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You'll need to create a student finance account if you're a new student or sign into an existing account if you're a returning student. It can take up to 6 weeks to process your application.
Ten steps of registration. Collecting your student card. Register as a student (new and returning) Follow our guidance below to register as a student at Manchester. Complete your registration when invited. Why can't I register? Collect your student card. Students’ Union membership. Confirmation of Registration Letters. Ten steps to registration.
You'll need to create a student finance account if you're a new student or sign into an existing account if you're a returning student. It can take up to 6 weeks to process your application.
Create an account. Things you may need: your National Insurance number - you can register without this, but we'll need it before we can pay you any loans. about 10 minutes.
- name and personal details. Check that your name is spelled correctly as this is how it will appear on all University documentation, including your degree certificate.
- address details. You must enter both your 'permanent home' and 'term-time' addresses during registration. Your term-time address is where you will live while you are studying.
- bursary options (UK undergraduates only) Bursaries are available for some UK undergraduate students, so you should see this option in your registration form.
- phone numbers. Please provide any mobile and landline numbers we can use to contact you.
How to register. Registration enables you to confirm your student and course details and your arrangements for paying your tuition fees. You also have the option to be included on the Electoral Register, to enable you to register to vote. For details on how to register as a student, see our Student Portal webpages.
Welcome. Online Registration is the process for confirming that you'll be studying at the University of Birmingham and that you agree to abide by the University's regulations. You'll need to complete Online Registration for each academic year that you study with us.