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    • Set Your Alarm To A Song That Makes You Happy. There’s nothing that jolts me up in the morning feeling frazzled like the annoying dings of an iPhone alarm.
    • Make Your Bed. This isn’t a new one, but it really is the easiest way to check something off of your to-do list before you even start the day! If our bed is unmade, it makes the room feel so messy and cluttered.
    • Don’t Check Your Texts/Emails/Instagram When You First Wake Up. This one is pretty tricky, especially if you’re using your iPhone for your morning alarm, but waiting even 30 minutes after I’ve woken up to check my phone allows me to start my day focusing on MY tasks and goals before cluttering my mind with what everyone else is up to.
    • Do Something You Enjoy Before Diving Into Work. Working from home, it’s easy to roll out of bed and immediately go into work mode. Taking 30 minutes in the morning to do something I enjoy makes a huge difference in my mindset and productivity for the day!
    • Do 15 Minutes of stretches.
    • Stay Away from Electronics.
    • Make A Plan For The Day.
    • Listen to Upbeat Music Or Read An Inspirational Book.
    • Eat A Healthy Breakfast.
    • Do Something That Makes You Happy.
    • Drink Some Water.
    • Get Ready, Even If You’Re Just Sitting at Home.
    • Wake Up at The Same time.
    • Tackle Your Hardest To-Do first.

    Right when you wake up, stretch or do some yoga for 15 minutes. This will naturally stimulate your body; it’s like an espresso shot right to your brain. And unlike coffee, this natural energy boost could last you all day.

    When you start your day by checking your email or social media, you’re immediately putting yourself into a state of stress. Instead of doing this, try reading a book or doing something creative.

    If you didn’t write out a to-do list the night before, do it in the morning. This gives you a game plan and purpose for your day. It also helps you stay focused and productive, ensuring that you get more done.

    Start your day by listening to positive music or reading a motivational book. This sets you up to have a better day because you’ll have a positive mindset and a good attitude.

    I know you’ve heard this before, but breakfast is very important. Ever since I started eating a healthy breakfast every morning, I’ve found that I have more energy, I’m more productive, and I can focus better. Some people just can’t seem to stomach food first thing in the morning, though. If that’s you, at least keep a quick (and healthy) snack wit...

    Give yourself a little treat or do something that makes you happy. This will be different for everyone. Maybe you want to go get a coffee from your favorite coffee shop, maybe you want to write in your journal, maybe you want to do a workout. Just be sure to give yourself a little “me-time” and do something that you enjoy.

    After you’ve been sleeping for 8 hours, you usually wake up feeling dehydrated. So drink a large glass of water in the morning to re-hydrate yourself and help yourself feel more awake and energized. Putting lemon in the water is an added bonus. Lemon helps boost your immune system, aids in your digestion, makes you feel energized, and more.

    Unless you want to have a lazy day (which is okay sometimes!) take the time to get ready for your day. Even if you’re not doing anything, getting dressed and ready will help you feel more “put together” which can make you feel more energized and lead to a way more productive and enjoyable day.

    I know you may want to sleep in sometimes, but you should really try to wake up at the same time every day. This helps put your body on a schedule, which will make waking up easier and easier for you. If you stick to this schedule, you might even eventually be able to wake up without an alarm.

    When you’re ready to start working, tackle your hardest to-do list task first. This helps you have a better day because you know you’ve accomplished at least one big thing. Doing this can also help you be more productive because it might motivate you to tackle the rest of your to-do list as well.

    • Rest up: I know you don't want to hear this again, but it's true, and worth repeating. A great morning starts with a good night's sleep the night before.
    • Commit to waking up: If you're unable to wake up on time every single morning (and you are older than 19), then you are sleep-deprived or working against your chronotype.
    • Keep it quiet: Leave the TV off, the talk radio silent, anything loud and aggravating blocked out, for now. This is called "keeping the world out" and it's a popular tactic by those who want to take control of their day and not have the day take them over before they've had a chance to get their footing.
    • Drink water: Your body has been resting and processing the previous day all night long. Beginning your day with a large glass of filtered water (I add the juice of a half an organic lemon to mine for flavor, a shot of vitamin C, and an extra liver-cleansing boost) gives your body a chance to clear whatever might be hanging out in your kidneys from the day before, rehydrates you and gets your digestion going.
    • Set your alarm for success. Shaking off that lingering morning grogginess, or sleep inertia, may be as simple as updating your old-fashioned buzzer alarm to a more melodic tone.
    • Let the light in. Natural light is a major player in your morning routine, whether you realize it or not. Sunlight helps “wind up” your internal clock, so to speak.
    • Wash your face. Splashing some cool or lukewarm water on your face can refresh tired eyes and make for an invigorating wake-up call. It may not be strictly necessary to give your face a full wash in the morning, especially if you do a multi-step skin care routine at night or have very dry or sensitive skin.
    • Eat a nutritious breakfast. Starting your day with a balanced, protein-packed breakfast doesn’t just fill your empty stomach. It also energizes you and provides fuel for the day ahead.
    • Ditch the tech: Nothing starts your day in a more harried, stressful state of mind than going directly from your pillow to your smart phone. Give yourself a chance to breath first before you start obsessing over those emails that came in last night.
    • Don't make decisions: Give yourself a mental break and allow yourself to make as few decisions as possible . Pick out your outfit the night before. Know what you're going to eat for breakfast before you go to bed.
    • Wake up to the smell of coffee: Even the most basic coffee maker has a timer setting, so use it! The smell of coffee wafting through your bedroom might just be enough to offset the alarm-inducing angst.
    • Take 5: Taking just 5 minutes to sit and enjoy your cup of coffee rather than throwing it in a travel mug and rushing out the door will make for a much more civilized start to your day.
  2. Nov 8, 2022 · A morning routine boosts happiness, increases productivity, reduces stress levels, and gets you grounded and settled for the day. It’s about getting started on the “right foot.”. A morning routine also allows you to start your morning with intention rather than letting the day run away from you.

  3. Eat breakfast (or don’t) Drink water. Get some exercise. Rewire your brain. Eliminate or reduce distractions. Set your priorities. Complete difficult work first. Indulge in a creative pursuit. Make time for a hobby. How does a morning routine lead to success?

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