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      • You must also obtain permission from the relevant music publisher in the territory where you are exploiting the recording. It is a mandatory condition when licensing a track from us that you must also obtain permission from the music publisher that controls the composition – without that approval you cannot use the recording.
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  2. This means that the permission of the copyright owner(s) is required before their music is performed in public. As part of their exclusive rights to control certain specific uses made of their...

    • 101KB
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    • What Is Copyright?
    • Who Is The Owner of Copyright?
    • What Works Can Acquire Copyright?
    • Qualification Requirements For Copyright
    • When Does A Work Acquire Copyright?
    • How Long Does Copyright Last?

    Copyright is the right to prevent copying so the owner of copyright can prevent others copying their work without their permission. In the UK, the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, as amended, (“the Act”), gives creators further important rights over their creations, including five primary infringements of copying, which are: 1. Issuing copie...

    The author of the work – that is the person who created the work – is the first owner of copyright in it. So, as regards to the music (a musical work), the composer would be first owner of copyright, and as regards to lyrics (a literary work), the writer would be the first owner. If you are recording music then please take extra care as the owner o...

    Copyright can subsist in: 1. Original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. 2. Sound recordings, films and broadcasts. 3. The typographical arrangement of published editions. Copyright can also exist in an arrangement or orchestration of a musical work, quite separately from the copyright in the original musical work. If ‘A’ writes an ori...

    Qualification for copyright protection under the Act is by reference to the author or to the country of first publication. The provisions are rather complex and you should always take expert advice. Essentially, to gain copyright protection under the Act, either the author of the work must be a British citizen, British national, British subject, et...

    In the UK copyright in a work comes into existence when the work is created, unlike some countries such as the USA where copyright requires registration to gain full protection. However, since there is no copyright in an idea, the Act spells out that musical works, literary works and dramatic works only come into existence as works capable of copyr...

    Literary works (lyrics): the life of the author plus 70 years
    Musical works (music): the life of the composer plus 70 years. But as regards works of joint authorship or co-authorship the life of the last surviving author or composer plus 70 years
    Sound recordings: 70 years from the end of the calendar year of release if first released after 1963
    Broadcasts: 50 years from the end of the calendar year of broadcast
    • The performance right. Many musicians believe they have the right to perform any song, in any place, at any time. The right to perform songs actually belongs to the individual song owners, and not to performers.
    • The right to make changes to others' songs. Making clever changes to the lyrics or melody of a song may seem like a great way to make your mark and demonstrate your artistic prowess, but many musicians don't realize that they actually need permission from song owners before changing inherent parts of the song.
    • Fair use. Contrary to popular belief, there are no hard and fast rules about what is fair use and what is not, making fair use one of the most commonly misunderstood parts of copyright law.
  3. Aug 23, 2024 · In general, if you want to use someone else’s music in any form—whether it’s a background track for a video, a re mix, or a sample in a new songyou likely need to obtain permission. Here are a few scenarios where you would need copyright permission:

  4. You do not need permission from the copyright holder to actually make a recording. You do need permission to distribute the recording (e.g. to make a CD or post online), You get this permission by buying a distribution licence from PRS for Music (see distribution below).

  5. Oct 16, 2019 · As with other intellectual property rights, performers can assign or license their rights to third parties. This means that, with permission, people other than the performer may:

  6. What Rights Do I Receive? We only offer the recording rights – the publishing rights cannot be obtained from or granted by us. You must also obtain permission from the relevant music publisher in the territory where you are exploiting the recording.

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