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Does not accredit
- The Florida Department of Education does not accredit, regulate, approve, or license K-12 private schools. Additionally, the Florida Department of Education does not officially recognize any of the various agencies that accredit private schools.
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Does Florida accredit private schools?
Are private schools licensed or regulated in Florida?
Are private schools licensed or regulated?
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Can a private school be accredited?
What is a private school in Florida?
The Florida Department of Education does not accredit, regulate, approve, or license K-12 private schools. Additionally, the Florida Department of Education does not officially recognize any of the various agencies that accredit private schools.
- K-12 Private Schools
Private elementary and secondary schools in Florida are not...
- Choosing a Private School
Private elementary and secondary schools are not licensed,...
- K-12 Private Schools
Private elementary and secondary schools in Florida are not licensed, approved, accredited, or regulated by the Florida Department of Education. Private schools are required by statute to complete an annual online survey to gather information for inclusion in a statewide Directory of Private Schools.
- Locating Schools
- Accreditation
- Financial Policies and Practices
- Governance
- You and Your Child
Parents choosing the best private school for their child typically locate all possible candidate schools in relation to the home address. The Florida Private School Directorywill help you find schools in various locations. The School's PhilosophyEach private school has a stated purpose and philosophy unique to that school. Some place an emphasis on...
There is no state law requiring private schools to be accredited. However, some private schools do choose to become accredited, and there are many independent accrediting organizations for private schools to select from. Postsecondary training programs, colleges and prospective employers may require that the applicant's high school diploma and tran...
Private schools all have specific policies and practices governing financial matters. Please understand that any contract or tuition payment agreement a parent signs is a matter of contract and business law, not education. Parents are encouraged to ask the following questions: 1. What is the history and financial stability of the school? 2. What ar...
Private schools are governed in a variety of ways. Some by a school board elected by the parents, some by specific churches or religious bodies, some by boards or trustees and some are proprietary schools. Parents are encouraged to ask the following questions: 1. What form of governance is used in the school? 2. What are the expectations for studen...
Generally, the right school for you will be the school that most closely reflects the values and routines you have established at home; the one that is most comfortable for you and your child. Your child benefits from being involved with you in the process of finding that right school. By collecting information, talking to other parents, visiting s...
FCIS accreditation is a cornerstone of your school’s reputation for educational excellence. It serves as a critical admissions marketing tool, effectively communicating the meaning, quality, and value of an independent, FCIS-accredited education to your current and prospective parents.
Private elementary and secondary schools in Florida are not licensed, approved, accredited, or regulated by the Florida Department of Education (department). Private schools are required by statute to complete an online annual survey to provide information for inclusion in a statewide Directory of Private Schools.
AISF is recognized by the Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic Schools as an accrediting agency for private schools in Florida. AISF is a charter member of the National Council for Private School Accreditation.
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