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- Applying the Doomsday algorithm involves three steps: determination of the anchor day for the century, calculation of the anchor day for the year from the one for the century, and selection of the closest date out of those that always fall on the doomsday, e.g., 4/4 and 6/6, and count of the number of days (modulo 7) between that date and the date in question to arrive at the day of the week.
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How to Mentally Calculate the Day of the Week for Any Date. The so-called doomsday algorithm uses clever mental arithmetic and mnemonic tricks to enable a quick determination.
- Warp-Speed Algebra
Davide Castelvecchi is a staff reporter at Nature who has...
- Warp-Speed Algebra
- Step 1: Memorizing Weekdays as Numbers
- Step 2: Memorizing The Anchor Days
- Step 3: Calculating The Doomsday of Any Given Year
- Step 4: Move from The Doomsday to The Date in Question
In Conway's concept, each weekday is represented by a number: Memorize these numbers before moving on. As a mental anchor, it may be helpful to think of Tuesday as “Twosday”.
Calendars repeat themselves every 400 years, so all you need to do is to remember the anchor days for 4 centuries. As most dates you will come across lie in the time span between 1800 and 2100 it is most practical to remember the anchor days for the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd century: For dates outside of this time frame you can simply rely on the 4...
To determine the doomsday of the year in question, you have to follow a series of 6 simple calculations. Before you start, don't forget to memorize the weekday numbers (see step 1) and century anchor days (see step 2). To illustrate the calculations, an example is given for each - let's say we want to find out which day of the week February 11, 197...
Now it is only a small step to the final result. You know the doomsday of the year (in 1978, it was Tuesday), and you know which dates of the year are doomsdays. Now you can simply use the doomsday closest to the date in question to find out which weekday it falls on. In the example date of February 11, 1978, the closest doomsday is the last day of...
The Doomsday rule, Doomsday algorithm or Doomsday method is an algorithm of determination of the day of the week for a given date. It provides a perpetual calendar because the Gregorian calendar moves in cycles of 400 years.
Step 7: How to Calculate the Day of the Week. In order to show you how to use your Doomsday Device to calculate the day of the week of any given date, let us first try a simple worked example: 22nd December 2134. Rotate the slotted discs to expose three numbers that add up to the year, 2134. That is, 2100 + 24 + 10.
this is the doomsday algorithm developed by john conway in 1973 for fast mental calculation for days of week given date.
- 7 min
- 16.9K
- akshay pednekar
Apr 26, 2024 · All you have to do to find the doomsmonth is to subtract the day of the month that’s a doomsday from the date you’re given. That’s it! What we’re really doing here is finding how far ahead the given day is from a doomsday, which we’ll soon learn how to find what day of the week it is.
Using the doomsday algorithm, this calculator enables you to learn how to calculate the weekday of any given date without the help of calculators, computers, or calendars.