Search results
Mechelen has 62 postcodes with 38 streets and Mechelen is divided into 7 districts and 29 neighbourhoods. Mechelen has a total surface area of 7 336 km 2 of which 18 km 2 consists of water and 7 318 km 2 of land. In Mechelen there are in 6 446 households with 14 508 inhabitants.
- 6281Bp
Postcode 6281BP in Mechelen. Searching for the streetname...
- Hilleshagerweg
There are 5 postcodes linked to the street Hilleshagerweg in...
- Eperweg
Postcode Eperweg in Mechelen. In search for the postcode of...
- 6281Bl
Postcode 6281BL in Mechelen. Searching for the streetname...
- 6281Na
Postcode 6281NA in Mechelen. Searching for the streetname...
- 6281Br
Postcode 6281BR in Mechelen. Searching for the streetname...
- Johannieterpad
There is one postcode linked to the street Johannieterpad in...
- 6281Nb
Postcode 6281NB in Mechelen. Searching for the streetname...
- 6281Bp
Find the correct Postal codes ( Zip code ) of Mechelen Belgium and View your current postal code on Map and lookup service.
Mechelen Postal Codes - Find the list of all zip codes or postal codes belongs to Mechelen area of Vlaanderen, Belgium.
Coordinates: 51°01′40″N 4°28′50″E. Mechelen (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmɛxələ (n)] ⓘ; French: Malines [malin]; historically known as Mechlin in English [n 1]) is a city and municipality in the province of Antwerp in the Flemish Region of Belgium.
Gemeente Mechelen heeft in totaal 6 unieke postcodes. Hieronder een overzicht van alle postcodes die in de gemeente Mechelen liggen. Klik op het betreffende postcodenummer om meer postcode en adresseninformatie te zien.
Mechelen heeft in totaal 1 unieke postcode. Hieronder een overzicht van alle postcodes die in Mechelen liggen. Klik op het betreffende postcodenummer om meer postcode en adresseninformatie te zien.
People also ask
How many digits are in a Mechelen Belgium postal code?
Where can I find information about Mechelen?
How many languages are there in Mechelen?
When was Mechelen settled?
Where do people work in Mechelen?
Is Mechelen a Muslim city?
The postal code of Mechelen is 2800.