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The Octave GUI looks quite unappealing (on a mac, at least) so I wanted to use the command line interface. My fix was to create a permanent alias in ~/.bash_profile which was alias octave='octave --no-gui' .
Feb 4, 2021 · It's simple and working flawlessly, easily. Now I'm trying to do the same with GNU Octave: write a test.m code (such as this one). Then run it from my favorite text editor (and not the Octave IDE), or from command-line. I tried: octave test.m: the plot is displayed during 100 ms and then disappears! not OK.
Are you getting the Command Line Interpreter (CLI) rather than the GUI? I have tried various options with the GUI and the Command Window always opens with the GUI. You can turn it off (once it is open) by going to the Window option and unchecking 'show command window'.
Force interactive behavior. This can be useful for running Octave via a remote shell command or inside an Emacs shell buffer. --line-editing ¶ Force readline use for command-line editing. --no-gui ¶ Disable the graphical user interface (GUI) and use the command line interface (CLI) instead.
You can also type octave in a command shell; as long as you have Octave in your path, it will start. If you start Octave with the GUI, the central window is the Octave’s own command-line interface (also called a REPL by other programming languages for Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop).
May 1, 2015 · The answer is to modify the properties using the 'alacarte' menu editor. Find the GNU Octave entry in this editor and change the command to '/usr/bin/octave --force-gui' in the properties window. Thereafter tick off the box which asks the program to be run in the terminal. Voila!
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On this page, we will learn how to use Octave from the command line without the GUI window. Sometimes, it’s handy to use the command line to run commands instead of the Octave GUI.