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    • Put Him first. Exodus 20: 3-6. As with anyone we love, we need to spend time with Jesus. This will certainly look different for each one of us, but I know for myself that putting the Lord first means that I need to be diligent to not pick up my phone first thing in the morning to check email or Facebook.
    • Obey Him. John 14: 15, 1 John 5: 3. Actions speak louder than words, right? In looking up cool quotes for this concept, my favorite was “Talk doesn’t cook rice.” 🙂
    • Lay down my life and my rights. Galatians 2: 20; 1 John 3: 16; Luke 1: 38. In this culture of fighting for our rights, this idea is absolutely foreign to our flesh.
    • Imitate Him. Ephesians 5: 1. Remember when you were a little kid? Or, do you have children of your own? Little ones love to imitate parents. They look up to those who care for them.
    • Jesus Healed The Sick in Love
    • Jesus Raised The Dead in Love
    • Jesus Fed The Hungry in Love
    • Jesus Preached The Kingdom in Love
    • Jesus Cast Out Demons in Love
    • Jesus Interceded For His Disciples and The Church in Love
    • Jesus Gave His Life For The World in Love
    • Love in Action!

    “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14).

    During Jesus’ earthly ministry, there were no hospitals, clinics, or doctor’s offices. The threat of incurable illnesses due to infections, fevers, or food poisoning plagued both rich and poor. Jesus, the Great Physician, felt amazing love for those who were rendered helpless by disease; whereas, many of the religious leaders of the day considered the physically disabled as cursed by God. Jesus is still healing today except He isn’t limited by being in one place at one particular time. Throug...

    “Jesus wept…once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance” (John 11:35, 38).

    Thousands of people who were thought to be dead for a few short minutes have been resuscitated back to life through modern technology. In contrast, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after he was in the grave for 3 days! His love for Lazarus and his sisters was evident in His tears. Jesus is still raising the dead—by giving new life to every person who puts their trust in Him. His love awakens our deadness, our futility, and our ignorance. We come alive immediately in awareness of His love fo...

    “Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they...

    In one of the greatest miracles ever, Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish to feed five thousand people. These people weren’t mildly hungry—they’ve gone 3 days without food listening and taking in the precious words of Christ. He still feeding the world in love—through the teachings of the Word of God. Many of us were emaciated spiritually and anemic in our thinking until the truth of the Bible penetrated our hearts to fill our souls.

    “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things” (Mark 6:34).

    Although the disciples longed for Jesus to set up His kingdom to overcome the Romans—He had a much larger plan not just for the Jewish people, but for the world. Jesus’ love for the world compelled Him to preach the kingdom of God that was destined to grow in unimaginable numbers. Through the church, Jesus is still preaching the kingdom. In spite of the attacks from Satan, the world, and our flesh—the kingdom of God continues to advance in breaking down the gates of hell.

    “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick” (Matthew 8:16).

    Demon-possessed people in Jesus’ day and in this present age are often isolated. Most people don’t want the drama of dealing with evil spirits. The love of Jesus welcomed those tortured souls and gave them renewed life as well as freedom from spiritual bondages. As the body of Christ, believers are called to step up boldly in faith and declare liberty to the captives of Satan. Our love for the lost must overcome timidity because perfect love casts out all fear.

    “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you” (John 17:20-21).

    Jesus knew the sheep would be scattered after His death, but He prayed fervently in love that they would be protected, have joy, and love one another. Being in this sinful, fallen world and yet not being of this world makes believers vulnerable to being persecuted for their faith. Yet many choose poverty, suffering, and even physical death before they deny their Lord. Jesus is still interceding in love for those who belong to Him. He’s presently at the right hand of God praying for the church...

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    Nothing that is worshipped today can stand up to what Jesus did—stepping down from the throne of heaven to live among sinful men. He gave His life so that not one person would have to spend eternity without God. The love of God expands time and eternity because of the one sacrifice of Jesus. Who is man that He is mindful of him? We may never fully understand how much God lovesus through Jesus Christ, but we can receive His love forever.

    The love of Jesus is greater and deeper than man can fathom; yet we can understand our unworthiness and receive the grace that is given to those who believe. Jesus shows His love to you every day…do you see it?

  2. In John 14:15, Jesus emphasizes the importance of following His commandments as a way of expressing love. This powerful verse serves as a guide for believers in their relationship with God and their fellow human beings. In this verse, Jesus says, “ If you love me, keep my commandments.”

    • Attend Church regularly. Attending prayers, praying together builds a community. See a church as a family. A family that offers all emotions but is still one in the name of God.
    • Read His word daily and maintain a faithful, obedient and personal relationship with Jesus. Try not to stereotype Jesus into just a figure. Look at the parable in the bible shared by Jesus and try to see His emotions.
    • Pray regularly. Make praying a routine and pray like a conversation with Jesus. Open your heart and please Him by trying to listen to Him in silence.
    • Love people as you would want them to love you. Jesus said to love your enemies. So loving just about everybody is desirable of someone who wants to show their love to Jesus.
    • Think Much About Him. These who love Christ will be thinking of Him much. If someone loves a person or object much they will not readily let that person or object be out of their mind for long.
    • Speak Much About Him. Those who love Christ will speak much about Him. But there are many folk among whom there is not one word of Christ to be heard. I tell you, there is much talk about religion and religious matters but little talk of Christ.
    • Bring Others To Him. Those that have love to Christ will do what they can to bring others to Him. The spouse who seeks Christ finds Him and says, “I held him and would not let him go” (Song 3:4).
    • Fear to Offend Him. Those who have true love to Christ will be loath to offend Him. Thus, they will abhor all sin. They will love Christ’s “commandments above gold” and “hate every false way” (Psalm 119:127-128).
  3. Nov 30, 2014 · Jesus commands us to love one another even as He loved us. The crux of this command is to understand how Jesus loved us. Our text reveals five aspects of this love: 1. Jesus’ love was costly love (John 13:31-32).

  4. Nov 23, 2015 · Jesus says, “If you dont love me more than you love your parents, you are not worthy of me. If you don’t love me more than you love your children, you are not worthy of me.” What does it mean not to be worthy of him?

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