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      • Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai oversaw Chinese foreign policy during the country's first quarter century of Communist rule—initially establishing a close alliance with the Soviet Union, then turning bitterly against the USSR at the end of the 1950s, and finally pursuing a rapprochement with the United States in the early 1970s—but it was Deng who made the momentous decision in the late 1970s to integrate China into the global economic order that had been largely shaped by the United States from the...
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  2. Sep 28, 2010 · These changes in China’s international policies had a significant and long-lasting impact on the global Cold War. After Mao’s death, Deng Xiaoping emerged as China’s paramount leader. In order to modernize China, Deng initiated the “reform and opening” policies in the late 1970s.

    • Chen Jian
    • 2010
  3. Dec 1, 2017 · Editor's Note: Deng Xiaoping had a crucial impact on China's role in the world in the latter half of the twentieth century. Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai oversaw Chinese foreign policy during the country's first quarter century of Communist rule—initially establishing a close alliance with the Soviet Union, then turning bitterly against the USSR ...

    • Joseph Fewsmith, Frederick C. Teiwes, Sergey Radchenko, Alexander V. Pantsov
    • 2017
    • Overview
    • Early life and career until the Cultural Revolution
    • Rise to preeminence
    • Legacy

    Deng Xiaoping was the most powerful figure in the People’s Republic of China from the late 1970s until his death in 1997. Although he eschewed the most conspicuous leadership posts in the Chinese Communist Party and China’s government, he wielded considerable influence over both.

    What was Deng Xiaoping best known for?

    As the most powerful figure in the People’s Republic of China from the late 1970s to the late 1990s, Deng Xiaoping spearheaded changes in China that led to a rapidly growing economy, rising standards of living, and growing ties to the world economy, and also considerably expanded personal and cultural freedoms.

    How did Deng Xiaoping influence others?

    Deng Xiaoping engineered important reforms in almost all aspects of China’s political, economic, and social life. Most notable among his reforms were China’s one-child policy, the institution of decentralized economic management and rational and flexible long-term planning, the strengthening of China’s trade and cultural ties with the West, and allowing foreign investment in Chinese enterprises.

    What did Deng Xiaoping die from? 

    Deng was the son of a landowner and studied in France (1920–24), where he became active in the communist movement, and in the Soviet Union (1925–26). He then returned to China and later became a leading political and military organizer in the Jiangxi Soviet, an autonomous communist enclave in southwestern China that had been established in 1931 by Mao Zedong. Following the ouster of the communists by Nationalist forces under Chiang Kai-shek in 1934, Deng participated in the arduous Long March (1934–35) of the Chinese communists to a new base in Shaanxi province, northwestern China. From 1937 to 1945 he served as the commissar (political officer) of a division of the communists’ Eighth Route Army, at which time he was appointed a secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Deng also acted as chief commissar of the communists’ Second Field Army during the Chinese Civil War (1947–49). After the communist takeover of China in 1949, he became the regional party leader of southwestern China. In 1952 he was summoned to Beijing and became a vice-premier. Rising rapidly, he became general secretary of the CCP in 1954 and a member of the ruling Political Bureau in 1955.

    From the mid-1950s Deng was a major policy maker in both foreign and domestic affairs. He became closely allied with pragmatist leaders such as Liu Shaoqi, who stressed the use of material incentives and the formation of skilled technical and managerial elites in China’s quest for economic development. Deng thus came into increasing conflict with Mao, who stressed egalitarian policies and revolutionary enthusiasm as the key to economic growth, in opposition to Deng’s emphasis on individual self-interest.

    By July 1977 Deng had returned to his high posts. He soon embarked on a struggle with Hua for control of the party and government. Deng’s superior political skills and broad base of support soon led Hua to surrender the premiership and the chairmanship to protégés of Deng in 1980–81. Zhao Ziyang became premier of the government, and Hu Yaobang became general secretary of the CCP; both men looked to Deng for guidance.

    From that point on, Deng proceeded to carry out his own policies for the economic development of China. Operating through consensus, compromise, and persuasion, Deng engineered important reforms in virtually all aspects of China’s political, economic, and social life. His most important social reform was the institution of the world’s most rigorous family-planning program—the one-child policy—in order to control China’s burgeoning population. He instituted decentralized economic management and rational and flexible long-term planning to achieve efficient and controlled economic growth. China’s peasant farmers were given individual control over and responsibility for their production and profits, a policy that resulted in greatly increased agricultural production within a few years of its initiation in 1981. Deng stressed individual responsibility in the making of economic decisions, material incentives as the reward for industry and initiative, and the formation of cadres of skilled, well-educated technicians and managers to spearhead China’s development. He freed many industrial enterprises from the control and supervision of the central government and gave factory managers the authority to determine production levels and to pursue profits for their enterprises. In foreign affairs, Deng strengthened China’s trade and cultural ties with the West and opened up Chinese enterprises to foreign investment.

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    Deng eschewed the most conspicuous leadership posts in the party and government. But he was a member of the powerful Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, and he retained control of the armed forces by virtue of his being chairman of the CCP’s Central Military Commission. He was also a vice-chairman of the CCP. Owing both to his posts and to the weight and authority of his voice within the party, he remained China’s chief policy maker throughout the 1980s. In 1987 Deng stepped down from the CCP’s Central Committee, thereby relinquishing his seat on the Political Bureau and its dominant Standing Committee. By so doing he compelled similar retirements by many aged party leaders who had remained opposed or resistant to his reforms.

    Deng faced a critical test of his leadership in April–June 1989. Zhao had replaced the too-liberal Hu as general secretary of the CCP in 1987. Hu’s death in April 1989 sparked a series of student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in Beijing demanding greater political freedom and a more democratic government. After some hesitation, Deng supported those in the CCP leadership who favoured the use of force to suppress the protesters, and in June the army crushed the demonstrations in the Tiananmen Square Incident with considerable loss of life. Zhao was replaced as party leader by the more authoritarian Jiang Zemin, to whom Deng yielded his chairmanship of the Military Commission in 1989. By then Deng lacked any formal post in the communist leadership, but he still retained ultimate authority in the party. Although his direct involvement in government declined in the 1990s, he retained his influence until his death in 1997 from complications of Parkinson disease and a lung infection. Per Deng’s wishes, some of his organs were donated, his body was cremated, and his ashes were scattered at sea.

    Deng restored China to domestic stability and economic growth after the disastrous excesses of the Cultural Revolution. Under his leadership, China acquired a rapidly growing economy, rising standards of living, considerably expanded personal and cultural freedoms, and growing ties to the world economy. Deng also left in place a mildly authoritaria...

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. The end of the Cold War and dissolution of the Soviet Union removed the original motives underlying rapprochement between China and the United States. [79] Deng was motivated by concerns that the United States might curtail support for China's modernization, and adopted a low-profile foreign policy to live with the fact of United States ...

  5. Cold War Negotiating the Return of Civilians: Chinese Perception, Tactics and Objectives at the First Fourteen Meetings of the Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks By Yafeng Xia

  6. The collapse of Communism and the sudden end of the Cold War has challenged the social sciences to explain how just such imperceptible, historical processes can culminate in dramatic instant change.

  7. Jul 9, 2021 · Deng Xiaoping could lay claim to being the most significant political leader of the latter part of the 20th century, and one whose legacy continues to expand. His record is remarkable.

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