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  2. Calendar. Company. Business Summary. Baltika AS is an Estonia-based company that specializes in the design, development, production and sales arrangement of the fashion brands of clothing. The Company operates under the brands of Monton, Mosaic, Baltman and Ivo Nikkolo.

  3. wholesale and retail. As at 31 December 2020 Group had 61 Baltika’s retail-stores in three markets in the Baltics. The shares of AS Baltika are listed on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange that is part of the exchange group NASDAQ. MISSION AND KEY STRATEGIC STRENGTHS . The mission of Baltika Group is to inspire, encourage and empower through ...

  4. Oct 19, 2007 · Baltika AS is an Estonia-based company that specializes in the design, development, production and sales arrangement of the fashion brands of clothing. The Company operates under the brands of Monton, Mosaic, Baltman and Ivo Nikkolo.

  5. 8.wHySmMt4Ts0XYXTtuDLDOKyvIpyv8W3-GGu6hNPYLGk.qAzH-oU1CKdfURm4ynuxUpXcVLH2tSONRz_rtYz1FTy1Rdes5hosh1ELFw Advanced search

    • Ordinary shares
    • General management of environmental aspects
    • CGC Article 1.3.4.
    • CGC Article 2.2.7.
    • CGC Article 5.6.
    • Subsection §242 (4) of the Accounting Act
    • Management Board
    • Current assets
    • Total current assets Non-current assets
    • Current liabilities
    • Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities
    • EQUITY
    • Gross profit
    • Profit (-loss) before income tax
    • Total comprehensive income (-loss) for the period
    • Functional and presentation currency
    • Principles of consolidation, accounting for business combinations and subsidiaries
    • Recognition and initial measurement of financial assets
    • Classification and subsequent measurement
    • Amortised cost
    • Financial liabilities – classification, subsequent measurement and gains or losses
    • The classification of financial instruments as financial liabilities or equity instruments
    • Financial assets
    • Financial liabilities
    • Offsetting
    • Impairment of financial assets
    • Inventories
    • Property, plant and equipment
    • Intangible assets (excluding goodwill)
    • Software
    • Goodwill
    • Impairment of non-current assets
    • Group as a lessee
    • Payables to employees
    • Provisions and contingent liabilities
    • Share capital
    • Other reserves
    • Segment reporting
    • Revenue
    • Financing component
    • Earnings per share
    • Subsequent events
    • Measurement of fair values
    • Total assets
    • Adjustment of the starting point of operating cash flows Correction of subordinated debt As restated
    • Price risk
    • Credit risk
    • Cash and cash equivalents
    • Operational risk
    • Net gearing ratio
    • Accounting classifications and fair values
    • Measuring fair value

    Baltika Group (hereinafter referred to as the Group), whose parent company is AS Baltika (hereinafter referred to as the Parent Company), is engaged in international clothing trade. The Group develops and operates the fashion brand Ivo Nikkolo. The Group uses a business model that combines the creation of clothing collections, supply chain manageme...

    The mission of the Group is to create fashion that inspires, empowers and encourages women to live in their own style. The Group’s strategic strengths are: An ambitious and international team of professionals. A strong niche player who understands the needs of regional customers and acts accordingly. A lean organization that empowers employees, is ...

    The Parent Company’s s ordinary shares are listed on the NASDAQ Tallinn Stock Exchange and carry equal voting and dividend rights. In the text below (the key share data, share price and trading figures, shareholder structure), any reference to the Parent Company’s “share” or “shares” is a reference to ordinary shares unless indicated otherwise.

    The foundation of the Group's business operations is transparent behaviour. In its daily activities, the Group values social responsibility and environmental impact management. A more comprehensive coverage of the natural environment (production, supply, material and resource management) and social aspects (employees, human rights, transparent mana...

    The Group is dedicated to ensuring that the conduct of all the parts of the production and supply chain is ethical and responsible. To ensure this, the Group's expectations for its suppliers are described in the Supplier Manual. In establishing the principles, the Group has been guided by the International Code of Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), ...

    The Group pays attention to environmental impacts related to the fashion industry and production (e.g. use of resources, chemicals and waste) in supply chain management, in the head office and in the production units. In order to ensure transparency and traceability in the supply chain, the Supplier Manual has been developed to regulate cooperation...

    The Product Development Department collaborates with stores and retail teams, organizing regular store visits and exchanging daily digital feedback, which allows us to analyze and quickly respond to customer feedback and expectations. In addition, we are actively searching for increasingly sustainable materials and engaged in developing and creatin...

    Profit distribution shall be considered in General Meeting as a separate agenda item and a separate resolution shall be passed regarding it. As Baltika’s General Meeting was held without convening, the meeting resolved the profit distribution as a separate item on the agenda.

    Basic wages, performance pay, severance packages, other payable benefits and bonus schemes of a Management Board member as well as their essential features (incl. features based on comparison, incentives and risk) shall be published in clear and unambiguous form on website of the Issuer and in the Corporate Governance Recommendations Report. Inform...

    The issuer shall disclose the dates and places of meetings with analysts, and presentations and press conferences organized for analysts, investors or institutional investors on its website. The issuer shall enable shareholders to attend the above meetings and shall make the texts of the presentations available on its website. In accordance with th...

    A large undertaking whose securities granting voting rights have been admitted for trading on a regulated securities market of Estonia or another Contracting State shall describe in the corporate governance report the diversity policies carried out in the company’s Management Board and senior management and the results of the implementation thereof...

    AS Baltika is a public limited company, whose governing bodies are the shareholders’ General Meeting, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board.

    The Management Board is a governing body, which represents and manages AS Baltika in its daily activities in accordance with the law and the Articles of Association. The Management Board must act in the best economic interests of the company. The members of the Management Board elect a chairman from among themselves who organises the activities of ...

    According to the Securities Market Act §1353, a listed company is obligated to submit a remuneration report regarding the remuneration and principles of remuneration paid to members of the issuer's management board during the reporting year. In this Baltika AS remuneration report, information on the salaries and benefits paid to Baltika AS Manage...

    Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories

    Deferred income tax asset Trade and other receivables Other non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Right-of-use assets Intangible assets Total non-current assets

    Borrowings Lease liabilities Trade and other payables

    Borrowings Lease liabilities Trade and other payables Total non-current liabilities

    Share capital at par value Reserves Retained earnings

    Distribution costs Administrative and general expenses Other operating income (-expense)

    Income tax income (expense) Net profit (-loss) for the reporting period

    Earnings per share, calculated based on the net profit (-loss) for the reporting period, EUR Diluted earnings per share, calculated based on the net profit (-loss) for the reporting period, EUR Note

    Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (“the functional currency”) which is the local currency. The functional currency of the Parent company and subsidiaries located in Baltics is euro. All amounts are rounded to the...

    Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Group has control. The Group controls an entity when the Group is exposed, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. All subsidiaries have been consolidated in the Group’s financial statements. A ...

    Trade receivables are recognised at the time of their occurrence. All other financial assets and liabilities are recognised when the Group becomes a contractual party to the instrument. At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset or liability at its fair value plus or minus transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition...

    The Group subsequently measures financial assets at either amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income, or fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets are not reclassified after initial recognition, except in cases where the Group changes its business model for managing financial assets, in which case all affected financia...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

    Most of the Group's short- and long-term debt obligations are based on floating interest rates, which change according to market interest rates. According to the management's assessment, the Group's risk margins have not significantly changed compared to the time of borrowing, and the interest rates on the Group's debt obligations correspond to mar...

  6. Baltika Group ended the fourth quarter with a net loss of 890 thousand euros. The loss for the same period last year was 1,352 thousand euros. Despite the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, the quarter results have improved 462 thousand euros year over-year due to Baltika Group’s strong focus on fixed

  7. Apr 22, 2021 · The resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders were voted by 3 shareholders, whose shares represented 48 863 078 votes or 90.35 % of the total share capital.

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