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  1. Jan 29, 2015 · SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names WHERE abbrev = current_setting('TIMEZONE') This gives me all Continent / Capital combinations for this timezone but not the exact timezone. For example I get: Europe/Amsterdam. Europe/Berlin. The server is in Berlin and I want to get the timezone name of the server.

  2. Jul 12, 2011 · To see the current time zone for a session, try either of the following statements. Technically we are calling the SHOW command to display a run-time parameter. SHOW timezone ;

  3. Jan 5, 2024 · PostgreSQL provides several functions related to timezone. You can retrieve the current time along with the timezone using: SELECT current_time; SELECT localtime; SELECT localtimestamp; If you need to display the current time in a specific timezone, use the AT TIME ZONE clause: SELECT current_time AT TIME ZONE 'PST';

  4. The PostgreSQL function CURRENT_TIME returns the current time and time zone offset of the machine on which PostgreSQL is running. It is given as a value in the hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn+/-tz format. In this format: hh is a 2-digit hour. mm is a 2-digit minute. ss is a 2-digit second.

  5. You’d like to get the current date and time with time zone information from a PostgreSQL database. Solution: We can use either CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or NOW() to get the current date and time with the time zone offset.

  6. Time zones allow us to convert local time to UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) or vice versa. Time with time zone is stored in PostgreSQL as a TIMESTAMPTZ(abbreviation of TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE) data type, which includes time and time zone offset.

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  8. Jan 30, 2023 · PostgreSQL provides built-in functions for getting the current DateTime with the time zone, such as NOW() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. The NOW() function doesn’t accept any argument; however, the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function can accept an optional argument named “precision”.

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