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  1. Phone support is available for account management and password reset help, Mon-Fri: 8am-12am ET; Sat: 8am-10pm ET. For additional hours of operation for different services visit our support...

    • Account Management

      Account Management - Contact AOL customer support - AOL Help

    • Contact Us

      Contact Us - Contact AOL customer support - AOL Help

    • Overview
    • Calling Support
    • Contacting Online

    AOL is a company that offers many web-based services, like Instant Messaging, media alerts, and email services. Contacting a company as large as AOL can be frustrating, especially if you are having problems with your online account and need help right away. To contact AOL, use social media to send them a message, call their customer support line at...

    Call customer support to sign up or reset your password.

    For general account support or to reset your password, call the customer support line. They are open Monday - Friday from 8 am to 12 am (EST) and Saturdays from 8 am to 10 pm (EST).

    The customer support line number is 1-800-827-6364.

    If you have an account at AOL that you pay for, you can call this number 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    Use AOL’s TTY services if you are deaf or hard of hearing.

    If you need to call AOL and you have a Text Telephone, you can call a separate number to speak with a representative through your TTY device. You must have TTY enabled equipment to call this number.

    Email customer care for general support.

    If you have questions about your account or need to address something that is not time-sensitive, send AOL customer support an email. They will reply to you within 24 to 72 hours.

    Send an email to for help.

    Chat with AOL support if you are a paid member.

    Paid AOL members get access to a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week chat support line. You can chat with them through your AOL account after you log in or by going to

    AOL Live Support also comes with security products to download on your computer.

    • 57.2K
  2. Step 6: Call AOL Customer Support. For those who prefer phone support, dial +1-800-827-6364 to speak with an AOL expert. Keep in mind that wait times may vary, so be prepared to exercise some patience. Step 7: Submit a Request Through the AOL Help Page

  3. Get 24x7 live tech support for your AOL account, security software or any device you own. You can also browse the AOL Help site for answers to common issues or bundle security products for more protection.

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