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  1. Apr 25, 2013 · The human heart's electromagnetic field is the most powerful rhythmic field produced by the human body. It envelopes every cell in that body, and extends out in all directions into the space surrounding it, as an important carrier of information. The recently discovered human heart's brain synchronization (or the so-called Cardiac Coherence ...

    • Types of Heart
    • Vain Desires
    • Dispute Without Authority
    • Remembrance of Allah
    • Steadfastness
    • Conclusion

    The first verse this article will discuss is from Al-Baqarahand it communicates about the different types of hearts: In this verse, Allah provides a parallel between hearts and stones. Some hearts easily turn to Allah (gushing forth), while others turn to Allah after being hard (split asunder), and some drop(heavy stone) out of fear of Allah. All t...

    Following the verse about the types of heart, this verse from Al-Jathiyah communicates to mankind a way that the heart becomes stays hard: In this verse, Allah says that he is the one who seals the heart making it not receptive to the truth. He specifically speaks about vain desires, ones that do benefit the believer in any way and only to satisfy ...

    The third verse covers another way the heart is sealed in which Allah talks about in Al-Ghafir: In this verse, Allah talks about people who argue about the topic of Islam without actually having any knowledge about it. Unfortunately, many non-muslims do not have real knowledge about the Quran and the sunnah, and they state horrible remarks about Is...

    The fourth verse covers the topic of purifying the heart so one can be more receptive and have an inclination to do good. Here is what Allah says in Ar-Ra’d: Allah is saying first and foremost one should have a true belief in the oneness of God. They should then remember him as much as they can as it provides relief for the heart. Imagine holding y...

    As said in the introduction the heart is always fluctuating which is not entirely a negative thing as long as one keeps returning to Allah. There is a beautiful dua from Al-Imran in which Allah communicates a dua that people of knowledge say: In this dua, the believers ask Allah to keep their hearts steadfast with what is right and to not deviate t...

    The science of the heart goes much deeper than what was read here! The main point is that believers need to do their best to avoid anything that will pollute the heart and push to remember Allah. Humans all have desires, so work on one of them at a time. Try to gain more knowledge and wisdom to help the self and others without becoming prideful. Re...

    • The Dead Heart. خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَعَلَىٰ سَمْعِهِمْ ۖ وَعَلَىٰ أَبْصَارِهِمْ غِشَاوَةٌ ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil.
    • The Sick Heart. In this stage the heart is not yet dead, but is affected with disease. A heart could have varying intensities of sickness, from mild to severe.
    • The Healthy Heart. This is the heart which is pure. It is free of any kind of disease. It loves its Lord and loves obeying Him. It finds doing good deeds easy and is horrified and disgusted with disobedience.
  2. Nov 14, 2011 · The heart is the abode of faith Quran 5:41 and hypocrisy. Quran 9:77 It is the heart, which is the centre of all that is good and bad, whether it be contentment and peace Quran 13:28 , the strength to face afflictions Quran 64:11 , mercy Quran 57:27 , brotherly love Quran 8:63 , God-Consciousness Quran 49:3; 22:32 ; or, doubt and hesitation Quran 9:45 , regrets Quran 3:156 , and anger Quran 9:15 .

  3. Feb 19, 2019 · 1) The heart which gushes forth with mercy and compassion. 2) The heart which is hard but has some mercy and compassion . 3) The heart which falls into submission and prostration from the fear and reverence that it has for Allah the Almighty . 4) Lastly, the Hard Heart which is devoid of all mercy and compassion.

  4. › blog › quran-sunnah-about-the-heartQuran Academy

    Jul 27, 2017 · The Heart as a Thinking Organ. The heart is not just an emotional organ. In the Quran, it is described as having the capacity to think. “And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear.

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  6. Part 3: The Quranic View of the Heart. Perhaps there is no need to explain that what is termed in literature and gnosis ('irfan) as "the heart" is not the organ which lies in the left side of the body and which, like a pump, sends blood flowing through the various arteries and veins: "Certainly in this is a sure reminder for whoever has a heart."

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