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  2. Always be sure they’ve taken something before you speak to them – and only if you feel it’s safe to do so. Once you're sure that they are indeed a shoplifter, call 999. How to spot a shoplifter, how to protect yourself or your business and what to do if you see one in action.

  3. Mar 17, 2024 · Before you can legally detain a shoplifter, you must see them conceal the merchandise, watch them the entire time to make sure they don't dump the merchandise and wait for them to exit the store with the merchandise still concealed on them or in their personal belongings.

  4. How to spot a shoplifter. Could you spot a shoplifter? They’re not always what you’d expect - specialising at blending in with shoppers. But you can often identify a shoplifter by their behaviour. Here are a few tell-tale signs to look out for. Theyre smart. Be smarter.

  5. How to confront a shoplifter? If you witness someone shoplifting, don’t be afraid to confront them! With the right knowledge and preparation, you can successfully stop a thief in their tracks.

    • Crime mapping. A critical strategy is defined as ‘defensive merchandising’. This means identifying your store’s “hotspots” where thefts are happening.
    • Anti-theft stock control. Veteran retailers have well-established psychological ploys to discourage “shrinkage”. Prominent stacks of low-value products, where shown to be accessible, will be regarded as not worth enough to shoplift – unwieldy 2 litre bottles of water, for example.
    • Footfall flow planning. How a store is laid out can be a deterrent to shoplifters. Maintain wide, well-lit, uncluttered aisles where possible, to make it extremely difficult for shoplifters to steal unnoticed.
    • Risk assessment. A recent Crime Survey by the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) reveals that 80% of shoplifters are repeat offenders. Compliance, then, with your store’s policy on how to deal with shoplifters must also take into account the persistent menace of these prolific offenders.
  6. Sep 14, 2018 · Anyone who is caught in the act of stealing goods of less than £200 can still be arrested and face prosecution but the act allows them to plead guilty by post. They only have to attend the...

  7. Sep 7, 2023 · Your policy on store security and detaining suspected shoplifters will have risks and rewards. Can you find a smarter way to reduce the risks?

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