the extensive bodily trauma suffered. Through rare interaction with specific DNA strands, the procedure not only imbued her with life once more but granted her superhuman powers as an unintended side-effect. ―Jessica Jones •Enhanced Strength: Jones possesses tremendous physical strength, especially notable regarding her size and muscle mass. She was able to completely crush an alarm clock with her bare hands or throw a shoe into the ceiling hard enough to crack it, both times when she had tried to sleep off a hangover. She was even able to hold Luke Cage's hands back while flirting. However, Cage wasn't using his strength at that moment to stop her. She also could effortlessly lift the back of a slow-moving car, throw a gun through a wall, break metal chains, locks and hinges, bend metal bars and panels, smash through glass and marble with her fist and gently push down several metal cabinets like dominoes. Even as a child, she was strong enough to break a bathroom sink off a wall by accident and then lift it over her head with one hand. When angered, Jones' is capable of easily punching through the hood of a car. In combat, she can use her strength to easily overpower or rag doll humans, throw a person across a room or even send someone flying across a street with her full strength, the latter of which she did to kill Reva Connors via one strike to the chest. She was strong enough to throw Will Simpson's body into the ocean several dozen yards away. To defend herself from Luke Cage, Jones ripped a door off of a police cruiser to block his attacks. She was even strong enough to hold an elevator on her own during the escape from Midland Circle Financial with both Luke Cage and Danny Rand inside after the lift was sabotaged by Elektra. However, she is not invincible and it is not impossible for a large group of normal humans to overpower her, which was demonstrated when she was attacked by various people that Kilgrave controlled, as well as members of the Kilgrave Victim Support Group and Len Sirkes' men. In addition, Luke Cage is able to match, or possibly outmatch her, in strength, as he had the upper hand through his fight with her while he was under Kilgrave's influence. Will Simpson was also able to overpower her while she was injured and while using Combat Enhancers. Besides combat, Jones uses her superior strength to break door knobs and chains in order to enter places others are unable to. She was also capable of uprooting a large gazebo with relative ease, as well as heavily dent the metal walls of a train car by punching it. She was also capable of throwing Trish Walker onto a rooftop across the street from the one she was standing on. •Enhanced Durability: Jones was able to resist multiple beatings with little to no visible injuries. This resilience also allows her to perform greater feats of strength without injuring herself, such as smashing a mirror with her fists or breaking a window with her elbow. However, she is still vulnerable to gunshots and explosions, though the former only mildly affects her unless she is shot in a vital area, as being grazed in the shoulder by a bullet only caused her brief pain. She was able to survive being hit by a truck, which broke her ribs and caused one of them to possibly pierce her liver, and she later seemed weakened enough to be overpowered by Will Simpson while he was using Combat Enhancers. She was also slowed down by being repeatedly tasered by Kilgrave's guards when she first tried abducting him when Trish Walker was immediately knocked out by them. Robyn was able to knock her out with a wooden plank by hitting her head with it, causing her head to bleed and possibly giving her a mild concussion. Her bones and skin are also notably denser than a normal humans, which allows her to resist tasers and bullets, as well as punch the incredibly hard skin of Luke Cage without breaking her hand like most others, as well as punching the metal walls of a train car with no visible pain. She was shot point blank in her leg by Hogarth but sustained no severe damage for the bullet did not go in too deeply. She also seemed relatively unfazed after being stabbed through the hand by Walker. ―Jessica Jones and Will Simpson •Enhanced Speed: Jones' overall strength allows her to run at increased speed. She claims to be able to run a mile at under four minutes. She was able to catch up to a car fairly easily, move across a street in a second or less to stop a car from hitting a little girl and stated she can run a mile in under four minutes. She effortlessly caught up to David Kurata down several flights of stairs and was quick enough to react to Whizzer running up behind her. She also surprised her anger management group by quickly killing a fly with both hands, and ran across her apartment to catch Vido Arocho before he could fall out of her window. She even caught up to a bus leaving for Montréal with Vido on board after his mother kidnapped him. •Enhanced Stamina: Jones was able to run across New York from Niku to the Shlottman's residence without tiring or stopping for breath, having very little to no build-up of fatigue toxins. While Jones was spying on Audrey Eastman and Pryce Cheng, she was able to comfortably hold a wall sit between two buildings for an extensive amount of time with no sign of strain or discomfort. ―Jessica Jones to Trish Walker •Regenerative Healing Factor: Jones' augmented metabolism heals faster than an ordinary human being. Although not as advanced as that of Luke Cage's, she is capable of completely healing minor scratches and injuries in mere hours without any permanent scars, and major injuries like broken ribs in just a single day. It may also allow her to not be affected by the harmful and long-term effects of alcohol, leaving her only to experience brief intoxication and hangover while not experiencing any signs of toxicity. Because of this, to actually become drunk, Jones has to drink a lot more alcohol than an average human does to feel its effects. After punching a hole in the wall of her jail cell, Jones received minor scrapes to her fist and had it wrapped in gauze for hours until her hand was fully healed. Jones was even shot through the right side of her back by Pryce Cheng, fully recovering about a day later. After getting stabbed near the spleen by Sallinger, her injury from the knife had regenerated but it left her to suffer minor blood loss and dehydration, which required her to take medication for the pain to heal within 2 days. Her healing capabilities are not absolute, however, due to retaining the scar she received when Kilgrave commanded her to cut off her ear while under his control. ―Trish Walker and Jessica Jones •Flight: Jessica Jones can propel herself from the ground and through the air. While Jones' control over her power of flight eludes her, she can cover great lengths and altitudes in a single bound, notably jumping upon rooftops and balconies. Jones herself calls such an act "guided falling" and "more like jumping and then falling." She used the ability to climb onto a fire escape of a building across from Luke's, as well as to reach Trish Walker's Apartment balcony. She attempted to fly over Luke Cage, who was controlled by Kilgrave at the time, to chase after the latter, only to be grabbed by the leg and thrown away. When Kilgrave had Robyn and members of the Kilgrave Victim Support Group attempt to hang themselves at Niku, she jumped and hung onto a pipe hanging from the ceiling that held up their noses so she could break it off and free them. Jones was able to fly across the bank lobby when she was evading the policemen who were shooting at her under Kilgrave's orders. After fending off a few members of the Hand on an elevator, Jessica leaped up on top of it to catch the cable before it could fall, successfully holding it with Danny Rand and Luke Cage still inside. A demonstration of her using her flight to the fullest extent was when she flew skyward with Kilgrave in tow, escaping Will Simpson. Another full extent of this ability was demonstrated when Jessica grabbed Trish Walker and leapt away to flee surrounding reporters. ―Jessica Jones to Kilgrave •Virus Immunity: Although originally, Jones was susceptible to Kilgrave's mind control, she grew resistance to it after being forced to kill Reva Connors. She left Kilgrave to die and her blood was able to be used as a vaccine against Kilgrave's control. Her psychic shields were so powerful that not even the enhancements to Kilgrave's powers that allowed him to enthrall an entire crowd could affect her to follow his commands, as she held the upper hand to get in physical contact with the latter and kill him.


    ―Jeri Hogarth to Gregory Sallinger •Master Investigator: Jones is a highly skilled investigator, using a multitude of questionable methods to achieve her goals. She often impersonates other people's voices on the phone to advance with her cases, and is able to easily connect evidence that other people may overlook. She is not afraid of using methods that could be considered illegal, such as stealing things, or breaking into private places, often using her superior strength to break doors and padlocks, in order to obtain clues and advance in her cases, often using her powers as a means to an end. She was able to successfully locate Hope Shlottman and Antoine Grier when she was hired to do so, and is often offered different jobs by Jeri Hogarth, despite her law firm hired their own private investigator, a position that was first offered to Jones, but that she refused. •Spy: As part of her investigating job, it is necessary that Jones is very stealthy. While helping Andre, Jones staked out on a fire escape to take photos. This helps her a lot for her job as she is able to use her powers to get places nobody else could. When she saw Matt Murdock running away although he was blind, Jones stealthy followed him and was not even detected by the enhanced senses of Murdock. While staking out pryce Cheng, Jones hid afar on a sign, but was found by Cheng. ―Jessica Jones to Hand member •Expert Combatant: Jones has basic combat skills, often using her superhuman strength to overpower and rag-doll her opponents, throwing them several feet. Despite being the only member of the Defenders without any formal combat training (Daredevil and Iron Fist trained in the martial arts from a young age and Luke learned from the Marines, police and underground fights in prison), she, alongside Luke Cage was able to defeat a group of men led by Andre. She successfully fought off multiple people that Kilgrave took over, though she did not want to harm them and held back her strength. Also, she managed to gain the upper hand in fights with other combatants that had strength and resilience similar to her own, such as Luke Cage or Will Simpson on Combat Enhancers. Despite this, Jones lack of other fighting styles aside from using her strength has put her at a disadvantage, such that she was unable to withstand attacks from Elektra and was easily overpowered by Murakami before taking aid from Daredevil. Although she struggled against more skilled and experienced high-ranking members of the Hand, Jones was able to defeat subordinate members of the organization, who are also trained in martial arts, without much effort. She later took on Pryce Cheng, a Marine Corps captain and quickly subdued him. While Luke Cage was being controlled by Kilgrave and sent to attack Jessica, Jones displayed adept combat skills, notably in boxing. She could dodge, weave and block defensively, and she could land jabs, hooks, and crosses in quick succession. She is also knowledgeable in rudimentary judo throws, which she demonstrated to a crowd of children when she wrestled with Sallinger. •Marksman: Jones knows how to use pistols and shotguns. She used a police shotgun to shoot a brainwashed Luke Cage in the head, held her mother at gunpoint with a pistol and unloaded a robber's weapon at a liquor store. Her skills expand beyond firearms as well. She was able to flick a cockroach from her wall into the sink after a brief time lining up the shot.


    •Smith & Wesson 4506: Jones took this gun from Will Simpson's arsenal that Trish Walker had kept, in order to ambush her mother Alisa and force her to go to prison. Jessica held her mother at gunpoint, who prompted to pull the trigger as she is now her only reason to live. Jessica was unable to do it, and as she hesitated, Alisa quickly overpowered her and knocked her out with the back of the gun. •Walther P99: Jones took Walker's two-tone pistol after the latter shot her mother in the head. •Hi-Point CF380: After stopping a robbery, Jones disarmed a gunman of his weapon. ―Pop to Luke Cage •Mossberg 590: Jones took the shotgun inside one the NYPD cars sent to Delaney Hall to investigate a disturbance, and was forced to shoot a brainwashed Luke Cage in the head at point blank range, not killing him due to his unbreakable skin, but causing some internal injuries. •Nightstick: Jones briefly grabbed Dale Holiday's nightstick when she a blow while he was attacking her inside his house, and she then hit him in the head with the weapon, unintentionally killing him with it.

    Other Equipment

    •Cellphone: Jones used applications on her cellphone to get information she needed for cases, such as a police scanner app she used while searching for Kilgrave, or a GPS app that allowed her to know the exact location of Trish Walker's phone. The specific types of phones she uses are Samsung Galaxy S5 and a black iPhone 8. •Camera: As a detective, Jones utilizes a standard camera and often collected photographic evidence for her clients to use for her assignments. She has also used it for personal uses when she took pictures of the affair between Gina and Luke Cage. On some occasions, Jones would use the camera on her phone, as she did to obtain a quality photo of Karl Malus to produce a fake ID. •Crosswords: During stake-outs, Jones is usually alone and gets bored; to pass the time, she would have crossword puzzles with her. •Hip Flask: The trauma Kilgrave gave her caused Jones to resort to alcohol to ease her thoughts; Jones carries a hip flask filled with alcohol to take a sip when desired on assignments. •Business Card: Jessica Jones has Alias Investigations business cards and gave one to Claire Temple. She also presented one to a former client of Pryce Cheng of Cheng Consulting Management upon rescuing their dog Felipe. •Laptop: Jones owns a laptop in which she frequently uses to do research on her cases, able to track down people fairly easily through the internet. Often, she makes use of it to analyze images collected, either through her cellphone or photography camera.

    •Jones Residence: Jessica lived in this wealthy residence with her family.

    •Stirling Adams' Apartment: When Jessica and Adams started dating, she moved into his apartment, before he was murdered.

    •Trish Walker's Apartment: Jones lived with her adoptive sister, Trish Walker, in her apartment until she was abducted by Kilgrave. Jones then ended her relationship with Walker and moved out.

    •Jessica Jones' Apartment Building: It is a building located in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City, that houses the office of the Alias Investigations.

    •Alias Investigations Office: After Jessica Jones abusive time with Kilgrave, she began a new career as a detective, creating Alias Investigations with an office in New York.

    •Rudy's Bar & Grill: Jones often found herself at her favorite bar. It was her favorite because of the cheap hotdogs and whiskey. It was there where she met Erik Gelden.


    •Brian Jones † - Father •Alisa Jones † - Mother •Phillip Jones † - Brother •Dorothy Walker † - Adoptive Mother •Trish Walker - Adoptive Sister, Former Best Friend and Former Attempted Killer


    •Elizabeth De Luca † - Former Neighbor •Stirling Adams † - Former Love Interest •Alias Investigations •Malcolm Ducasse - Neighbor and Close Friend •Gillian - Assistant •Ruben † - Former Neighbor •Robyn - Former Neighbor •Pam •Barbara Shlottman † - Client •Bob Shlottman † - Client •Mei •Raj •Hope Shlottman † - Client •New York City Police Department - Situational Enemies •Oscar Clemons † •Brett Mahoney •Vasquez •Misty Knight •Eddy Costa - Friend •Ruth Sunday † •Ermon •Kilgrave Victim Support Group •Louise Thompson † •Donald - Temporary Enemy •Jackson - Temporary Enemy •Clair •Emma •Desmond Tobey •Serena Grier •Antoine Grier •Charles Wallace •Adam •Maury Tuttlebaum •Albert Thompson † •Claire Temple - Friend •Marci Stahl •Joy Meachum - Client •Michelle Raymond - Client •Lexi Raymond •Defenders - Former Teammates and Friends •Luke Cage - Former Love Interest •Matt Murdock/Daredevil - Former Lawyer •Danny Rand/Iron Fist - Temporary Enemy •Stick † •Colleen Wing •Foggy Nelson •Karen Page •Will Simpson † - Temporary Enemy •Oscar Arocho - Neighbor, Friend and Ex-Boyfriend •Vido Arocho - Neighbor and Friend •David Kawecki •Inez Green •Sharon - Bartender •Hogarth & Associates •Jeri Hogarth - Lawyer and Client •Zaya Okonjo •Char •Erik Gelden - Former Love Interest •Purks •Caspar Marx •Manuel Silva •Ana Silva •Ronnie Velasco - Former Enemy •Joby •WJBP-TV •Thembi Wallace - Interviewer •Mona Lee •Gene Burchell •Kith Lyonne


    •IGH •Karl Malus † - Savior and Attempted Victim •Isaiah •Gus •Keith •Wyatt •Kourtney •Kevin Thompson/Kilgrave † - Former Enthraller, Rapist, Temporary Ally and Victim •Reva Connors † - Victim (under coercion) •Turk Barrett •Gregory Spheeris •Gina •Andre •Audrey Eastman - Attempted Killer •Carlo Eastman •Len Sirkes •Victor •Wendy Ross-Hogarth † •Sissy Garcia •Tweaky •Reggie •Bunny Wiles •Chuck •Samantha Reyes † •Lawrence Wilkins † •John Raymond † •Hand •Alexandra Reid † •Elektra •Murakami •Sowande † •Madame Gao •Bakuto † •Rafi •Mavis - Former Client •Cheng Consulting Management •Pryce Cheng - Rival •Robert Coleman/Whizzer † - Situational Enemy •Leland •Max Tatum •Sonia •Dale Holiday † - Accidental Victim •Shane Ryback † •Mitch Yasdan •Gregory Sallinger † - Kidnapper and Attempted Killer •Andrew Brandt •Todd White •Reyna Pincer •Pavel •Carl Nussbaumer † •Imada •Defford •Alex Sokolov

    •In the comics, Jessica Jones went to Midtown High School with Peter Parker and had a crush on him over the ninth and tenth grades, being present when he was bitten by the radioactive spider that gave him his powers. After a car accident killed her entire immediate family, Jessica fell into a coma and woke up months later by the cosmic energies released by Galactus. She is then adopted by the Jones family. Jones was inspired by to become a superhero, after witnessing a battle between Spider-Man and Sandman. During Jones' adult years, she became a trusted friend and ally of Captain America, and pursued a relationship with Scott Lang, with her best friend Carol Danvers acting as their matchmaker. She then realized she was in love with Luke Cage and pregnant with his child, so she eventually married him and had a daughter named Danielle Cage, after Danny Rand. During her superhero career, Jones was codenamed Jewel, Knightress, and Power Woman on different occasions and possessed superhuman strength, durability, psychic resistance and flight.

    •The superhero outfit Trish Walker created for Jones is similar to the suit worn by Jones in the comics when she was Jewel.

    •Jones hates dresses.

    •During her teens, Jones was a fan of rock bands such as Nirvana, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Nine Inch Nails and Jane's Addiction.

    •Jones' phone number is 212-256-1084, as seen on the Season Two inbox. If called, it leads to voice mail.

    •Jessica is 5'9".

  2. Jessica Campbell Jones is the titular main protagonist of the Netflix series Marvel's Jessica Jones, and one of the titular main protagonists of the 2017 Netflix miniseries, The Defenders. She is a private investigator from New York City who was orphaned at a young age, and taken in by Dorothy Walker, developing a sisterly bond with her ...

    • 3 min
  3. This is an abridged version of Jessica Jones's history. For a complete history see Jessica Jones's Expanded History. Early Life [] Jessica Campbell was born and raised in Forest Hills, Queens, New York City. She attended Midtown High School along with Peter Parker where they shared several classes. She developed a crush on Peter, but never told ...

  4. Jessica Campbell Cage (née Jones) is a fictional character and superheroine from Marvel comics and its universe, and is the main protagonist of her series of the same name, who had used the aliases Jewel, Knightress, and Power Woman. After hanging up her costume, she became the owner and sole employee of Alias Private Investigations, but would also marry Luke Cage and start a family with him ...

  5. Jones discovered the ability to fly, use superhuman strength, and avoid injuries that would befall a normal human undertaking her actions. With these abilities at her disposal, Jones chose to try her hand at the Super Hero life. Using the alias “Jewel,” she undertook underworld criminals and local gang members during her earliest stint as a ...

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  7. Oct 5, 2015 · AKA Jessica Campbell. Jessica Jones made her debut in the comic Alias by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos in November 2001, one of the first launch comics of Marvel’s new, R-Rated comics ...