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- In the majority of cases you should access the user's claims through the ClaimsPrincipal.Claims collection rather than through the Claims collection. You will need to access the claims of an individual ClaimsIdentity only in the cases where the principal contains more than one ClaimsIdentity and you need to evaluate or modify a specific identity.
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Do I need to access the claims of an individual claimsidentity?
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How do I access claimsidentity objects?
Jan 28, 2014 · As you can see I'm creating a ClaimsIdentity and adding several claims to it, then passing it to OWIN using the AuthenticationManager to perform the sign in. The problem I am having is that I'm not sure how to access the claims in the rest of my application, either in Controllers or in Razor Views. I had tried the approach listed in this tutorial
- Definition
- Remarks
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Namespace: System.Security.Claims
Assemblies: mscorlib.dll, System.Security.Claims.dll
Assembly: System.Security.Claims.dll
Assembly: mscorlib.dll
Assembly: netstandard.dll
Represents a claims-based identity. type ClaimsIdentity = class interface IIdentity [ ] [ ] type ClaimsIdentity = class interface IIdentity Inheritance
The ClaimsIdentity class is a concrete implementation of a claims-based identity; that is, an identity described by a collection of claims. A claim is a statement about an entity made by an issuer that describes a property, right, or some other quality of that entity. Such an entity is said to be the subject of the claim. A claim is represented by the Claim class. The claims contained in a ClaimsIdentity describe the entity that the corresponding identity represents, and can be used to make authorization and authentication decisions. A claims-based access model has many advantages over more traditional access models that rely exclusively on roles. For example, claims can provide much richer information about the identity they represent and can be evaluated for authorization or authentication in a far more specific manner.
Beginning with .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) and claims-based identity have been fully integrated into the .NET Framework. This means that many classes that represent an identity in the .NET Framework now derive from ClaimsIdentity and describe their properties through a collection of claims. This is different from previous versions of the .NET Framework, in which, these classes implemented the IIdentity interface directly. The collection of claims that describe the identity can be accessed through the Claims property. The ClaimsIdentity class provides several methods for finding and modifying claims and fully supports language integrated queries (LINQ). In application code, ClaimsIdentity objects are typically accessed through ClaimsPrincipal objects; for example, the principal returned by Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
To add or remove claims from the Claims collection, a caller must have full trust.
In the claims-based model, the IIdentity.Name property and the IPrincipal.IsInRole(String) method are implemented by evaluating the claims contained by an identity. The base implementations in the claims-based model are provided by the ClaimsIdentity.Name property and the ClaimsPrincipal.IsInRole method. The NameClaimType and RoleClaimType properties enable you to specify a claim type that should be used to evaluate the claims contained by the identity when performing these operations.
Delegation scenarios are supported through the Actor and BootstrapContext properties.
- Gets the authentication type.
Jun 11, 2018 · You aren't adding any claims to your identity, and you're returning multiple identities as a bonus. Authentication handlers are responsible for creating a full identity, rather than appending a single claim and its unclear which you want here.
You will need to access the claims of an individual ClaimsIdentity only in the cases where the principal contains more than one ClaimsIdentity and you need to evaluate or modify a specific identity. Applies to
Aug 16, 2024 · A claim is a name value pair that represents what the subject is, not what the subject can do. This article covers the following areas: How to configure and map claims using an OpenID Connect client. Set the name and role claim. Reset the claims namespaces. Customize, extend the claims using TransformAsync.
Nov 1, 2019 · When you need to integrate authorization with procedural code, you're going to need your application's ClaimsPrincipal object so that you can check the user's authorization claims. Here's both how to get to the ClaimsPrincipal and how to extend it with custom claims.
Aug 13, 2021 · When you’re coding, ClaimsIdentity usually works as a team with ClaimsPrincipal. ClaimsPrincipal wraps an instance of ClaimsIdentity and provides helpful methods like IsInRole () to help decide if a user is authorized to perform particular actions.